
Pasts and acceptance

Carson looks at Jess, and a small grin quirks the corner of his mouth. He knew she was trying hard, and in this moment, he could relate. Both of them were having a hard time figuring out how to act, and both of them knew the other was feeling the same.

"Yeah. I can to the extra whipped cream." Giving a little nod, he clears off the table and heads to the kitchen.

Once alone, he sighs deeply, moving about to make the milkshake. Was this right? Yes, he knew it was. He cared a lot for Jess... and as much as he wanted to feel more for her, it just wasn't going to happen. The only thing he could hope for was a good friendship... He didn't want losing that to be a result of tonight. He knew it was a possibility, but he did still want to see her if she wanted to, too.

The rest of the evening goes by a bit awkwardly, but they make it through. Carson does his best to not make a huge deal out of anything, and when it's finally time for Jess to leave, he offers a hug and a kiss to the top of her head, promising he'd see her soon.

Locking up for the night, Carson trudges back to his little room. The smile had faded. For once again... he felt alone. Though it was best, his loneliness knew no cure. But perhaps this was his fate. Perhaps it was a simple case of poetic justice for his past misdeeds.

Grabbing his jacket, he decides to get some fresh air. In the back of his mind, he knows what he really wants... he knows the close call he'd had earlier that day... which route would he take tonight?

Outside into the crisp evening air, he heads down the sidewalk, with no real destination, but the inner battle was raging inside of him. Since he'd come here, this was fiercest the temptation had been, and it was driving him up a wall. He just wanted to sit... relax... find a different atmosphere. He just wanted...

"You're out late tonight."

Carson spins around, his hands up, ready to defend himself. Caught completely off guard by the other person who had come up a side street, he blinks and squints for a moment ."Axel? What on earth are you doing here?"

"Taking a walk, what else? What about you?"

Carson shrugs lamely. "Just thinking."

Axel cocks his head, studying his friend's eyes. "How'd she take it?"

"Oh... could have been better... could have been worse." Carson shakes his head, not really wanting to talk about it. Instead, he looks at Axel with curiosity. It was strange he was out at this time too. He did appear to have some odd habits. "So you walk for fun or what? There's a lot of other stuff to keep a guy occupied around here."

Axel almost grins. "Nah. A walk alone is better."

"Then I won't keep you."

Axel stops Carson from walking away. "Carson... where you headed?"

Carson turns back around, guilt showing in his eyes.

Axel doesn't have to ask again. "You know... I heard that all-night cafe at the other end of town has good coffee."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "Across town? You kidding me?"

"Nope." Axel gives his arm a light whack. "Come on. Race you."

Carson's eyes widen slightly as Axel takes off in a sprint. Competition was one thing he couldn't turn down, especially when it came to running. "Hey!" Taking off, he runs to catch up, and soon both are jogging down the dark sidewalk, energy being spent on the exercise rather than talking or making regrettable decisions.

Jason find himself able to give Katie a small smile, leaning his head into her hand for a moment.

I'm glad we found each other. I don't know how we did... and I know I'm a jerk sometimes... but you being here sure has made things bearable.

Giving a little sigh, he finally lets go of Katie, switching gears. "Brown said it would be a closed session with the judge, so we can't be there anyway. They have the evidence they need, and... he'll let us know what happens."

His phone rings again and he rolls his eyes.

I tell you... people's timing is perfect tonight.

Flipping open his phone, he sees that it's Mike, so he answers. "Yeah?" He glances at his watch. "I thought it was at eight. Oh... oops. Yeah, I'll be right over. Thanks."

Jason grimaces as he puts his phone away. "Okay, so, I didn't check all my messages, and now I'm a half hour late for practice." He throws Katie a sheepish grin. "We better go or else we'll have to pay for it."

Though he really wasn't in the mood to be with the band tonight, he knew they needed the practice, and maybe it would be a good distraction. He doesn't have to ask if Katie will come...he knew she would...

"...Suspended?!" Phil lets out a low whistle. "You trouble makers, you."

Jason smirks as he sits on the stool with his guitar. Mike's basement was full with JetStream, including Jen and Katie, then Rocky was there on top of it, just to hang out. "Yeah, well, it's a vacation, right?"

Kyle rolls his eyes. "What happened?"

Jason shakes his head. "Long story. It's complicated."

"Yeah, I know, you're sworn to secrecy, right?"

"Actually no, but I don't want to bore you with details."

"Oh, I wouldn't be bored." Kyle leans forward over his keyboard, looking at Katie and Jason expectantly. "I love a good juicy story about you two getting into trouble."

Mike fakes throwing a drumstick at Kyle. "Would you shut up and play?"

Kyle grins and turns his attention back to the song they'd royally messed up on just minutes prior. "Yeah, sure, if Jase would get his act together."

"Me?!" Jason's eyes widen. "It was you that missed a whole measure!"

"You were on the wrong key halfway through!"

"Phil started it!"

Mike starts to laugh and shakes his head, looking at Katie. "See what I deal with?"

Jen's voice loudly interrupts. "No homemade cookies for anyone who bickers!"

Suddenly the banter ceases and Kyle gives his sister the most innocent, angelic look. "Us? Bicker? Never!" He starts playing a few chords, though the silly grin remains on his face.

Half an hour later, they're breaking again, enjoying a batch of Jen's cookies. "So what do you got planned this weekend?" Mike asks no one in particular. Not receiving much of a response, he looks to Kyle. "You got that visit to the caves with Misty, right?"

Kyle seems lost for a moment, then blinks and nods. "Um, yeah, yeah. Monday, actually."

Rocky grins. "Oooh, you two got a date to the caves. You know if you don't come back they send search parties. So I wouldn't spend too much time smooching in there."

Jen's eyes widen. "Rocky!"

He laughs. "What?"

Kyle gives a half-hearted laugh. "Yeah, yeah."

Phil quirks an eyebrow at his brother. "I thought you wanted to go."

"Oh, I do. I mean, yes. What's not to like?"

"I don't know. You just seemed like you didn't want to go there for a minute."

Kyle's eyes focus on his keyboard and he rearranges some music. "No... It's great. Should be fun."

The quietness is confusing to anyone who knew Kyle, and Phil exchanges a look with Jen, then Mike, then Katie. "Maybe he's planning to propose," he whispers hoarsly, intending it to bring humor back.

It backfires though as Kyle shoots him a glare. "Phil, cut it out," he growls.

"Sorry, I just..."

"Well stop!" Kyle moves around from his keyboard, heading in the direction of the bathroom. "I got trouble with my contact. I'll be right back."

Jason looks at Phil and Mike for a moment, then polishes off his cookie.

Wonder what's eating him.

Mike clears his throat and finally glances to Rocky in an attempt to change the subject. "So... Cryptic got big plans yet?"

"Naw, not really. Just hanging out at the moment."

"I've wanted to get to know Axel a little better, but he seems pretty quiet. Is he a good addition to the band?"

"Oh, definitely." Rocky nods. "He's got a brain like no other. Kinda odd sometimes, but he can fix anything, and he reads people so well sometimes it's scary. He is kinda quiet though - you're right about that."

"You said he'd been with you about what... a year now?"

"That sounds about right. Picked him up in Wisconsin."

Phils curiosity rose. He knew all the other members of Cryptic so well, it was strange not to know one of them. "What's his background?"

Rocky furrow his brow. "Not sure. He was in a church up there when we found him... he helped us out when our other sound guy left us hanging, then we found out he had an ear for music, so we invited him to hop on board." He shrugs. "He doesn't talk about his past though."


"Don't know. He never talks about any."

"You don't know him very well for having been with him almost 24/7 for a year," Phil muses, almost teasing his friend.

Rocky grins. "Axel's a good guy. He's added a lot to our band. That's all we need to know I guess."

Jen finds this most interesting, and inserts herself in the covnersation. "Women are more curious than men," she admits, "but that does seem a little strange, you traveling with him, but not knowing that much about him."

Rocky shrugs. "Logan liked him... I liked him... we needed sound guy. He turned out to be more than that, and we get along so... we're fine. We asked him once about his past and he said it was a long time ago and the door was closed. So we let it drop. Respected his privacy. We're friends now though. I mean... we could be closer, and you'd think we would be, but... it's all good."

"Does he ever have any friends or anything show up at shows?"

"Never." Rocky lifts his eyebrows. "Come to think of it. I don't think he's got a huge circle of friends though. We did have this one incident at a concert though about seven or eight months ago... We were in Tennessee I think. Some dude came up right in the middle of the concert and started hollering at Axel, actually came up and started swinging his fists around, yelling something about deserving worse and calling him names. I think the guy was drunk, and security took him out pretty quick. We all just let it slide, but it really bothered Axel. He wouldn't say why though. Otherwise, we've never crossed paths with anyone who knows him, except for in Wisconsin."

Jason just listens. For some reason, suspicion rose.
Interesting. I thought there was something strange about him when we first met... I wonder if it would be worth looking into.

Jen almost looks sorry. "I'm in his Bible study group, but even there, it's been hard to get to know him. He seems nice though."

"Oh, very," Rocky agrees. "I tell ya, he's got a firm foundation in God, that's for sure. We all kinda wondered about his past, but then decided that acting like Jesus was the best option. It doesn't matter where we've been, ya know? I mean, I wouldn't want someone digging around my own past. I want people to see me who I am today. So really... that's what we did with Axel. And come to think of it... he does the same thing with us. He's never asked about our pasts. Though quite honestly, I think he's got us all pegged." He chuckles. "Sometims I wonder if he's psychic."

"Well I'm no psychic, but I know we're going to be here all night if we don't get through these songs." Kyle rejoins the group, sliding in behind his keyboard again.

Jason grins and picks up his guitar again, looking to Katie. "Guess we better get to rockin'."

Scott picks at his supper. Janet had been so nice to fix extra beef and mashed potatoes that Rick had brought over... and it tasted good... he just didn't feel like eating it.

Rick folds his arms with disapproval after he's wrapped up for the night. "No food, no home," he warns.

"I just don't feel like eating," Scott mumbles.

"Look... you need to," Rick directs. "We made a deal, remember? Eat at least half of what's there." He felt like he was talking to a child, but if that's what it took...

Scott manages to take another bite of potatoes. "Happy?"

"No. But I have to go now. I expect to find out you ate more. Got it?"

Scott shrugs.

Rick sighs and gives Scott's shoulder a pat. "Get some rest, Scott. Tomorrow is a new day." He waves in Misty's direction. "See you in the morning," he calls.

Scott continues to sit cross-legged on is bed, picking through his food after Rick has left. He takes another small bite, then sets his fork down and pushes his plate away. He knew they had a deal, and he wanted to go home tomorrow, but after a few bites, his stomach simply didn't want anything more.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Misty. She'd been quiet most of the day though... and he was banking on her not giving him a bad time about eating. Looked like the evening would be another one of solitaire and boredom. He reaches for his deck of cards. Oh how he just wanted to leave.

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