

"You know you better eat that Scott."

Misty looks up from her desk at Scott. She hadnt talked much all day and she new she was being standoffish but she just didnt feel like mingaling right now. Putting that aside though Misty new she had a job to do and right now it was making sure Scott would be ok and was healthy. Not to mention he was her friend.

"You want to go home right? Well you can't unless you eat. You need to be strong and healthy. Just let your tummy rest for now and than try and eat a little more later."

Misty trys her best to give Scott a smile though much was on her mind. Carson, Kyle, Carson Kyle....she had exspected her feelings for Carson to come back but even a whilefire that is held back will soon burst through with enough deteurmination. No matter how she looked at things though Misty felt stuck. Misty just wished things were simple and easy but that was just not the real world.

Looking to Scott again Misty trys to keep her mind off things, she just wanted to think about something alse and work was not doing the trick.

"Would you like another person to play cards with so its not so one sided?"

Walking over to Scott Misty gives Domino a gentil pat on the head. The dog was his bestfriend and never left his side. Domino was a smart dgo indeed.

Exiting her apartment Jess locks the door behind her. It had been about an hour since she had been home and she really did not want to be there. So many things when through her mind and so many feelings.

As the cold air hits her face Jess zips her coat up farther before starting her way down the sidewalk. She wanted to walk, she wanted to clear her head.

After walking for a few minutes Jess finally comes to a bench that looks out over the water. She had walked farther than she planed but it felt good. Now sitting down and gazing out to the harizon where small ships bobbed up and down on the water in the dark the tiny light danced.

Watching the lights Jess gets lost in thought. She been alone so many times before in her life but now something was differnt, for some reason a new feeling made its presence. For the first time Jess actully felt lonly.

The cold wind stings her face on the areas where her tears had rolls down. Bringing a hand to her face its as if Jess herself is shocked to see the tears there. This was all new, this was all differnt, this was what real life was about. Pain, and joy, tears and smiles, love and loss...life...what was its meaning...now they Jess spend less time drunk, and more time outside bars, what was her purpis.

Kaite eyes Jason for a moment as the chatter continued. It was strange the whole thing with Axel but who was she to question it.

Maybe he has had a bad past that he just wants to forget!

Katie takes a bit of her cookie and gives a smile and wink at Jason. Now that the air was cleared Katie felt better and her smile was true. How could she be mad at her best friend someone she so cared about.

As the music started up again Katie's eyes romed everyone. Resting on Kyle for a moment as she watched him. Something was up the emotions behind his eyes told all. What it was exacly she wasnt sure but a strange feeling came over her that maybe her friend would nee a shoulder soon.

Continuing her path over the people last but not least Katie's eyes fall on Jason as she gets lost in the music and almost hypnatised watching him strum the strings as the soft music came forth. Oh how she could be lost in these moments forever without a care in the world...when the music and Jason just took her to another place, as the soft feelings emerged from him while he played the music. Oh how Katie lived for the moments like these.

Farther way down south shots ring out as the people from a club scatter. Some lost in the confustion, whole others try to keep there heads on strate...Others panic if caught they surly would be going behind bars.

Trying to make his way to his car a tall dirty blonde runs looking behind him a few times as the words from his lips could out in a differnt language.

"Hayden, Hayden...you behind me man we have to get out of here."

The slightly shorter blonde tails close behind trying to keep up.

"Trey keep going I am right behind you, just dont stop and dont look back. We are almost to the car."

Continuing to run Trey and Hayden's feet pound on the ground as they hearts race in step. Finally making it to the car Trey jumps in the front seat while Hayden gets into the passanger side.

Looking behind them finally Hayden turns whole Trey burns rubber. Seeing no one Hayden sits back front in the seat before looking at Trey.

"Man they were shooting at you."

"Are you sure it was me and not someone alse? I though I saw someone go down."

"There was someone alse who was shot Trey but thats only because I pushed you out of the way. Your parents are only one of the biggest drug lords in Mexico you know. Get to them, they go through you."

Trey turns his head to look at Hayden for a minute before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Thanks Man I would of been a gonner if you hadnt. How long have you known about my parents?"

"Your my best friend Trey, I did what you would of done for me. As for you mom and dad, I am almost like your brother I am always there and your family is always doing business with mine. Not to mention I always wondered where you got the drugs from and your loaded with cash like me. I just put all the peaces together and came up with the picture."

Hayden lifts his hand in the shape of a fist as Trey hits it back the same way. This was there own symbol of friendship something they always did to reminded them without saying it they had eachother backs. Letting out a sigh Hayden finally speaks again.

"So now what? Someone tryed to kill you. What are you gonna do?"

"Tell my parents I guess that would be what was best. I can already hear them now.."

Trey shakes his head and cant help but laugh as he pulls out a pack of smokes and hands one to Hayden.

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