
Extra whip cream

"I guess thats one thing about getting older huh? At one point in time all we wanted was for things to change and now, now it never stops."

As Jason takes Katie's hand she can start to feel the emotions coming a little stronger now but not enough to cause a great deal of pain. Closing her eyes Katie takes in the feelings and emotions processing them, and letting herself get strength from them.

Though one would think someone would get tired of doing this all the time Katie never did. It never bothered her and she liked the closeness it gave her to Jason. Even if she didnt need it to live she would welcome it with open arms.

As Jason's phone rings it causes Katie to jump snapping her eyes open. The moment had been broken. Watching Jason as he talked on the phone Katie wanted. Once he is off she looks to Jason with question about what was to happen next.

"Do we need to be there? or will Brown call us."

As Jason comes close for a kiss Katie's heart starts to race once again like it did so many times before. Each kiss with Jason was special, each kiss felt like it was the first all over again. Being close to Jason she felt safe, being this close she almost felt untouchable.

As Jason backs away Katie can spot the reminent of where the tear had fallen. Bringing a hand up to his cheek Katie smiles and runs her thumb over the spot.

As long as we have each other we will be ok. We are in this together Jason. Giving up on you is not even an option in my mind.

Giving a small nod to Carson Jess keeps her smile even though on the inside it felt like a rain storm. It wasnt hard to tell Carson was already having a hard time with her. Showing her own emotion wouldnt help him much and Jess didnt want to put him through even more.

Looking down at the table as Carson asks his final question Jess is silent for a moment. All the other guys she had dated she was never friends with after the break up. Peter, she just forgot about him till he came around again she never really felt close to him anyways. So how was she to act now? Any differnt other than not kissing and holding hands? What would she say? Would they still have dinner sometimes? Would he still come over? Things would change but how much would really change!

Looking up Jess catches Carson eye for a moment. They were going to be friends, she had to try. Carson had been to good to her, he's showed her what it was to really be treated good and she had, had deeper feelings for him. She had to try and maybe the milkshake was the first step.

"I'd like that but can I have extra whip cream on mine today?"

Jess smiles again as she looks up at Carson. This was gonna be differnt but it was worth the try.

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