

Jason accepts Dalton's handshake, able to almost look him straight in the eye. He was used to being around Con, so Dalton's comparable height didn't faze him.

Shaking his hand firmly, he nods. "That's me. I, um... heard Trooper greeted you this morning. Sorry about that. He takes his job pretty seriously."

As if on cue, the large dog exits Jason's office and trots down to join him. But instead of being in attack mode this time, he obediently goes to Jason's left side and sits down, looking up at his master for any instructions.

Jason simply rests a hand on his dog's head, signaling to do nothing but wait. Trooper obeys.

"Well, looks like you're getting settled in," Jason comments to Dalton. "I'll leave you at it. I, um...guess you got some pretty big shoes to fill around here, but... if you're good, I trust it won't take long."

A lump rises in his throat when thinking about Scott being replaced, but he forces it down. "Catch you later." He moves to leave, Trooper immediately at his heel.

Domino cuddles into Katie for her ride back to the cubicle, soaking in the attention. Once to Katie's desk, the little dog grabs her toy that Wyatt had brought for her, and starts throwing it around the cubicle to entertain herself. After a while though, she stops in the doorway, setting her toy down and looking down the row of cubicles toward the exit. She cocks her head and whines a little, as if expecting someone else to come. Sniffing the air, she comes up empty with who she's looking for, and whines again. Finally she slides down to lay on the floor, resting her head by her toy, while her eyes keep watch for her master that had disappeared.

Wyatt knocks on the infirmary door and enters, throwing a wave to Rick and Misty. "Mom and Pop's tonight at seven," he announces. "Rick, you and your wife are more than welcome to join us... and Misty, I'm banking on you coming along with that boyfriend of yours. And I won't take no for an answer. So... be there."

Con ambles down the row of cubicles, looking around the main floor, and giving a wave to his sister. It always felt a little strange to be here... but never was his presence questioned anymore. It was simply assumed he was here to see his wife. This evening, it was that, and another reason too.

"Hey, you." Con scoots into Jamie's cubicle behind her, to lean over her and give her a kiss. Straightening up, he rubs her shoulders for a moment. "Wyatt called me, said he's trying to get people together for supper in about an hour and a half at your folks'. Didn't think I should pass it up."

He grins and moves back so he can see Jamie's face and lean back against the wall. "Not to mention, seeing your smiling face is reason in itself to drop by." His mind was also wandering to the friend whose whereabouts were unknown at the moment.

Bret pulls into the TJY parking lot and takes a deep breath. It was five-thirty. Even so, it appeared most everyone was still at work. He didn't know if that was good or bad. "Well..." He looks over to Charlotte. "Here goes nothin'. I've never been in here before... you know your way around?"


*Hearing that there was a new guy to replace Scott gave a certin ping to Katie's heart but she new it is inevatable. They needed a new tech guy around the office and though it was not Scott, she new its what he wanted as well.

Looking to Wyatt Katie gives a soft smile her eyes showing she had overcome something though it still hurt. Giving a small nod she reply.*

"Yes I'd like that. Thank you for the invite Wyatt."

*Letting out a small sigh Katie bends down and picks up Domino nuzzaling her face into the small dogs fur for a moment and than looking to her cubicle. She could only imagen the paper work that had piled up. Turning back to Wyatt Katie gives a small wink.*

"Well I guess I should go see what damage I did from being away fast."

*Turning still holding Domino Katie walks back to her cubicle. Just like she had exspected papers were piled everywhere and files that needed to be looked at joined them. Letting out another sigh Katie makes her way over the mess and sits down in her chair pulling out a few papers maybe she could work on fast before there dinner date at Mom and Pop's.*

*Dalton looks up from his paper work hearing a voice and looks at Jason for a moment. A new face he hadnt seen, and he dident have to look quite as far down as he did with the others. It was intresting to have someone for once who always stood as tall as he did.*

"Thats what the door is going to say, and you must be..."

*Dalton thinks for a moment remembering the names, and the information he had gathered from the other Dalton trys to put a name with the face.*


*Dalton eyes Jason again before finally standing and offering his hand to him. Though he was still unsure of this place and all the people he might as well be civile he had to work with them after all.*


Bret holds Charlotte's hand, quiet for a long while. He appreciated her so much... just her being here... her loyalty...

He squeezes her hand back. "I know." He lets out a long sigh. "I want to run too... I came close to prison once before on account of this stupid thing, and I don't want that happening. But..."

He turns his head to see Charlotte's eyes. "...you're right. We run now, there's no guarantee that I can clear my name. I owe Con for this one... I think he's right that I should go to TJY first. If we can slam 'em with proof before they take me in, maybe I've got a chance."

Lifting Charlotte's hand to give it a kiss, he lets her go, to put the car back in gear. "Alright...let's go."

Jason shakes his head, still bewildered. "I don't know... It was going to cost a lot to get this thing fixed - I don't think any of the guys could afford it, and if they managed it, then they better be prepared for my wrath, 'cause they shouldn't have."

A smile spreads despite the sternness in his tone. "Kinda nice knowing I got it back though...now that I can ride it again." Shaking his head, he goes to his small garage to open the door. "If it's nice weather tomorrow, maybe you and I will have to go for a ride."

He looks over his shoulder to throw Katie a wink.

Too soon, they're back in the truck and heading for TJY. Parking in the lot, Jason sighs turns off the engine and sighs. "Well...we're here. I see Reese's car. Prepare for an ear full."

Getting out, they head to the door, Jason leading the way, holding the doors open for Katie. Once inside, down, and entering the main floor, a sharp bark can be heard, and a black and white furball comes racing down between the cubicles, her nails clicking on the tiles.

Jason lifts his eyebrows. "Well hello, Domino."

The little dog tries to stop, but slides, running into Katie's feet. She puts her paws up on Katie's legs, her whole body wiggling as she searches for Katie's hand to lick.

Jason grins. "Looks like someone missed you."

"That's putting it mildly." Wyatt comes around the corner shaking his head. "You know...I used to like watching Domino. She's well behaved...quiet... doesn't require much. But this afternoon I got a phonecall from Ty, who was trying to sleep after a hard night at work. He informed me that this little girl was sitting at the door howling her head off. Naturally, I had to go get her so Ty could get some sleep, so she's been keeping me company the rest of the time."

He shakes his head, though finds it a little humorous. "Welcome back, Katie. She's all yours."

Jason chuckles. "Yeah, good to see you too, Wyatt. Thanks for the welcome."

"Don't start," Wyatt warns. "Your dog just about took our new guy's head off this morning. I suggest you go get him from your office and give him a talking to."

"New guy?"

"Yeah, the guy replacing..." Wyatt stops, glances at Katie, then back to Jason to finish. "...Scott."

"Oh." Jason is quiet for a moment. "That's right. I knew someone was coming. Well... alright, I'll take care of Trooper. Thanks for watching him."

"Sure, sure, no problem." Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Next time have Con watch him."

"What? And take all that fun away from you?" Jason teases. He pats Wyatt's arm. "Stop complaining - you look like your dad."

Wyatt shakes his head as Jason walks away, smirking, but his eyes twinkling. "Hey, don't go too far," he calls after him. "Gang night at Mom and Pop's... seven o'clock. You better be there!" He grins, then looks back at Katie, a little more gently, just studying her face for a moment. "Good to have you back, Hero. Join us tonight?"

Jason makes his way down the hall, and after stopping in to check on Trooper, who was perfectly behaved, he aims for t he no-longer-empty office. Seeing the door halfway open, he pokes his head in, spying Dalton behind the desk.

Overcoming the awkwardness he felt from seeing someone other than Scott behind the desk, he leans on the doorway. "Dalton, I presume?"

Stand by your side

*Charlotte looks to Bret as he talks on the phone.Her worry from the one sided conversation growing. She wasnt sure what was going on but whatever it was it didnt sound good.

Once Bret is off the phone Charlotte turns to him her eyes scanning his own.*

"What, we have proof you wernt there. You were getting married after all. They can't do this."

*The worry courses through Charlotte as her stomach tights into knots. What if they DIDNT believe them. Would Charlotte be losing her husband already after such short of a time.*

"I wan't to say run, with all my heart I wanna flip this coin and I wanna take off with you. But if we do that how long will we have to run and will it make it harder for us to prove your innocent?!"

*Charlotte reaches out to take Bret's hand in her own. Running her thumb across it as she looks down at it. She never worryed much and always played things by ear but for once Charlotte was worryed, and she was looking into the future on what would happen.*

"Maybe going to Angelica is the best thing. She helped you before, and I am pretty sure she will believe us. She's not going to be happy but if we can get her to keep quiet long enough we can explain things."

*Charlotte lets out a long sigh and leans her head back aganst the car seat.*

"No matter what happend Bret I'll be here. I'm your wife now, I wont leave you high and dry. We go through this together."

*Charlotte gives Bret's hand a gentil aqueeze to let him know she was there and she would never leave him. If he even needed someone now was the time and Charlotte was confadent enough to stand next to him through thick and thin.*

*Katie's own eyes widen just a little as she looks at the new cleaned up bike in Jason's driveway. Getting out along with Jason Katie gives a small head shake.*

"I..have no idea on this one. As far at I new it was still at Mike's too."

*Katie runs her fingers over the bike and than back to Jason.*

"Maybe one of the guys did it for you?"