

Bret holds Charlotte's hand, quiet for a long while. He appreciated her so much... just her being here... her loyalty...

He squeezes her hand back. "I know." He lets out a long sigh. "I want to run too... I came close to prison once before on account of this stupid thing, and I don't want that happening. But..."

He turns his head to see Charlotte's eyes. "...you're right. We run now, there's no guarantee that I can clear my name. I owe Con for this one... I think he's right that I should go to TJY first. If we can slam 'em with proof before they take me in, maybe I've got a chance."

Lifting Charlotte's hand to give it a kiss, he lets her go, to put the car back in gear. "Alright...let's go."

Jason shakes his head, still bewildered. "I don't know... It was going to cost a lot to get this thing fixed - I don't think any of the guys could afford it, and if they managed it, then they better be prepared for my wrath, 'cause they shouldn't have."

A smile spreads despite the sternness in his tone. "Kinda nice knowing I got it back though...now that I can ride it again." Shaking his head, he goes to his small garage to open the door. "If it's nice weather tomorrow, maybe you and I will have to go for a ride."

He looks over his shoulder to throw Katie a wink.

Too soon, they're back in the truck and heading for TJY. Parking in the lot, Jason sighs turns off the engine and sighs. "Well...we're here. I see Reese's car. Prepare for an ear full."

Getting out, they head to the door, Jason leading the way, holding the doors open for Katie. Once inside, down, and entering the main floor, a sharp bark can be heard, and a black and white furball comes racing down between the cubicles, her nails clicking on the tiles.

Jason lifts his eyebrows. "Well hello, Domino."

The little dog tries to stop, but slides, running into Katie's feet. She puts her paws up on Katie's legs, her whole body wiggling as she searches for Katie's hand to lick.

Jason grins. "Looks like someone missed you."

"That's putting it mildly." Wyatt comes around the corner shaking his head. "You know...I used to like watching Domino. She's well behaved...quiet... doesn't require much. But this afternoon I got a phonecall from Ty, who was trying to sleep after a hard night at work. He informed me that this little girl was sitting at the door howling her head off. Naturally, I had to go get her so Ty could get some sleep, so she's been keeping me company the rest of the time."

He shakes his head, though finds it a little humorous. "Welcome back, Katie. She's all yours."

Jason chuckles. "Yeah, good to see you too, Wyatt. Thanks for the welcome."

"Don't start," Wyatt warns. "Your dog just about took our new guy's head off this morning. I suggest you go get him from your office and give him a talking to."

"New guy?"

"Yeah, the guy replacing..." Wyatt stops, glances at Katie, then back to Jason to finish. "...Scott."

"Oh." Jason is quiet for a moment. "That's right. I knew someone was coming. Well... alright, I'll take care of Trooper. Thanks for watching him."

"Sure, sure, no problem." Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Next time have Con watch him."

"What? And take all that fun away from you?" Jason teases. He pats Wyatt's arm. "Stop complaining - you look like your dad."

Wyatt shakes his head as Jason walks away, smirking, but his eyes twinkling. "Hey, don't go too far," he calls after him. "Gang night at Mom and Pop's... seven o'clock. You better be there!" He grins, then looks back at Katie, a little more gently, just studying her face for a moment. "Good to have you back, Hero. Join us tonight?"

Jason makes his way down the hall, and after stopping in to check on Trooper, who was perfectly behaved, he aims for t he no-longer-empty office. Seeing the door halfway open, he pokes his head in, spying Dalton behind the desk.

Overcoming the awkwardness he felt from seeing someone other than Scott behind the desk, he leans on the doorway. "Dalton, I presume?"

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