

Jason smirks as he joins Katie, beginning their meal. "Work wasn't worth a thing the rest of the day. I just can't get my mind to focus on anything."

He eats for a while, growing quiet. He's not ready to talk about his feelings yet... he doesn't know yet what to say or how to say it... Until he figured out how he really felt about Austin, it just wasn't going to be easy saying anything.

Glancing up to see Katie, he knows his thoughts have betrayed him and that the subject matter of his thoughts has been revealed. He didn't know if he liked that or not. But there wasn't much he could do at the moment. Once exposed, there was no going back.

Yeah, it's about Austin. We're kinda on the outs right now. There's just something screwed up about this whole thing and all he wants is to be buddy-buddy for some reason.

Jason shakes his head.

I'd rather not go into it now... I just want to enjoy tonight with you.

The floor suddenly starts to shake and Jason looks to the hall with a start. Trooper comes around the corner with a big chew toy in his mouth, aiming right for his master.

Jason's eyes widen. "Trooper, no!"

Too late. The massive dog wasn't done with their play time yet, and he leaps.

One second, Jason is at the table with Katie, and the next he's on the floor in a tangled heap of legs, chair and dog fur. "Awww! Trooper!"

Jason lies on his back, sprawled out on the kitchen floor, Trooper pinning him down and drooling onto his shirt.

"You crazy mutt!" Jason catches his breath and reaches up to take both sides of Trooper's head, giving him a rigorous scratching. "You know better than that."

Trooper pants and wags his tail, picking his toy back up, and placing a paw on Jason's chest as if declaring that he was the champion.

Jason rolls his eyes. "Would you kindly move? I wasn't done with my supper."

Carson knows he's disappointed Jess again, even though she doesn't show it. Trying to make up for it, he goes to make her milkshake with some extra whipped cream on top and extra strawberries to top it off.

Setting it down for her, he thinks about the question. "Um... I don't care. It's whatever you want to do." In reality, he could go sack out right now and sleep until morning. But there was no way he could beg out of this one. Not after he'd already forgotten...more than once.

"You think while I do dishes," he suggests with a wink. "Pick something good."

...Carson's work seems to drag on. Usually he doesn't mind working until closing time, but tonight he was tired, a bit irritable and just wanted to be done. But he had to finish out the day, and it's not long before he's the only one left to clean off tables and sweep the floors.

He maneuvers the broom around the stools at the counter, purposely bumping into Jess. "So what did you decide? Movie? Walk? Mall? Card game with yours truly?"

Suddenly the bell on the front door rings, and Carson stops his work abruptly, looking to the entrance. "We're closed," he informs.

"I don't care." The dark man comes forward with purpose, his two buddies hanging close. "I'm not here for food, I'm here to see you."

Carson tightens his grip on the broom handle. Now he recognized this guy. "Back off or I'm calling the cops."

"Ha!" The man snickers. "You'd get hauled in yourself. You know that."

Carson backs up a step, placing himself between the men and Jess. "Get out."

"Not until I get back what's mine."

"It's been weeks. I thought you'd forgotten."

"Oh, no, not a bit. I just didn't know where to find you." The man's eyes narrow. "Now tell me where she is."


"She belongs to me!"

"You were the one swinging your fist at her!"

"That's none of your business!" The man steps up to Carson, pointing a finger at him. "You tell me where she is, or I'll take it out of your hide."

Carson locks eyes with the man for a moment, and before he thinks, he swings. The broom handle comes up, slamming the man's head with a resounding whack. Another swing takes out the second thug, but not in time to stop the third.

Carson takes a fist to the jaw, sending him staggering backward, giving his original opponent enough time to take him down. And suddenly all three men are on the floor in an all-out brawl, the odds too uneven to hope that Carson could come out on top.

Scott wanders down between the cubicles at a slow pace, running his hand over the tops of the walls. Coming to Katie's space, he stops for a moment, looking in at her chair and her desk. He spies a chewtoy in the corner and knows that it's Domino's. Was his dog better off with Katie now? He wondered.

Moving on, he finally turns back around to the hall, gradually making his way back to the infirmary and into bed again. Curling up on his side, he swallows hard. It didn't feel right... nothing did. He wanted to feel good... he wanted to feel glad to be alive... and yet things were so different, it was like returning to a life he didn't even know. He'd prayed to be found and now that he had been... it just felt... empty.

Pulling his blanket up farther to tuck under his chin, he sinks his head even deeper into his pillow. He was tired. He hurt. Maybe tomorrow would be better. Maybe he could go home tomorrow. And yet... even that thought was a terrifying one.


*Katie can't help the laugh that escapes from her lips at the thought of Jason and Trooper rough housing. Than turning her mind back to the food.*

"Lets see we have fryed chicken, corn and some biskets."

*Finishing up plating everything Katie can feel the emotions on Jason's mind just like she had before but trys her best not to let them bother her or say anything about it. She told Jason when he was ready she would listen.

Bringing the plates over to the table Katie sits down and waits for Jason.*

"So how did the rest of work go for you?"

*Though on the inside Jess felt a little bit of disapointment she didnt let it show. Keeping a smile on her face she gives a small nod to Carson.*

"A strawberry milkshake would be great."

*Jess new the last feel weeks Carson had been pretty much late for everything and it was hard wondering what was going on. But keep her trust in Carson was the best think should could do even if at time she wondered if he really cared as much as she did or not. Put pushing the thought from her mind Jess thinks of other things.*

"So what did you want to do tonight after you got out anyways?"


Jason’s face reddens a little at Katie’s question. “Um…no party…”

He looks down at Trooper who is panting. “Trooper and I were just…blowing off some steam?” Jason grins. “I guess we got a little carried away.”

Something falls over in the living room, banging against the wall. Jason’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t turn to look. “And that would be the lamp… that probably now has a broken bulb. So… what’s for supper?”

Ignoring the mess, Jason helps get the plates on the kitchen table. Sitting down, he heaves a sigh. He HAD been roughhousing with Trooper, but it hadn't cleared his mind much. It was still full... it was still reeling with too many things... things he said he might share with Katie tonight, but he still didn't know how.

Carson returns Jess' kiss, withdrawing to receive the reminder about their date. His eyes widen and he can feel heat coming to his face. He'd remembered earlier that day, but hadn't called her right away when he should have, and then he'd forgotten again.

"Aw, Jess." He sighs and runs a hand over his face. "I did it to you again." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, babe. I have to work late. I got in late, then took a long lunch on top of it, and I gotta get my hours in."

He cringes, looking for forgiveness. "Strawberry shake to tide you over 'til I get off?"


*Smile as she enters Katie gives Trooper a pat on the head as she pass by him. Making her way into the kitchen Katie takes note to the mess that was still astrew in Jason's apartment.*

"What happend here? Did you have a party or something?"

*Katie can't help but laugh a little as she opens the cupboard and pulls out a few plates and starts to plate everything up. She always liked eating at Jason's it was always nice here and the atmosphere was always a nice one.*

"Hey come on now, anything is better than a TV dinner."

*Jess mouth turns up at the courners as Carson comes out of the kitchen and to the counter. Leaning up Jess gives Carson a quick kiss. Sitting back down Jess look at her watch and than up at Carson before giving a small snicker.*

"I got out about an hour ago. We have a date in 15 minutes. It was a redate from the other night when you had to cancel silly. Busy today?"


Reese looks up quickly at Angelica, taken by surprise. "Me? Wallowing? In my office? Surrounded by a million stacks of paperwork? Never!"

He shakes his head, giving her a weary grin. "Thanks for letting me know you're leaving."

At her invite to dancing sometime, a little color creeps into his cheeks. "Oh, I don't think you'd want to dance with me. I inherited my daddy's two left feet." He nods to the door. "Have fun. See you tomorrow."

Alone again, Reese looks down at his desk. A strange feeling surprised him. He wanted to follow after Angelica and take her up on that invitation...why, he didn't know. He could remember times Wyatt's mother tried to get him to go dancing and he'd always found something else for them to do. She'd called him boring sometimes, but they would laugh about it. But now... Was he really too engrossed in his work? Was he really spending too much time at TJY and not enough time getting out and relaxing?

He hears the outside door fall shut, echoing across the main floor. Well... he was here, he might as well keep working on this case.

Jason tosses some dishes into his sink, moves to the living room, throws a blanket back on the couch, a cushion back where it belongs, and grabs a pair of dirty socks to take down the hall to his room.

Hearing the knock at the door, he kicks a pair of jeans into his bedroom too, and yells. "It's open!"

Trooper bounds from Jason's room, down the hall and to the door with a deep bark.

"Let her in," Jason orders. "It's just Katie."

Trooper sits down and whines by the door, waiting to greet Katie with licks to the hand.

Jason scrambles to straighten a picture on the hallway wall, shove a pile of overturned magazines under the coffee table, and toss a dirty shirt back down the hall, almost making it to his bedroom.

Sliding in his stocking feet on the tile by the kitchen, he skids to a halt, breathless. A sheepish grin spreads on his face. "Hey, Hero." Spying the food, he quirks an eyebrow. "Mmm....you saved a frozen tv dinner an ugly fate."

Carson looks up from the stove, spying Jess. "Hey, Herb! Pardon me a second. I gotta go see what this beauty wants." Grinning, he comes out to the counter, leaning down to rest his arms on it. "I thought you were working tonight. What's the occasion?"

Bag of Chicken

*Standing Katie gives a smile to Jason.

Spending time together tonight sounds good to me.

Giving another smile Katie heads out to finish up her work for the day.*

*Taking Reese hand Angelica feeling a new and suddin sensation put trys to push it away.*

"If I admitted it or not I think I did too. Thank you Reese."

And so the time moves on, and the day continues to move. The time ticks away and for those who know the time is moving it seems to go slow and for the other time seems to fly.

*Peeking her head into Reese office Angelica shakes her head.*

"Are you wallowing again?"

*She cant help the small smile that spreads across the face as her eyes give a small twinkle.*

"I just wanted to let you know I am heading out for the night. Tonight is my night to go dancing. You should join me sometime. Its alot of fun. Have a good night."

*Turning Angelica heads out of the office and out of TJY for the night.*

*A bag of chicken in hand and a container that help biskits and corn in the other Katie makes her way up Jason's walk way. He hadnt asked for dinner but eating in tonight would be fun.

Knocking on the door Katie new Jason probley already new she was there but knocking was habbit.*

*The small bell on Mom and Pop's rings as Jess steps inside a smile on her face. Sitting down on the stool at the counter than so many other times she has used. Jess streches her neck to see into the kitchen catching Carson's eye and giving a small wave.*