

Jason’s face reddens a little at Katie’s question. “Um…no party…”

He looks down at Trooper who is panting. “Trooper and I were just…blowing off some steam?” Jason grins. “I guess we got a little carried away.”

Something falls over in the living room, banging against the wall. Jason’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t turn to look. “And that would be the lamp… that probably now has a broken bulb. So… what’s for supper?”

Ignoring the mess, Jason helps get the plates on the kitchen table. Sitting down, he heaves a sigh. He HAD been roughhousing with Trooper, but it hadn't cleared his mind much. It was still full... it was still reeling with too many things... things he said he might share with Katie tonight, but he still didn't know how.

Carson returns Jess' kiss, withdrawing to receive the reminder about their date. His eyes widen and he can feel heat coming to his face. He'd remembered earlier that day, but hadn't called her right away when he should have, and then he'd forgotten again.

"Aw, Jess." He sighs and runs a hand over his face. "I did it to you again." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, babe. I have to work late. I got in late, then took a long lunch on top of it, and I gotta get my hours in."

He cringes, looking for forgiveness. "Strawberry shake to tide you over 'til I get off?"

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