

*Katie wakes with a start from her bed. She had been woken from a deep sleep. Tossing the covers back Katie ambles out of her bedroom quietly making her way down the hall and to the kitchen. Checking the rooms as she passed. Nothing seemed out of place. Reaching into the fridge to get something to drink she feels it again causing the container she was holding to shatter on the floor. Just standing in the middle of the kitchen for a moment a feeling of panic over comes Katie. This time the panic wasent sent to her from someone, the panic was of her own. Something had startled her this feeling of joy, this tingle, almost like sticking your finger in a soket. Sent from only one person. The feeling to know he was happy was good, it made Katie feel good to know he was trying to be happy again, but it came so fast to someone not exspecting it. As quick at the feeling came, the feeling went as well. The emotions shuting like a closed door.

Giving her head alittle shake Katie snaps out of it. That was strange and something she never experinced before. The feelings she felt, were something she new shouldent be shaired and why she felt them she wasent sure. Grabing a rag and the garbage can Katie starts to clean up her mess. Stanging again Katie is still a bit shakes and grabs a drink again. Then heading to bed pulling the covers up to her chin and her mind wanders. Closing her eyes Katie finally falls asleep.*

The light of the moon pass over all. Some who are awake get to see it, and those alseep it watches over them. The stars keeping the secrets of those who try to hide. Soon the moon goes down its time to rest taking the secrets, dreams and hopes of all with it. The sun poking its head over the harizon ready to start the day.

*As Misty enters her office the bear and flower waiting a smile spreads across her face. Sometimes it was the small things that mattered the most. Puting her purse and keys into her desk Misty makes her way to the breakroom to grab some coffee. Decieding maybe Carson would like some too she grabs an extra cup.

Heading twords Carson desk Misty sets the coffee on the desk along with her own leaning over and giving him a kiss.*

"Good Morning Babe, and thank you."

*Misty grins as she takes her coffee and sips from it.*

"Would you like to go to Mom and Pops tonight? I havent been there in a while and they started a new thing on Monday night with karaoke. I though it would be fun to watch people make a fool of themselfs."

*Katie lets out a yawn as she takes another swig of her OJ. She eas extreamly exsausted this morning. It had been a restless night full of tossing and turning. Sleeply looking up from her computer screen she can hear Jason coming.

Mixed emotions still ran around inside of her about last night and what she felt, but she dident want to voice or shair them and embarss Jason.

As Jason draws closer Katie smiles up at him. Hearing the consert went good made her feel better.*

"Good, I'm glad everything worked out well. I could tell you were in good hands, well taken care of...."

*Katie pauses for a moment before continuing.*

"All of you guys were. Nate as good a bodyguard if not better than me any day. I'll be at the next show though. It felt to strange not being there. I bet you guys rocked huh?"

*Entering the small dinner Lockheart scans the faces. Jamie had shown her a picture of Bret so she had a general idea of who he was. Spoting him she slowly makes her way over to the take. Exstending her hand she gives a friendly smile and slids into the booth.*

"Bret Parker? I am Angelica Lockheart."

*Lockheart sets her brefcase down and orders a coffee before turning to Bret again. Giving alittle roll of her eyes.*

"My sister should be alone shortly she will be assisting me on this case. I guess you could say she is my aprentis. So before we start I'd like to wait for her in hopes she wont be long."

*Geting her coffee Lockheart takes a sip making small till till her sister showed up.*

"I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It was very nice weather we had."

Morning Awaits

Jason does as he's told and takes a break while the rest of the band plays several more songs, but during their planned intermission, he feels well enough to join them again.
The rest of the evening goes without incident, recreating a light atmosphere once again, despite the stress and heat.

Finally wrapping the show up, it's late when the band is able to get everything loaded back up and are on their way home.

Jason pulls the truck up in front of Camryn's apartment and stops to let her off. "Thanks for coming, Cam. Sorry I bottomed out there for a while."

Camryn shakes her head and smiles at him. "No apology necessary. I had a blast." She sits for a moment, a new tension rising in the air. Her eyes lock with Jason's, and for an instant, she doesn't want to leave.

Jason catches her eye and searches her face for what she might be thinking. The silence reigns in the truck, and he can see her cheeks starting to blush.

Reaching over, he runs a finger slowly down the side of her face. She leans into it, closing her eyes for a moment, his touch sending a tingle down her spine. Opening her eyes, she and Jason have moved closer together, their faces inches apart. She swallows hard, the tension rising.

Jason can feel Camryn's breath on his cheek, sensing her own racing pulse. His heart beats a little faster, his emotions unlocked, free to roam. His eyes close as he resists... he knew what he wanted, but there was too much risk...there could be too much pain. He shouldn't...he couldn't...

His thumb strokes her chin as he straightens back up in his seat again. "Good night, Cam," he says quietly.

Left feeling slightly disappointed, but happy nonetheless, Camryn grins at him, reaching up to take his hand and give it a squeeze. "Night."

Bret reaches up behind Charlotte's head to bring her back close again, enveloping her in another passionate exchange, letting her question linger for a long while. Finally drawing back, he looks at her with a longing for the future. "Yeah... Fate will just have to follow our plans this time. Dinner."

Scott leans over to give Katie a lingering kiss on the lips before telling her goodnight and letting her off at her house. Trying to keep his eyes open on he way home was a bit of a struggle, but he makes it, and as soon as he's inside and greeted Domino, he hits his bed, out cold for the night.

Jason trudges into work, feeling tired this morning. Yesterday had been long, and he hadn't quite recovered yet. But he needed to work. He had too much to do. Walking toward the hall, he looks down towards Katie's cubicle, seeing she was already here.

Hesitating just a moment, Jason approaches slowly, leaning on her cubicle wall. He had questions running through his mind...strange questions after yesterday that he was afraid to voice, for fear of sounding as thought he'd fallen off his rocker.

"Hey, Hero...looks like you made it back in once piece...." He manages a slight grin. "Concert went well last night."

A little teddy bear with a flower sit on Misty's desk awaiting her arrival with a note scrawled by Carson, simply saying "Good morning" to her.

He sits at his own desk, trying to concentrate on his work, but tonight was fresh on his mind...he was still very sore...it would take some doing to be able to get in that ring tonight. But he had to...and he had to keep up with no one knowing about it.

Bret slides into the booth in the diner downtown a bit anxious. He was meeting this lawyer here this morning, and wasn't so sure how things would go. Would she really be able to help him? Would he really be able to afford her? He had to trust Jamie's judgment.

Ordering some soda, he sits and waits, watching the slow mid-morning customers come and go.

Lucky enough to hear

*Nate looks down at Jason making sure he is ok. Sqating down Nate puts a hand on his young friends shoulder and giving it a pat. Something was odd to Nate. He couldent put his finger on it, but it felt like something was changing. Giving alittle shakes he stands up again and resumes his place on the side of the stage closed enough that if Laura needed him she could call, and close enough to scan the crowd and make sure everything was ok.*

*As Katie starts to make her way back to her seat she drops dead in her tracks and looks around the plane. She thought she had just hurd her name, along with beind told to stop. Not hearing it again Katie continues slowly to her seat trying to shake her feelings. Wraping her arm around Scott she offers a smile.*

"Yeah, I'm ok now. I just dident feel to good all of a sudden. I'm ok now though."

*Charlotte looks down at Bret as she leans over top of him, a grin on her lips as her eyes twinkle in the seting sun.*

"Fate is all good and well, but sometimes we have to take life in our own hands and decied fate for ourselfs."

*Charlotte leans down and place a kiss on Bret's lips. Bringing her one hand to his face as her other saports her weaght. Pulling away alittle bit but still close to Bret she whispers.*

"How about dinner tomarrow night?"

*Charlotte continues to smile as a cool winds blows offering a nice releaf to the heat. The birds singing there finally song for the night as the sun slowly goes down. In the distince on the water the sold of the boats horn blows, and the sound of the waves splashing to the shore offering comfort and peace to those who are lucky enough to hear.*


Jen sighs deeply as she shakes her head, looking at Jason. "Look, I've got some snacks in my pack at the sound board, let me go get them." Turning herself around, she wheels herself back over to the chairs. Leaning down to grab the crackers, she hears her cell phone ringing in her purse. Who would be calling her at this time? Everyone knew they were at the concert.

Fishing for her phone, she finds it. Hearing Katie, she smiles. "He's fine, Katie. It's really hot out here tonight and his sugar took a nosedive. We got some juice in him though and he's pulling through alright." She tries to reassure her. "Don't worry about a thing. If we have any more trouble though, I'll call you."

Ending the conversation, Jen puts her phone back in her purse, and continues on task.

"Just give me a minute," Jason grumbles a little, annoyed with everyone standing around him.

Camryn frowns at him. "How about you just take it easy there, Hotshot? You trying to kill yourself or what?"

Without even thinking, Jason blurts it out. "And Katie, stop it!" he growls. "I'm fine!"

Camryn and the others look at Jason in surprise. Phil crouches down next to him. "Jason...what are you talking about? Katie's not here."

Jason blinks and glances up to Phil, unsure of why he'd even just said what he had. He'd felt....it was....she wasn't....she.... He swallows hard, feeling strange all of a sudden. "I don't know."

"The heat's gone to your head," Kyle responds dryly. "Come on, lets get you in some shade and some food in you, while we go back on."

Jason manages to sit up, his dizziness dispersing as the sugar in the orange juice does its job. "Let me back on with you guys. I'll be fine."

"I don't think so."

"No, really...I'm alright."

Kyle looks at him skeptically. "Give us two songs at least, then if Laura says you're fine, you can come back on."

"Alright," Jason relents.

Jen comes back to the group with the crackers in her lap. "Okay, Hotshot, I want to see you eat something."

Jason remains seated on the ground and accepts the food. "So did you calm Katie down?"

Jen looks at him with surprise, remembering Katie's request. "How did you even know she called?"

"I..." Jason stops, a cracker halfway to his mouth. His face suddenly goes red. He had no idea how to answer that. He shifts his eyes to see Nate. "I just...assumed..."

"Yeah, you can bet she'd call," Kyle intervenes. "Her and that sixth sense she's got. I'm telling you - she's the best bodyguard we could have gotten!"

Jason takes a bite of a cracker, trying to shake off this odd feeling. Something wasn't right. This just wasn't a good feeling. He felt out of control all of a sudden. As if his thoughts weren't his own.

"Alright guys." Mike claps his hands. "The audience is waiting. Laura...Cam... you can stay with Jase and if you don't think he should come back up, sit on him."

Scott glances at his watch, almost ready to go see if Katie was alright, when he sees her coming back to her seat. Looking at her with concern, his eyes show their worry. "You okay?"

Bret runs his thumb along Charlotte's hand and looks up to her. Grinning, he pulls her closer, so he's still on his back and she's looking down at him. Reaching up, he tucks her hair behind her ear. "Fate has never been my friend. Though right about now I wish I would have formed a stronger relationship so I could make a request that I'd see you again."

Is he ok?

*Katie brings her head around to look at Scott. She had been stairing out the window lost in alittle bit of thought. Katie gives a small smile to Scott.*

"Mmmm....I'm ok. Just thinking about the concert and hoping everything is going ok."

*Katie stops and stairs a head for a moment. Geting lost in her thoughts.*

"I know its really not my responsibility to be there for them, but I feel like it is. I told them I would be at the shows to watch over everything and now that I am not. I just hope all is well."

*Katie looks back at Scott and gives a smile.*

"Though I wouldent have traded the extra time with you for anything."

*Charlotte sits next to Bret her on leg folded indian style and her other leg was drawn up to her chest. Her arms wraped around it and her chin on her knee stairing off in the harizon watching the sun. The weeked had been on of the best since friday. I grin on her face she turns to look at Bret.*

"We hope that fate will let us meet again."

*Charlotte reaches out her hand and takes Brets. Locking her fingers around his for a moment and giving alittle squeeze. For some reason the thought of not seeing Bret again put a sad ping in her heart. She had hardly known Bret for very long but over the last 3 days Charlotte had gotten to know him pretty well. Spending the days with him, laughing, tossing comments back and forth Charlotte felt like she had known Bret for ages. *

*As Katie sits talking to Scott, a suddon felling enters her stomach. As if she was geting sick. Than a wave of fear rushes over her. This feeling she new it, no this couldent happen.

Standing for a moment Katie trys to compose herself.*

"I'll be right back I dont feel to good of a suddon."

*Making her way to the bathroom Katie sits down on the little ledge that was next to the seat. Puting her head in her hands she trys to shake the feeling, but it wont go away. Than finally all is still, all is silent. The quiver in Katie's stumoch is still there but its not nearly as bad as before. Siting for a moment making sure all was still Katie finally pulls out her phone. Her finger hovering over Jason's name on her contact list for a moment, but than pushes the down button to Jen name and sends. Waiting listing to the ring Katie continues to calm herself till finally Jen answers.*

"Jen, It's Katie. Listen dont let J know I called but I had a horrable feeling that something was wrong and than it went away. Is everything ok?"


Bret grins at Charlotte and shakes his head. “How should I know what’s planned for today?” Reaching into his pocket, he tosses her a quarter. “Heads east, tails south. You tell me.”

The day is an adventure. To some, like any other day. To some, like a brand new experience. But no matter how slowly or quickly time seems to pass, it marches on as steadily as always.

The day at the ranch is filled with enjoyment. Scott relents to horseback riding again, though is hesitant, and winds up not falling off this time, able to ride with Katie out to Wes and Cindy’s, where Cindy insists they stay for a drink and afternoon snack. Weary from the previous late night and the day’s exercise, both Scott and Katie wind up back in the porch swing once more, drifting back and forth to sleep through the lazy hours.

Reese spends most of his day involved in work, though takes time out in the afternoon to take a leisurely stroll with Lockheart around the ranch, taking in the sights.

Con is forced to take a rest after too much activity reeks havoc on his shoulder, but lying on the couch hearing Jamie and BJ play is enough to keep his afternoon a good one.

The sun, as it must, travels across the sky towards the west, seeming to pick up speed with each passing moment. The shifting of shadows prove the motion. The lengthening rays of light proving the hour. And as the earth slips into early evening, it’s travelers must bid Texas farewell for another day.

Scott buckles himself in next to Katie, waiting for the plane to take off. He elbows her gently. “Hey, you – penny for your thoughts.”

Bret stretches out on the sandy beach, listening to the waves creep gently to the shore. It had been a long day full of coin tosses and happenstance all over again, and it had felt just as good as the day before.

His hands up behind his head, and his eyes closed, Bret can sense Charlotte close by and can’t help a slight grin. “The day is almost over. What happens when that sun finally sinks below the horizon?”

"Cam, toss me that extension cord, will ya?”

Camryn rummages through a box and tosses the cord to Jason. “Anything else?”

“Duct tape!” Phil yells.

“Behind you!” Jen points out to him.

“Oops. Thanks!”

“Anybody seen my bag?!”

“Hey, where did that other stand go?”

“Do we want this speaker here or on the other side?”

“Kyle, move so I can see!”

Camryn stands back and watches, shaking her head and grinning. Watching the concerts were great. Being there to help set up was even better.

Jason plugs in the electric guitar and starts to tune it, watching the tuner dial. Giving a little sigh, he tries to concentrate. It had been a busy day…after sleeping later than planned, it had been up to get ready, head over to Mike’s, practice, do some running around, go pick up Camryn, meet the guys again, load everything up, head on over here with a forty-five minute drive, and set up again. Practice hadn’t been great – none of the guys felt really together today for some reason, but keeping positive attitudes was a must, and they proceeded as normal.

“Let’s do a sound check, guys!” Jen calls.

One by one the guys play their instruments or sing into the microphones so Jen can adjust the sound. “Alright, great. Give us a bit with everyone together now. Just to Flying High or something.”

Jason starts them off and they come together, giving Jen the check she needs until she waves at them. “Sounds great. Looks like we’re all set, and….we have half and hour to spare.”

“Good.” Mike stands up from the drums. “That gives me time to change clothes and get ride of this five o’clock shadow.”

“Change clothes, yes,” Jen directs, “but don’t shave. I like the rugged look.”

Mike stops at the edge of the stage and looks at her with a quirked eyebrow. That was something new.

Jen’s cheeks grow a little warm as she realizes what she’s said. “What? Go on and change your clothes!”

Mike grins a little and throws her a wink before heading off the stage.

Jen scans the others on stage. “Jason, you look tired.”

“Oh, maybe a bit.”

“Hey, did you get supper with the rest of us a while ago?”

“I had enough.” Jason had only had something to drink, but his stomach didn’t feel up to eating anything right now.


“…Wouldn’t ever change a thing, No wouldn’t ever change a thing, No… ‘Cause I’m flying high.”

The crowd breaks into applause again, their cheers proving that JetStream’s sound had not suffered even after a rough practice. They sounded great and the audience loved them. They were outside tonight, but even though there was a slight breeze, it was very warm and humid, making everyone hot and sweaty.

Camryn claps and smiles at all of them, having a blast, sitting close to Jen.

Laura sits near the front and cheers, laughing at some of Kyle’s antics on stage. Watching, she keeps an eye on where Nate is, walking here and there to watch for any signs of trouble.

Jason changes his music on his stand and suddenly squints, seeing double for a moment. Trying to shake it off, he goes to switch guitars, but gets too dizzy and teeters for a moment.

Camryn looks up on stage and frowns. She elbows Jen and whispers something in her ear. Jen follows her gaze and sees Jason paused at his guitar stand, leaning on it, not moving. She quickly waves to Kyle and points.

Kyle glances to his right and acts quickly. “Well, folks, we certainly are glad to be here tonight…even if we’re already soaked.” He acts as though he’s wringing out his shirt. “I don’t know about you, but this heat is nasty!”

Several people holler their agreements.

Kyle chuckles. “Tell you what, we’re going to take just a short break here and let ya’ll mingle for a few minutes and get something to drink. Don’t wander too far though, ‘cause we’re coming right back.”

Once the audience’s attention is diverted, Kyle quickly goes to Jason, Camryn in toe, stepping up on the stage. “Jase, you alright?”

Jason is still leaning on the stand and shakes his head. He feels as though he’s going to be sick, the sweat pouring down the sides of his face, and the world spinning. “Just give me…a minute to…” Before he can even react, his knees buckle, sending him to the floor.

“Jason!” Camryn kneels next to him. “Jason, what’s wrong.”

Jason blinks, trying hard to bring things into focus, but it’s just not working. He knows he should be doing something….but…what was it?

Jen sees what’s happening and yells to her brother. “Get him off the dang stage, Kyle!” She looks to the side. “Laura!”

Laura is confused and isn’t sure how to react, but looks to Jen. “Yes?”

Jen holds up a dollar bill. “Get out to the vending machine and get some orange juice, and fast.”

Laura doesn’t hesitate. By the time she returns, the guys have Jason lying in the grass out behind the stage front, out of sight from the crowd. “Dang it Jason,” she mumbles. “What did you do?”

“The idiot didn’t eat,” Phil states flatly. “I warned him and he said he was fine. Didn’t want to eat. And he would have been fine, but this heat is getting to all of us and it just made things worse for him.”

Camryn takes the orange juice from Laura and kneels next to Jason, tilting his head up. “Come on. Drink this, Jason.”

Jason resists, not even thinking straight anymore. “No…”

“Yes!” Camryn orders him. Fear flickers in her eyes. “Come on.”

Jason pushes her hand away.

Kyle rolls his eyes, more afraid than anything, but it comes out as irritation. “How stupid can you get, Jase?!”

Phil lays a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “None of us were thinking. We all should have been more prepared for this heat tonight.”

Jason still refuses help, and Camryn finally shifts her weight to look Jason squarely in the eye. “Alright, tough guy. You want to play it this way, fine. You ain’t got the brains of a hamster right about now, and even those brains you aren’t using. I know you’re not thinking clearly, because if you were, you’d have this juice down already. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You either drink this, or we’re taking you to the hospital. It’s up to you.”

Her tone seems to be just enough to jar Jason’s thoughts a little bit and he finally relaxes slightly. He reaches for the bottle, but his hands are shaking enough, that Camryn holds it for him, finally getting him to drink it.

Laura lets out a sigh of relief. It had been a long time since Jason had gotten this bad. She knew it wasn’t entirely his fault…Phil was right. He probably would have been fine had it not been for the heat and added stress.

“What are we doing to do?” Mike asks. “He can’t finish out the show.”

“I’m fine,” Jason mumbles.

“Right.” Kyle rolls his eyes again. “I don’t know…we’ll have to finish without him.”