
Morning Awaits

Jason does as he's told and takes a break while the rest of the band plays several more songs, but during their planned intermission, he feels well enough to join them again.
The rest of the evening goes without incident, recreating a light atmosphere once again, despite the stress and heat.

Finally wrapping the show up, it's late when the band is able to get everything loaded back up and are on their way home.

Jason pulls the truck up in front of Camryn's apartment and stops to let her off. "Thanks for coming, Cam. Sorry I bottomed out there for a while."

Camryn shakes her head and smiles at him. "No apology necessary. I had a blast." She sits for a moment, a new tension rising in the air. Her eyes lock with Jason's, and for an instant, she doesn't want to leave.

Jason catches her eye and searches her face for what she might be thinking. The silence reigns in the truck, and he can see her cheeks starting to blush.

Reaching over, he runs a finger slowly down the side of her face. She leans into it, closing her eyes for a moment, his touch sending a tingle down her spine. Opening her eyes, she and Jason have moved closer together, their faces inches apart. She swallows hard, the tension rising.

Jason can feel Camryn's breath on his cheek, sensing her own racing pulse. His heart beats a little faster, his emotions unlocked, free to roam. His eyes close as he resists... he knew what he wanted, but there was too much risk...there could be too much pain. He shouldn't...he couldn't...

His thumb strokes her chin as he straightens back up in his seat again. "Good night, Cam," he says quietly.

Left feeling slightly disappointed, but happy nonetheless, Camryn grins at him, reaching up to take his hand and give it a squeeze. "Night."

Bret reaches up behind Charlotte's head to bring her back close again, enveloping her in another passionate exchange, letting her question linger for a long while. Finally drawing back, he looks at her with a longing for the future. "Yeah... Fate will just have to follow our plans this time. Dinner."

Scott leans over to give Katie a lingering kiss on the lips before telling her goodnight and letting her off at her house. Trying to keep his eyes open on he way home was a bit of a struggle, but he makes it, and as soon as he's inside and greeted Domino, he hits his bed, out cold for the night.

Jason trudges into work, feeling tired this morning. Yesterday had been long, and he hadn't quite recovered yet. But he needed to work. He had too much to do. Walking toward the hall, he looks down towards Katie's cubicle, seeing she was already here.

Hesitating just a moment, Jason approaches slowly, leaning on her cubicle wall. He had questions running through his mind...strange questions after yesterday that he was afraid to voice, for fear of sounding as thought he'd fallen off his rocker.

"Hey, Hero...looks like you made it back in once piece...." He manages a slight grin. "Concert went well last night."

A little teddy bear with a flower sit on Misty's desk awaiting her arrival with a note scrawled by Carson, simply saying "Good morning" to her.

He sits at his own desk, trying to concentrate on his work, but tonight was fresh on his mind...he was still very sore...it would take some doing to be able to get in that ring tonight. But he had to...and he had to keep up with no one knowing about it.

Bret slides into the booth in the diner downtown a bit anxious. He was meeting this lawyer here this morning, and wasn't so sure how things would go. Would she really be able to help him? Would he really be able to afford her? He had to trust Jamie's judgment.

Ordering some soda, he sits and waits, watching the slow mid-morning customers come and go.

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