

Jen sighs deeply as she shakes her head, looking at Jason. "Look, I've got some snacks in my pack at the sound board, let me go get them." Turning herself around, she wheels herself back over to the chairs. Leaning down to grab the crackers, she hears her cell phone ringing in her purse. Who would be calling her at this time? Everyone knew they were at the concert.

Fishing for her phone, she finds it. Hearing Katie, she smiles. "He's fine, Katie. It's really hot out here tonight and his sugar took a nosedive. We got some juice in him though and he's pulling through alright." She tries to reassure her. "Don't worry about a thing. If we have any more trouble though, I'll call you."

Ending the conversation, Jen puts her phone back in her purse, and continues on task.

"Just give me a minute," Jason grumbles a little, annoyed with everyone standing around him.

Camryn frowns at him. "How about you just take it easy there, Hotshot? You trying to kill yourself or what?"

Without even thinking, Jason blurts it out. "And Katie, stop it!" he growls. "I'm fine!"

Camryn and the others look at Jason in surprise. Phil crouches down next to him. "Jason...what are you talking about? Katie's not here."

Jason blinks and glances up to Phil, unsure of why he'd even just said what he had. He'd felt....it was....she wasn't....she.... He swallows hard, feeling strange all of a sudden. "I don't know."

"The heat's gone to your head," Kyle responds dryly. "Come on, lets get you in some shade and some food in you, while we go back on."

Jason manages to sit up, his dizziness dispersing as the sugar in the orange juice does its job. "Let me back on with you guys. I'll be fine."

"I don't think so."

"No, really...I'm alright."

Kyle looks at him skeptically. "Give us two songs at least, then if Laura says you're fine, you can come back on."

"Alright," Jason relents.

Jen comes back to the group with the crackers in her lap. "Okay, Hotshot, I want to see you eat something."

Jason remains seated on the ground and accepts the food. "So did you calm Katie down?"

Jen looks at him with surprise, remembering Katie's request. "How did you even know she called?"

"I..." Jason stops, a cracker halfway to his mouth. His face suddenly goes red. He had no idea how to answer that. He shifts his eyes to see Nate. "I just...assumed..."

"Yeah, you can bet she'd call," Kyle intervenes. "Her and that sixth sense she's got. I'm telling you - she's the best bodyguard we could have gotten!"

Jason takes a bite of a cracker, trying to shake off this odd feeling. Something wasn't right. This just wasn't a good feeling. He felt out of control all of a sudden. As if his thoughts weren't his own.

"Alright guys." Mike claps his hands. "The audience is waiting. Laura...Cam... you can stay with Jase and if you don't think he should come back up, sit on him."

Scott glances at his watch, almost ready to go see if Katie was alright, when he sees her coming back to her seat. Looking at her with concern, his eyes show their worry. "You okay?"

Bret runs his thumb along Charlotte's hand and looks up to her. Grinning, he pulls her closer, so he's still on his back and she's looking down at him. Reaching up, he tucks her hair behind her ear. "Fate has never been my friend. Though right about now I wish I would have formed a stronger relationship so I could make a request that I'd see you again."

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