

*Misty turns her head to see Carson. She hadent relized he was in the room with her. How long had he been there? Misry trys to smile her best she can though her body stull hurt.*

" I feel like I was hit by a bus, and than a car. I probley look like it too."

*Misty rolls her eyes just imagening what she looked like.*

"Did...Did you watch over me all night Carson? Thats pretty sweet of you if you did."

* A grin cross Misty's face as her big brown eyes light up. Her fingers find Carson's hand and Dance ontop of it.*

"Ya know I could always close my eyes and pretending to be sleeping again so I could get that prince charming wakeup call. But something tells me I wouldent have to pretend to be able to get a kiss."

*Jamie's is jolted out of her transe as she hears a loud crashing sound from the yard to apartments over than some yelling. As much as she hated to go its was going to be good to get away from all the noise and chaos. The thing Jamie new she would miss the most was Con.

Heading back inside Jamie glances at the clock and knows Con will be awake soon. Having him stay with her she had learned his patterns so quickly. When he would wake, when he would sleep, what he liked when he first woke up. Jamie had become so much closer to Con.

Grabing another coffee mug from the cabnit Jamie pours Coffee in it along with more in her own. Heading into the living room seeing Con is awake she smiles and comes around to the front of the coutch siting down.*

"Good Morning Sweety. Here's some coffee."

*Jamie hands the cup to Con than takes a sip of her own wraping her free arm around Con.*

"Its gonna be ok. I'll come back to you, I promise."

*The secratary turns from the door heading back out to Lockheart.*

"Miss. Lockheart, Judge Barker will see you this way.*

*The secratary leads Lockheart throgh a door than down a long hall pointing to another room.*

"In there."

*Lockheart steps up to the door and enters the large room. Eyeing the Judge across the room. Walking over to the desk Lockhear drops her brefcase on the ground. Sticking her hand out to the judge.*

"Judge Barker, I am Angelica Lockheart, Jason Stevenson Lawyer. We need to talk about my Client, why was he sent to the state prison so soon and how come I was not informed."

*Lockheart keeps her eyes on the judge. Studing his face, he movements, his actions. Lockheart searches for all her answers in his eyes.*

Sleeping beauty

Carson's eyes drift open slowly, his ears picking up on movement. Rolling over, he looks up to the bed just in time to see Misty lay back down.

Sitting up, he gets his legs under himself to stand just a little groggily, and eases down to sit on the bed next to Misty. "Ah, the sleeping beauty lives," he teases quietly. “I would have tried waking you sooner, but if Rick woulda caught me being the prince charming, it probably wouldn’t have been pretty.”

Con takes a deep breath and stretches, the morning light invading his sleep. He yawns and sits up on the couch, rubbing his face wearily. The nights just didn’t seem long enough anymore.

He thinks for a moment, knowing something was different about today…what was it… oh yes. Jamie was leaving today. It was and odd feeling… Part of Con didn’t want Jamie to go… part of him knew it was necessary. He’d have no one to watch over tonight…he’d be back at his own place. He wondered for a moment at his purposefulness.

Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees to put his face in his hands. Woud anything ever seem easy ever again?

Judge Barker looks up from his desk, raising his eyebrows slightly. He scratches his graying head, then sighs, taking off his glasses. “Alright. Show Miss Lockheart in, please.”


*Misty stirs in her sleep. Opening her eyes she stairs at the celing of the room as the sun peeks through the window. Sitting up Misty trys to get her barring. Her mind still a bit foggy. She swings her legs around the back of the bed closes to the wall. Misty was a bit shaky still. Her body had been through a great shock, and was trying to recover. For a long while Misty sits on the edge of the bed trying to shake the foggyness not even relizing Carson was in the room yet. Felling as though she is going to be sick again Misty lays her head back down on the pillow looking up at the tiles. Misty lets out a groan her headack was returning. Not as bad as before but the pain was still there. Misty licks her lips trying to get them wet yet no water would come. Slowly everything starts to come back to Misty about how she had gotten sick. Carson's words reply though her mind were they just a dream? Or did he really say that stuff?*

"WHAT???? Thats not even possbale? Are you sure Reese that information is correct...? This is insaine. Ok...I am going to go see Judge Barker myself right now to see whats going on. I'll call when I know more. Alright, thank you for calling me Reese."

*As Lockheart hands up the phone her jumps out of bed grabing her clothing for the day she makes he way to the shower.

Once finished she spends little to no time fixing her hair and make up before heading to the Judges office downtown. She dident understand how this could have happend so fast. Jason hadent even been in the jail very long. This was very rare to see something like this unless evadence was found that was new and substantiol. But even than Lockheart should of been called and notified. So many rules were being broken it wasent funny in this case. Finally pulling into a parking lot and finding a space Lockheart makes her way into Judge Barker office. Geting to the secratarys desk Lockheart looks down at the woman.*

"I would like to see Judge Barker please."

*The woman behind the desk looks up at Lockheart over her glasses.*

"Do you have an appointment Miss...?"

*Lockheart roll her eyes.*

"Its Angelica Lockheart, I am Jason Stevenson's lawyer and no I dont but for some reson I think the Judge is exspecting me anyways. So just let him know I am here."

*The woman behind the desk stands walking to another closed door.*

"I'll see what I can do."

*Disapearing through the door the woman walks down a long hall till coming to another office. Knocking on the door the woman states.*

"Judge Barker I know you dident want to be bothered but there is an Angelica Lockheart here demanding to see you. She said she was Jason Stevenson's lawyer."

*Throwing her bathrobe on Jamie slowly decends the steps as to not wake Con. Going into the kitchen she pours herself a cup of coffee and steps out onto the back porch leting the cool damp air hit her face. In a few hours she would be leaving making her long trip to Texas. The thougt made her tummy jump. Though she new she would have a good time she was a bit scaired anyways. For a long Moment Jamie studys one of the apple trees in her yard lost in thought.*


Reese bids Lockheart farewell, and watches her leave the cafĂ©. He turns to Nate. “Well…I guess we head back to TJY. I’m assuming Katie’s well taken care of with her friend…and I need to get Carson busy with something he gets us all into trouble. Anything you need before we go?”

Carson is taken a little off guard by Misty’s hand in his, but automatically tightens his fingers around hers.

Rick’s eyes widen slightly at her words, still confused. “A cure, but how…” He sighs as he sees her drifting to sleep, and leans down to make sure she’s okay. He nods, satisfied at least with that much. “She’s relaxed,” he muses. “I’ll hold off on doing anything more for now…I don’t want what I have to counteract with whatever she’s got in her. We let her sleep for now. Though I’m really curious as to what she’s been up to.” He fingers the vial Carson had retrieved from Misty’s bag. “I wonder what this stuff is…”

Shaking his head, he goes back to the counter, giving in to the fact that there’s simply nothing more he can do. “Stay with her, Carson. Keep that cold cloth on her head and if anything changes, tell me.”

Jen returns Katie’s hug. “Oh, I’m so glad you came. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time…” She grows a little more serious. “I can imagine.”

She shrugs a little. “I’m alright…had a little setback the other day, but I’m forging ahead as always.” She grins. “Come on, lets go in the living room.”

The next couple hours are spent chatting, laughing, and discussing more serious issues. Jen finally confides in Katie what Kyle had already revealed, and she asks more about Jason, getting a better grasp on just what was happening there.

By evening, Kyle offers to take Katie back to home or work, and drops her off, promising to see her again soon, and keep in touch about Jason.

“Carson, you better eat something.”

Carson looks up drowsily from his chair, his neck having a kink in it from dozing off. He shakes his head wearily. “Not hungry.”

Rick shrugs. “Suit yourself. How’s she doing?”

“Same.” Carson glances to Misty. She’d been asleep for hours, and both men would have been more worried had she not been relaxed, and had her fever not broken. It appeared she was out of the woods, but hadn’t woken up yet.

“Mm.” Rick looks at his watch. “Since I’m confident she’s going to be all right, I’m going to go home at least for a couple hours. My number is on the counter. If anything happens, you call me immediately, understand?”

Carson gives him a lazy salute. “You got it.”

“You staying in here?”

“Do you trust me?”

Rick cocks his head. “No…probably not. But I saw the heart of a heartless man today, and that tends change perspective.” He turns to leave, not giving Carson time to respond.

Carson watches him exit, feeling a strange silence in the room. He looks back to Misty’s sleeping form, and just watches her for a while. The dim lights in the room gave a soft atmosphere, and it felt peaceful here, despite the chaos that had ensued earlier.

He swallows hard, thinking of Rick’s words…thinking about Misty and how she trusted him. His mind goes back to his phone call earlier that day. Guilt starts to toy with his conscience.

Shaking his head, he stands up and stretches, stifling a yawn. Looking around the room, he spies a couple spare blankets and pillows. He couldn’t go back to his cell tonight…he had a job to do. But he wasn’t going to sit in a chair all night either.

Grabbing two blankets, he spreads them out on the floor beside the bed, throws a pillow down, and eases onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. He knew he’d fall asleep, but he was a light sleeper…if anything changed or Misty stirred, he would wake…

Reese shuffles into his office, downing a cup of coffee on his way, nodding to Susanne and grabbing some paperwork. After finding out about Misty yesterday, he’d failed to give Carson anything to do, and today was determined to keep the man’s mind occupied and put to use.

Just as he’s flipping through some files, his phone rings. Picking it up, he answers and listens, his eyes going wide. “What?! Are you sure? That’s impossible. It hasn’t even been forty-eight hours! How?!”

Jotting down a quick note, he ends the call quickly, just to pick the phone back up and dial Lockheart. “Sorry to bother you this early, Miss Lockheart, but we got a problem. I just got a call from one of my sources downtown. They said Jason was shipped to the state prison at five o’clock this morning, by order of Judge Barker.”


*Lockheart finishs off her sandwitch and nods to Reese.*

"Yes I though it would be a good idea if you did that. They are going to be looking for everything and anything to tie Jason to more and more stuff. To make him look like even more of a bad guy. For his best intrust and for TJY laying low is good."

*Lockheart finishes off her tea off and lets out another sigh.*

"Well I better get back to my hotal. I have alot of stuff I have to work out. Please any change or anything call me, and I will do the same if anything changes on my end."

*Lockheart stands again and sticks her hand out to Nate and Reese.*

"I'll be seeing you guys again. Take care and have a good one."

*Lockheart smiles and heads for the door.*

*As Misty feels herled into the blackness she can hear a familure voice calling, bekoing her back...."Misty, hang in there, babe, don’t let go yet.” blurry vison enter Misty's mind. The heat, the sickness, it hurt so much she just wanted it to end. Though slipping away Misty feels someone along side of her, the sharp pain in her neck than a cool liqued flows through her. Misty trys to relaxe, as the darkness in her mind taking over for a moment, than as if a curtin was being lifted a bit of light peeks through. A voice enters her mind again... “You promised you’d stick with me, remember?” . A face entered Misty's mind Carson, he eyes looking though her, telling her to hold on. The light, Misty grasped for anything. Misty opens her eyes to the light, to the sound and looks at Carson. Slowly she takes his hand giving it a squeeze.*

"Tha...thank you."

*Misty turns her head, the fever was still there making her feel on fire, but she could feel the liqued coursing through her vains attacking the poison with much hast. If this worked it wouldent be long before the feaver broke and the sickness was gone.*

"I...just have to rest for now. I'm so tired. Rick, I...if I pull through this I think I found the cure."

*Misty closes her eyes again falling into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.*

*Seeing Jen Katie smiles and goes to her giving her a big hug but not uttering a word Kyle had told her. She dident want eather of them embarssed.*

"I was feeling a bit down. Just going through a rough time right now, so I though who better to spend some time with right."

*Katie smiles at Jen. It did feel good to be there. Katie never really had people she liked to spend time with outside of Jason, but finally finding friends was nice. And at a time like this it was even better to have someone to lean on.*

"How are you feeling Jen?"

What is it

Reese nods to Lockheart. “I’m trusting your judgment on this one. We’ve never had one of our agents get in this far before – we’ve always been able to head it off. I think I’m going to really cut down on some of our other cases and start lying a bit lower than we already are. I don’t want any of our other agents in trouble, or doing anything that could connect to Jason while he’s in jail.”

He smiles a little at the mention of Katie. “Yeah…Jason’s a different man since he met her. She’s been good for him.”

Carson lets a sly grin escape at Misty’s comment. “Hey, be nice. I bite back you know.” He wets a cloth down again, noting that she’s not cooling much at all.

“Rick, I don’t think this is doing much good.”

Rick turns from his work and frowns. He comes over and feels Misty’s forehead, his concern increasing. “I’m going to the next room to prepare a shot to try and give the infection something else to think about. Keep doing what you’re doing. If this keeps up, it’s an ice bath for her like we did with Con.”

Carson obeys, staying put as Rick leaves the room. As Misty turns over to throw up, he straights a bit to be out of the way, his eyebrows raising. “Nice aim.” He puts a cloth back to her forehead, pressing her down lightly to keep her still. “Take it easy.”

As Misty calls for Rick, then speaks to Carson, he leans in close to understand what she’s saying, glancing towards her nearby bag. “Rick!” he calls loudly, but receives no response.

Looking back to Misty, he sees her starting to lose consciousness. “Dang it. …Misty, hang in there, babe, don’t let go yet.” Making a split-second decision, he goes for her bag. He has no idea what’s in the vial, or what good it will do, but he can sense the urgency of the matter and isn’t going to wait for Rick.

Finding the vial and syringe, he sets to work. He might hate needles, but he knew all too well how to administer a shot.

Back by Misty again, he sits beside her on the bed, checking the syringe, then feeling her forehead again. “You promised you’d stick with me, remember?” he reminds. “You die on me, I’ll never let you live it down.”

Steadying his hand, he sticks the needle in her vein, slowly dispersing the contents of the syringe. Finished, he sets the needle aside.

“Carson, what are you doing?”

He looks up as Rick reenters the room, explaining quickly before he gets into trouble. “Misty told me to get this stuff from her bag, and to give he a shot and I did. I hollered for you but you didn’t answer, and she wanted it done right quick. She’s losing consciousness.”

Rick moves in closer, checking Misty’s eyes, not questioning Carson’s actions as he trusts Misty’s own judgment, despite her condition. He tries not to let as much worry show as he really feels. “Come on, hun, what’s happening, hmm? What did you tell him to give you? Misty, can you hear me?”

Kyle laughs as Katie elbows him, and follows her up to the truck. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Us guys just don’t cut it sometimes to we?” he throws her a quick wink.

Back on the road, it doesn’t take long to reach his parents’ house, and he takes Katie inside. “Jen?” he calls loudly. “Jen, you’ve got company!”

Jen appears from down the hall, pushing herself in her chair. Seeing Katie, her face lights up. “Hi, Katie! What are you doing here?”

Kyle grins and slowly slips from the room.”