

*Misty stirs in her sleep. Opening her eyes she stairs at the celing of the room as the sun peeks through the window. Sitting up Misty trys to get her barring. Her mind still a bit foggy. She swings her legs around the back of the bed closes to the wall. Misty was a bit shaky still. Her body had been through a great shock, and was trying to recover. For a long while Misty sits on the edge of the bed trying to shake the foggyness not even relizing Carson was in the room yet. Felling as though she is going to be sick again Misty lays her head back down on the pillow looking up at the tiles. Misty lets out a groan her headack was returning. Not as bad as before but the pain was still there. Misty licks her lips trying to get them wet yet no water would come. Slowly everything starts to come back to Misty about how she had gotten sick. Carson's words reply though her mind were they just a dream? Or did he really say that stuff?*

"WHAT???? Thats not even possbale? Are you sure Reese that information is correct...? This is insaine. Ok...I am going to go see Judge Barker myself right now to see whats going on. I'll call when I know more. Alright, thank you for calling me Reese."

*As Lockheart hands up the phone her jumps out of bed grabing her clothing for the day she makes he way to the shower.

Once finished she spends little to no time fixing her hair and make up before heading to the Judges office downtown. She dident understand how this could have happend so fast. Jason hadent even been in the jail very long. This was very rare to see something like this unless evadence was found that was new and substantiol. But even than Lockheart should of been called and notified. So many rules were being broken it wasent funny in this case. Finally pulling into a parking lot and finding a space Lockheart makes her way into Judge Barker office. Geting to the secratarys desk Lockheart looks down at the woman.*

"I would like to see Judge Barker please."

*The woman behind the desk looks up at Lockheart over her glasses.*

"Do you have an appointment Miss...?"

*Lockheart roll her eyes.*

"Its Angelica Lockheart, I am Jason Stevenson's lawyer and no I dont but for some reson I think the Judge is exspecting me anyways. So just let him know I am here."

*The woman behind the desk stands walking to another closed door.*

"I'll see what I can do."

*Disapearing through the door the woman walks down a long hall till coming to another office. Knocking on the door the woman states.*

"Judge Barker I know you dident want to be bothered but there is an Angelica Lockheart here demanding to see you. She said she was Jason Stevenson's lawyer."

*Throwing her bathrobe on Jamie slowly decends the steps as to not wake Con. Going into the kitchen she pours herself a cup of coffee and steps out onto the back porch leting the cool damp air hit her face. In a few hours she would be leaving making her long trip to Texas. The thougt made her tummy jump. Though she new she would have a good time she was a bit scaired anyways. For a long Moment Jamie studys one of the apple trees in her yard lost in thought.*

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