

*Lockheart finishs off her sandwitch and nods to Reese.*

"Yes I though it would be a good idea if you did that. They are going to be looking for everything and anything to tie Jason to more and more stuff. To make him look like even more of a bad guy. For his best intrust and for TJY laying low is good."

*Lockheart finishes off her tea off and lets out another sigh.*

"Well I better get back to my hotal. I have alot of stuff I have to work out. Please any change or anything call me, and I will do the same if anything changes on my end."

*Lockheart stands again and sticks her hand out to Nate and Reese.*

"I'll be seeing you guys again. Take care and have a good one."

*Lockheart smiles and heads for the door.*

*As Misty feels herled into the blackness she can hear a familure voice calling, bekoing her back...."Misty, hang in there, babe, don’t let go yet.” blurry vison enter Misty's mind. The heat, the sickness, it hurt so much she just wanted it to end. Though slipping away Misty feels someone along side of her, the sharp pain in her neck than a cool liqued flows through her. Misty trys to relaxe, as the darkness in her mind taking over for a moment, than as if a curtin was being lifted a bit of light peeks through. A voice enters her mind again... “You promised you’d stick with me, remember?” . A face entered Misty's mind Carson, he eyes looking though her, telling her to hold on. The light, Misty grasped for anything. Misty opens her eyes to the light, to the sound and looks at Carson. Slowly she takes his hand giving it a squeeze.*

"Tha...thank you."

*Misty turns her head, the fever was still there making her feel on fire, but she could feel the liqued coursing through her vains attacking the poison with much hast. If this worked it wouldent be long before the feaver broke and the sickness was gone.*

"I...just have to rest for now. I'm so tired. Rick, I...if I pull through this I think I found the cure."

*Misty closes her eyes again falling into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.*

*Seeing Jen Katie smiles and goes to her giving her a big hug but not uttering a word Kyle had told her. She dident want eather of them embarssed.*

"I was feeling a bit down. Just going through a rough time right now, so I though who better to spend some time with right."

*Katie smiles at Jen. It did feel good to be there. Katie never really had people she liked to spend time with outside of Jason, but finally finding friends was nice. And at a time like this it was even better to have someone to lean on.*

"How are you feeling Jen?"

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