
Sleeping beauty

Carson's eyes drift open slowly, his ears picking up on movement. Rolling over, he looks up to the bed just in time to see Misty lay back down.

Sitting up, he gets his legs under himself to stand just a little groggily, and eases down to sit on the bed next to Misty. "Ah, the sleeping beauty lives," he teases quietly. “I would have tried waking you sooner, but if Rick woulda caught me being the prince charming, it probably wouldn’t have been pretty.”

Con takes a deep breath and stretches, the morning light invading his sleep. He yawns and sits up on the couch, rubbing his face wearily. The nights just didn’t seem long enough anymore.

He thinks for a moment, knowing something was different about today…what was it… oh yes. Jamie was leaving today. It was and odd feeling… Part of Con didn’t want Jamie to go… part of him knew it was necessary. He’d have no one to watch over tonight…he’d be back at his own place. He wondered for a moment at his purposefulness.

Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees to put his face in his hands. Woud anything ever seem easy ever again?

Judge Barker looks up from his desk, raising his eyebrows slightly. He scratches his graying head, then sighs, taking off his glasses. “Alright. Show Miss Lockheart in, please.”

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