

Stopping with Misty, his hands in hers, Kyle stares back into her eyes. Her asking gave him joy...her glow gave him hope. Friendship was grand. His relationship with Misty was bliss. Knowing that she was perhaps seeking God...that was better than all combined.

Kyle lifts a hand to brush her cheek. "Of course," he promises.

Withdrawing, he pulls Misty to the side, bringing her a little closer to sway to the music. And for once...he lets the humor stay in his eyes without breaking the moment through silly speech.

Axel's mouth curls into the thin smile only he could pull off. His fingers wrap around Jess' hand with a gentle firmness and warmth of someone who could see the nervousness, and desired to melt it away. "My feet are protected by thick boots," he quips. "And you're not heavy enough to do any real damage."

Drawing her around the fire, he nears other couples who are dancing, in an effort to help Jess know he wasn't trying to get her alone. Taking both her hands, he avoids closeness and respects her space, not touching her waist. "Just follow my lead," he directs with a wink. "And don't look down."

Finding the beat of the fairly fast song, Axel minimizes his moves, but at the same time, guides Jess by her hands, skillfully manipulating her own moves by using her balance and countering so she'll follow his steps. Once he's confident that Jess has the pattern, he recalls her statement about the flame.

"Light of a flame is always stronger than darkness," he comments softly as they dance. "Even stars that are millions of miles away eventually pierce the darkness surrounding us so we can see them."

He pauses, staring into Jess' eyes, even while he moves. "Cup your hands around darkness and then let go. The shadows disperse. Cup your hands around the light and then let go. It falls upon even the darkest of corners. The light is there...all you have to do is let go."

As the song comes to and end, Axel slows to a stop. His palms on Jess' had a roughness to them, yet were soft and gentle. Studying her for a couple moments, he finally brings one of her hands to his lips, giving it a light kiss. Then backing up a step and letting her go, he bows with a flourish. "Thank you, melady."

Coming back into the circle of people Carson slips the partial Bible into his pocket. Seeing Jess gone from her seat, he scans the crowd, before finding her with Axel. Carson had kept a watchful eye on Axel...he seemed like an okay guy....nice enough.

Sliding into his ownn seat, Carson waits, keeping his eyes on Jess as she dances. It was nice to see her outside the normal routine. She was slowly gaining back her confidence...the one tool that she'd wielded so well before.

Carson's eyes do wander though, to the other side of the fire, finding Misty, dancing slowly, closely with Kyle. He looks away quickly, finding Jess again. It wasn't worth thinking about...not anymore...Misty was taken.

Jason tosses and turns in bed, unable to find rest. He was so tired, but his mind wouldn't settle down. His head hurt...his emotions were on the verge of going crazy... He just felt...wrong. Every so often, he'd check once more, trying to send a message, just to have the emotions bounce back at him. It was getting more frustrating...but the more Jason tried, the more he realized how much he was missing that connection.


*As Jess listens to Tom a few feelings stir inside of her. She wasn't sure how to take all this. Sure he hurd of God before and when she was at the Orphanige they went to church but never had she seen someone talk so strongly about him before. Some things she didn't understand. If God loved everyone than why would he let this stuff happend? To her, or anyone. The hand she was delt was the one God wanted her to have? Stairing into the flames of the fire Jess just thinks, wondering...continplating.

As Carson excuses himself Jess nods as she wraps her arms around herself.*

"Ok, I promise I won't run away."

*Jess gives a small fire as she gets lost in thought again the words that were spoken still echoing in her ears and she trys to work them all out.

As Axel stops infront of Jess she dosn't even notice untill he finally speaks. Looking up at him she locks with her eyes as the fire light dances in them. Her train of through broken for now. Continuing to look into Axel's eyes and study his words Jess trys to see if his motives were pure. Looking down at his hands than back to his eyes. *

"You think a flame can burn through a darkness thats so thick?"

*Stairing into the eyes that held ther own mistery it felt like a strong pull. One that someone could not controll. Not one of love, but one that challanged your inner soul to stand up and find who you were. Jess shakes her head and gives a chuckle.*

"I'm not a good dancer at all let alone even been dancing. Are you do you want you feet to deal with that pain?"

*Giving a shake of her head Jess sets her cup down and takes Axel's hand finally giving just a tiny shake of nervousness. This was crazy she couldn't dance.*

*Misty turns her head and smiles back at Kyle. Leaning her forhead aganst his she looks deep into his eyes for a moment. The life, the unexsplanable joy always that flowed through Kyle was...was that the love and the feeling God gave everyone. Searching as if looking for something Misty continues to stair as a smile forms on her face.

Since the first time Kyle had asked her to go to church Misty had gone again, and than not went and than went again. But even she couldnt deny that the weeks she did go it felt like she was renewed, and the week started good. Maybe, maybe slowly she would go more, and maybe this feeling would increase. Could God really love her too, after everything.

Finally giving Kyle a small kiss Misty whispers.*

"You sure can, as long as its slow this time."

*Misty smiles and stands it almost felt like she had tears in her eyes. This feeling she felt it was indescribable, but it felt like a whole new chapter was starting. It felt like the ugly grey colors were being lifted and she could see the bold world again. Misty liked this feeling, and if God was the way to keep it than it couldnt be all that bad.

Stoping for a moment as Kyle and herself walks Misty turns to him and gives a smile again. Though her spark wasnt there, a soft glow of something alse was, not many could detect it, but it was there non the less.*

"Kyle, if its alright can I go to church with you more and when I tell you not this week, can you pick me up anyways and remind me what I would be missing?"


Carson is just a little off guard, meeting Misty at the table with the drinks, and he finds his eyes staring at her for a moment before awkwardly dropping his gaze. "Um...yeah...I mean..I guess we are." This wasn't really his thing...not when he wasn't comfortable associating with the others who were here. Would he ever gain the feeling back that he had friends here?

He forces a slight chuckle. "You know me...find the nearest corner and be the fly on the wall. No walls around here though I guess."

Picking up a new cup of hot chocolate, he turns, but pauses, looking at Misty again. He was having a good time being more than friends with Jess...they got along well and seemed to click pretty well. But when he looked at Misty, there was just...something.... "You look good."

Carson clears his throat and lowers his eyes again. "See you around. Tell, um... tell Nate hi next time you see him." Being fairly quick, he heads back to Jess to resume his seat. After handing her, the hot chocolate, he drapes an arm around her shoulders. "Wouldn't want you to get cold," he teases.

The fun continues around the fire, some people breaking out in song, all the while the gigles land laughing persisting. A while later, one of the men stands up and walks closer to the fire in view of all, and simply puts a finger to his lips. "Shhhhh....."

Amazingly, the still sound brings the noise down around him, until everyone is quit. A hush falls over the site, all eyes on him. He turns, scanning everyone in the circle for a moment. Though having a straight face, his eyes seem to smile. He points to the fire.

"You know...this fire is a good example of what love is, and what love can do. And I'm not talking any ordinary love... I'm talking about a love so great, that it can touch every single life on this planet."

Carson lifts a skeptical eyebrow. That was Tom...Jen had pointed him out earlier. He was a leader in her church. If he was getting at what Carson thought he was getting at, it wasn't worth listening to.

Tom continues. "This fire will engulf anything you put in it. Wood, plastic, even metal if you get it hot enough. If we didn't have a barrier around it, it would spread and engulf this park." He picks up a stick and catches the end on fire. He makes a point of holding it up. "This is about the size of a human's love, or what we perceive as love. We limit it with pride...judgment...maybe greed. So while perfectly capable of loving unconditionally, we put barriers around our hearts. So the human love....it's bright and glowing, and has the potential to grow. But it's about this size."

He tosses the stick into the bonfire. "That...that's God's love. He has no barriers...He has no pride in the way... no conditions... no judgment. His love is pure, enormous enough for everyone, and once you've been touched by it, you'll always remember it."

Tom paces just a little. "And you know...this fire... it will engulf any kind of wood you throw in there. New, old, pine, maple, smooth or knotty. It'll take it all. God's love takes everyone too. God's love is extended to you..." He catches the eyes of several people. "And it's extended to the beggar down the street. It's extended to the guy with the big house and fancy car... and it's extended to the murder behind bars. We put limits on our love...but not God. It doesn't matter who you are or where you've been...you are not out of reach of God's love. His love is not measurable. And our human minds can't even fathom its depths."

Carson can feel his eyes wandering to the ground. He'd heard about God before...he'd been to church a few times as a kid...but for some reason...some unexplainable reason, Tom's words sent a strange surge into his heart. If only he knew the prayers beside him that were being lifted up, maybe he wouldn't be so surprised.

Tom spreads out his arms. "We can try to understand it...we can try to analyze it... some of us may not even want it! But it's there...God's love is always there. Always. It's never a bad time to accept it, and it's never to late, no matter where you've been. How much does God love you? He sent is only Son to die for you...that says something right there. Jesus didn't die just for people like me... He didn't die for preachers, and do-gooders. He died for every single one of us. The rich, the poor, the lost, the seeking... the sports players, the cheerleaders, the teachers, business men and women, cooks, stay-at-home moms... He died for the faithful, for the unfaithful... for the loving, and for those who have never shown love. The happy, the angry... the sad...the children. Jesus died...for you."

Tom pauses, the passion in his words demanding attention. "I don't care who you are or what you've done... if you don't know the love of Christ..the love of God... then you're truly missing out on the most wonderful thing in life. And though it's never too late as long as you're alive... someday... someday the end will be here, and you'll have never allowed yourself to experience that love. See...it's offered...it's there... but you have to accept it. I can stand outside this fire all day long and look at its beauty. But unless I step into it, I'll never experience it."

He looks around at the faces. Some he knew, some he didn't. He didn't know the hearts of those here, or who was or wasn't walking with God. But he could not hold this message back. "What's been holding you back? What are you afraid of? Giving up freedom? What freedom? Are you not a slave to this world? What are you afraid of? Rejection? God rejects no one. Perod. What is keeping you from stepping closer to the flame and reaching out to the One who holds all the answers? What other people think? Pride? Contentment?"

Tom almost laughs. "I don't care who you are... if you don't have Christ in your life, there is a part of you that feels incomplete. There is a part of you that is searching for answers... longing for purpose... longing for focus. Maybe you've been looking in all the wrong places. Bad habits...failed relationships... but you've never known anything else. You've never been shown the way to the answers you need. Well I'm telling you tonight... it's God's love."

He stops again, waiting. "That's all I'll say for now... but if you have questions... if you're searching, please... please come talk to me. I would so dearly love to tell you more."

A smile is on Kyle's face as Tom goes to sit back down, and he finishes off his hot chocolate. The music starts again, and he glances at Misty. He didn't know what she thought of all this... he hadn't gotten as far to talk too much abut it with her, not wanting to pry or push. But he did wonder how this made her feel.

His smile softens. "May I have this dance?"

Carson leans back on the bench, having resented his strange feelings enough to push them out of the way with annoyance. He tosses his empty cup into the trash can behind them, and gives a little sigh. "Prove it there's a God and maybe I'll listen," he mutters. He hadn't really intended on anyone hearing him, but Jen's head snaps around.

Her eyes lock with his, her own so full of a strange mixture of anger and sorrow. Thinking for a moment, she leans the other way to tell Mike something, then starts to wheel forward. "Carson...come with me."


"Please...come with me."

Carson quirks an eyebrow, wondering what she was getting at. He shrugs lamely and stands, looking down at Jess. "Be right back I guess."

Jen starts forward, going to the outside edge of the festivities where one could see everyone there. It's dark out here, and chillier. She shivers a little, but doesn't complain. Stopping, she turns to see the group around the fire. Making sure Carson is with her, she points. "See that young woman out there on the edge...the one with the toddler?"

Carson squints, then nods. "Yeah...so?"

"That's Carrie. And that toddler is Mindy. Mindy was born with a condition that doctors said would kill her. They gave her a zero percent chance of survival."

Carson is a little impressed. "What happened?"

"The church prayed for her." Jen doesn't look up, but picks out another person. "See that man there? With the limp?"


"That's Jake. He limps because he was in a car accident three years ago. His car was completely crushed. There was no way he should have survived. He came away with only a broken leg."


"See that man down there, talking to Mike?"

Carson shrugs. "It's Phil."

"That's right. He almost succeeded at killing himself once. But someone found him just in time."

"I didn't know..."

"That someone got a call that showed Phil's number, and there was no one there. On a whim, they went to check on him." Tears glisten in Jen's eyes. "Phil hadn't called him." She turns her back on the group and points up to the sky where just a few stars were visible. "Count the stars. How many are there?"

Carson stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks up. "There are too many to count."

"Explain life. Explain a baby's birth. Explain a soul that drives someone forward." Jen looks back to Carson, her eyes of courage piercing his own. "Now. Tell me God doesn't exist."

Carson opens his mouth to retort, but what could he say? There were unexplainable things. She'd just proven that. He could feel his defenses rising. "If there was a God, he should have taken me out of the world a long time ago to save the lives of others." He grits his teeth as unexpected emotions hit him hard. "He should have stopped me from killing... torturing... ruining lives. Do you know how many people have suffered at my hands, Jen?" He holds out his hands. "Do you realize how much blood is on these hands? I have done things to people who wished I would have just killed them off. Men...women... it didn't matter."
Hated tears burn the back of his eyes. "Where was their God? Where was God's love when I was doing that to them?"

A tear runs down Jen's face and she reaches up to lay a hand on Carson's arm. Her voice is soft. "God's love was around you, Carson. He didn't let you die because He loved you too much. You have so much potential...you have so much purpose. I don't know why He let other people suffer... but I do know that He kept you alive for a reason. You did do some awful, awful things. But Carson Banks..." Her eyes meet his. "You are not out of God's reach."

In a rare moment, Carson can't hold his stare, and backs down from Jen's eyes. He blinks back his emotions.... emotions that he didn't understand. He'd never felt like this before. It was stupid, but he couldn't deny that something was affecting him. "I can't find the answers," he responds lamely. "I just keep...going around in circles. I don't understand it. I don't know how it works. I don't know where I fit."

Jen reaches into a pocket on her wheelchair and pulls out a leather New Testament, holding it up to him. "Try reading this."

Carson takes, it, but then hesitates. "But this is yours."

Jen shrugs. "I can get another one."

"But I can't..."

"Then it's a loan. Take it, Carson. Read it. If you get through with it, and you still refuse to believe you are loved...if you still insist on looking elsewhere for your answrs... then I'll never bring it up to you again."

"Never, huh?"

"You have my word."

Her confidence was startling, and Carson's fingers tighten around the small book. "You seem to know something I don't."

Jen can't help her smile. "It's all in there."

Axel twirls Taylor around again, after she'd begged him for another round. Losing her to another guy though, he's left without a partner. A young woman is quick on the uptake, tapping his shoulder, and holding out her hands. He gives in, dancing with her for a few minutes too, making their way around the fire. As another man steals her away too, Axel looks down and realizes that he's stopped near Jess. She was alone.

Caution going by way of the smoke, he stretches out his hand, still breathing a little heavily from the activity. He locks eyes with her. "Sometimes it takes dancing near the flame to ignite your own light."

More the Merrier

*Jess smiles up at Carson as he stands.*

"Mmmm...I'd like that. Thank you."

*As Carson walks away Jess eyes follow him. She felt a little strange being here around more people than just Carson, but she felt comfortablt knowing Carson with with her. Everyone seemed nice here though she did notice some people from the first time they met it made Jess cheek turn red a little. That had not been a good first incounter.*

*Misty's laugh rings through the camp as Kyle pulls her up to dance. Though she had never been good at it, it was one thing she loved to do and having Kyle as a partner it helped not bring notice to her mistakes.*

"Kyle....I can't breath...."

*As Misty continues to dance with Kyle being turned around and laughing at the same time she gasps for air but loves every moment of it.

Finally coming to a halt as Kyle's eyes are on Tylor and Axel Misty's own drifts to Carson and than to Jess next to him. He looked happy, and Jess looked a lot better than when she saw her before. It made Misty smile knowing Carson was ok and someone was looking after him.

Giving Kyle's arm a pat she smiles.*

"I'm going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

*Heading over to the table Misty is quiet for a moment. Wanting to say something to Carson but not sure what. Finally she gets up the gumption.*

"It's nice to see you came tonight, and brought Jess with you. The more the merrier with these guys. Are you enjoying yourself?"

*Misty goes to pour herself another glass.*


Clint nods absentmindedly at Wendy, stopping his train of thought just for a moment at her comment about love being dropped in someone's lap.

Glancing to her as she finishes, he sighs. "Yeah... I think Jason doesn't realize a lot of things about him and Katie. I remember when I told him it was possible to just be friends with her. At the time, I was right... problem is, things change."

Jason sits behind his desk, trying to concentrate on work, but it's just not going that way. He'd planned on going home tonight and not coming in to TJY, but he just hadn't felt like it. Dealing with Reese hadn't been too fun, informing him that Katie hadn't come back yet, nor did he know when she would. Why Jason got the brunt of it, he didn't know...he hadn't told her to stay, and he didn't even know why she did or what she was doing! But telling that to Reese hadn't done a whole lot of good.

Leaning back in his chair, he taps his pencil on his desk. He'd been invited to go to a bonfire tonight, but had declined. He felt...too..... something. It was weird. Not having the continual pull on his emotions, they were starting to build up a little bit, and it didn't feel good. He'd never been able to feel Katie like she could feel him... but he could tell when something was different, and this wasn't fun. Why was she doing this? If she'd wanted alone time, he wouldn't have pried into her privacy or interrupted her with his own thoughts. Why couldn't she have just told him what was going on? He wasn't really upset with her...it just..... He didn't know what it felt like. But having his friend push him away like that just didn't set right with...

He gives a little start. Like a hose being released, then immediately kinked again, his emotional flow experiences a slight jolt. That was odd. He concentrates...groping for something... but there was nothing. He tries a message, but it comes slinging back with force, making him cringe. Nothing had changed...but why had there been a shift?

Sighing, Jason stands up. He was going home. He had to try and sleep or something before he went crazy.

Laughter and chatter rings out around the bonfire at the park. It was a dark and cold night, but the hot chocolate was keeping bodies warm, while the gaiety kept spirits warm. S'mores were a must and were created and eaten by anyone from ten years old to seventy. It wasn't that large of a group, but big enough to see the diversity and enjoy the company of those around.

Carson sits on a bench a short ways from the fire, Jess on one side, Jen then Mike on the other. He holds a styrofoam cup in his hand of the warm drink, and glances over to Jen, who was in her wheelchair. "So...when were you going to tell me this was a church event?"

Jen looks at him and shrugs. "Just because it's hosted by the church doesn't mean anything, does it? Bother you?"

"No..." Carson looks back at the fire, though his tone indicates that he suspected different motives of Jen.

She gives him a little smile. "Does it scare you that much?"

"Ha!" Carson shakes his head. "Religion never scared me. Just ticks me off."

"Who said anything about religion?"

Carson quirks an eyebrow, not knowing how to answer that one. Someone's shout and laughter breaks up their conversation. He shifts his concentration, moving his leg to bump Jess' knee teasingly. He and she hadn't gone out for group activities before, and it was just a little different...but he did enjoy having her there. He wouldn't have come at all, had he not promised Jen weeks ago that he would, but it wasn't so bad, even if she and Mike were the only ones he'd been conversing with, other than Jess. One factor that kept distracting him though, was the couple on the other side of the fire...

Kyle's joking brings another round of laughter from the group on their side of the circle around the fire. Phil was with them, and so was all of Cryptic.

Max laughs too much at something Kyle said and winds up spitting half his hot chocolate out, making the whole thing even funnier. "Aww!"

"You alright over there man?" Logan hollers.

"No! I got chocolate up my nose!"

Taylor almost dies laughing. "You look hilarious!"

Max smirks at her. "Thanks a lot."

Someone back by the tables turns on some music, livening things up even more. Kyle's eyes widen. He sets his cup down and jumps up, grabbing Misty's hands to pull her up too. Taking one hand in his, and putting his other around his waist, he swings her around, dancing to the music. His eyes sparkle in the light of the fire, his grin from ear to ear as his anitcs continue.

His action is the first in the chain of events, and soon, others are up dancing too.

Jen looks over to Carson once more, following his gaze. She wasn't sure what he was thinking...it was different to see him with a woman...he seemed like he was happier than he was...but there was still a spark missing. "Penny for your thoughts."

Before Carson even thinks, the words are out. "He makes her laugh, doesn't he?"

Jen knew that Kyle could make anyone laugh. But that wasn't the point. The point was, that Kyle was giving Misty something Carson never had - uninhibited attention. "Yes...he does."

"Well..." Carson stands up, sipping the last of the cocoa from his cup. "Time for another round." He glances down to Jess. "Want any more?"

Axel's eyes roam the firesite, continually coming back to the four across the way. Mike and Jen hadn't separated themselves from Phil, Kyle, and Cryptic to be anti-social, and it appeared they'd just ended up on the other side. Axel could tell though, that the two were making an effort to make Carson and Jess comfortable in this setting. Carson and Jess... Axel could see something was different than the first time he'd seen those two. He'd observed them a little bit over the last couple weeks, just briefly a time or two at Mom and Pop's. Two who had obviously not had a relationship before, were apparently now together. It was interesting. Even more interesting though, was the way Carson kept looking over here at Kyle and Misty. Axel didn't know the whole story, but his imagination told him a lot.

"Hey, you gonna dance with me or what?" Taylor holds out her hands.

Axel looks up at her, and gives her a small grin. "What... in public? You kidding?"

"Come on," Taylor begs. "Nobody else will. Not even Rocky."

"So I'm last pick again."

"Well I knew you wouldn't want to."

"You're smart."

"Oh, please, Axel? For me?" Taylor sticks out her lower lip. "One song?"

Axel gives a little sigh. "Dance, huh?" He slowly stands up, taking Taylor's hands. "Alright..." A sudden flash crosses his eyes as his ears pick up the upbeat song.

Taylor's own eyes widen as she realizes her mistake. "Ohhh, no, not...." She starts to be swung around. "You turkey, I didn't want a workout!"

"Too late." Axel twirls her far enoug away from the fire that they have room, and doesn't hold back. Expertly leading, he takes her into dance moves that no novice could pull off, his feet, kicking up the dust on the ground. Spinning and stepping in patterns, Axel guides Taylor around, skillfully making her look as though she knew as much as he, even though she didn't.

It's inevitable that not a full minute later, others have stopped dancing just to watch them, clapping, and laughing.

Not everyone

*Looking up at the sky Katie lets out a long sigh. It felt strange not having Jason's emotions coming in and out of her full force like normal, but Katie had to do this. Her own mind was a mess now and she couldn't let Jason feel this adding to his own.

Trudging forward Katie comes to a clearing only about halfway up the mountain. Smelling rain in the air Katie stops putting her bag on the ground. The would be a good spot to put up her tent and build a fire for tonight.

Hearing a coyotie howl in the distince Katie raises her head to the sound. The howl was far enough away for now, but if she didn't want to be on tonights menu she better get the fire started soon.

Setting her stuff down and opening up her tent it takes no time to get it up. Putting her bags inside Katie heads off into the direction of some trees to find some wood. Gathering up a bunch of wood Katie starts to head back the way she came only to get her foot caught on a root and twist her ankle sending her into a pile of thorn bushes. Leating out a gasp for a moment Katie opend her emotions and lets a few feelings of pain slip through only to close them off once again. Looking down at her hands and the wood that was now scattered again Katie rolls her eyes. Standing gently She trys to walk on get foot to only feel pain through it. Bringing a hand to her mouth she whipes away a big of blood from her split open lip.*

"Way to go Katie."

*Bending down Katie gathers the wood once again and slowly makes her back to her camp sight to start a fire and get something to eat.*

*Wendy takes a sip of water just listing to Clint for a moment about everything that was going on. It was strange for Katie to just take off even if she wasnt doing to well.*

"She might have. No one knows those moutains better than she does. Maybe in a day or two she will be back. She might of just needed some alone time."

*Wendy turns to Clint her eyes showing she wasnt as confadent as she sounded.*

"I just feel so bad for her you know? After everything she has been through. Scott, Jason...its has to be hard. I guess not everyone is lucky enough to have love fall in there lap."

*Wendy gives a small shrug trying not to draw attachen to what she just said as she takes a bit of her dinner and glances to Rosetta.*

"I wish she would of at least told Rosetta where she was going. She looks so worryed. I guess all we can do now is pray that Katie will be ok and will find peace. We should probely pray for Jason too. I know he must feel lost without her. I don't think he relizes just how much she ment to him."


A little concern, Jason nods to Wendy. “Okay. Well…I’ll see if she shows up for lunch. If not, I’ll go make sure she’s alright and ready to leave.”

But as he turns to go get something from his backpack, Jason suddenly receives a batch of emotions that he tries to decipher. Caught off guard, it takes him a moment. As the message registers, he furrows his brow. Katie wasn’t coming back with him? He maybe understood she didn’t want to go back, but…still… and where would she be that he couldn’t find her? He didn’t get it.

Turning to the door, he takes several steps. Katie, I…

He stops, sucking in his breath and reaching out to steady himself with a chair. His emotions bounced back at him like a tennis ball thrown at a wall. What on earth… He tries to clear his mind, slowing down his own pace as he just stands, ignoring what’s going on around him, and shaking his head a little.

Like a water valve, he’d been shut almost completely off from Katie. She was only letting enough of his emotions in so that he didn’t become too overwhelmed to handle it, but it was enough to make him uncomfortable. He wasn’t used to this…it didn’t feel right. Why was she doing this? Aside from confused, Jason was a little hurt. Katie had never shut him out like this before on purpose. She’d blocked specific things that had made her uncomfortable before, but…not like this.

Jason swallows hard and sinks down into a chair. Was she in that bad of shape? What was she planning to do? Where was she going? Yet…why was he asking? She obviously didn’t want him to know.

“Hotshot, you alright?”

Jason looks back to Clint and tries to nod. “Yeah…yeah, I’m okay… just had a little dizzy spell.”

Glancing at his watch, he gets up again. He at least felt like he was owed more than Katie had given him. Heading out, he aims for the bunk that she’d stayed in. Groping for feelings, he senses nothing. Knocking on the door, he waits…. No answer. Just deciding to go ahead and enter, Jason does, finding the bunk empty. The only thing there is Katie’s cell phone on the dresser.

Gone. She was gone. And she’d purposely left her whereabouts unknown from everyone…from Jason.

His fingers tighten around the phone before setting it back down. Fine.

…Jason stares out the plane window at the dark skies. The sun was trying to break through the clouds, but wasn’t having much luck.

Sighing, Jason settles back in his seat, then looks across the aisle. He felt empty…almost lonely. He wasn’t used to being alone quite like this…he felt…vulnerable in a sense…lost. He hadn’t realized until now how much he was used to feeling the steady draw on his emotions. Without it, they just wanted to scatter, bouncing in every direction and adding to his confusion.

He leans his head to the window and closes his eyes. Rest… rest would be good before getting back to Nevada. And he had to figure out a good reason to tell Reese why Katie wasn’t back with him.

Clint fools with his fork in his food, giving a little sigh. He looks to Wendy, just a little worried. “So that’s it? Jason said she just took off, and that’s all we know? Rosetta didn’t even know? Mick said he would guess she went to the mountain…but do you think she’d really do that?