

Clint nods absentmindedly at Wendy, stopping his train of thought just for a moment at her comment about love being dropped in someone's lap.

Glancing to her as she finishes, he sighs. "Yeah... I think Jason doesn't realize a lot of things about him and Katie. I remember when I told him it was possible to just be friends with her. At the time, I was right... problem is, things change."

Jason sits behind his desk, trying to concentrate on work, but it's just not going that way. He'd planned on going home tonight and not coming in to TJY, but he just hadn't felt like it. Dealing with Reese hadn't been too fun, informing him that Katie hadn't come back yet, nor did he know when she would. Why Jason got the brunt of it, he didn't know...he hadn't told her to stay, and he didn't even know why she did or what she was doing! But telling that to Reese hadn't done a whole lot of good.

Leaning back in his chair, he taps his pencil on his desk. He'd been invited to go to a bonfire tonight, but had declined. He felt...too..... something. It was weird. Not having the continual pull on his emotions, they were starting to build up a little bit, and it didn't feel good. He'd never been able to feel Katie like she could feel him... but he could tell when something was different, and this wasn't fun. Why was she doing this? If she'd wanted alone time, he wouldn't have pried into her privacy or interrupted her with his own thoughts. Why couldn't she have just told him what was going on? He wasn't really upset with her...it just..... He didn't know what it felt like. But having his friend push him away like that just didn't set right with...

He gives a little start. Like a hose being released, then immediately kinked again, his emotional flow experiences a slight jolt. That was odd. He concentrates...groping for something... but there was nothing. He tries a message, but it comes slinging back with force, making him cringe. Nothing had changed...but why had there been a shift?

Sighing, Jason stands up. He was going home. He had to try and sleep or something before he went crazy.

Laughter and chatter rings out around the bonfire at the park. It was a dark and cold night, but the hot chocolate was keeping bodies warm, while the gaiety kept spirits warm. S'mores were a must and were created and eaten by anyone from ten years old to seventy. It wasn't that large of a group, but big enough to see the diversity and enjoy the company of those around.

Carson sits on a bench a short ways from the fire, Jess on one side, Jen then Mike on the other. He holds a styrofoam cup in his hand of the warm drink, and glances over to Jen, who was in her wheelchair. "So...when were you going to tell me this was a church event?"

Jen looks at him and shrugs. "Just because it's hosted by the church doesn't mean anything, does it? Bother you?"

"No..." Carson looks back at the fire, though his tone indicates that he suspected different motives of Jen.

She gives him a little smile. "Does it scare you that much?"

"Ha!" Carson shakes his head. "Religion never scared me. Just ticks me off."

"Who said anything about religion?"

Carson quirks an eyebrow, not knowing how to answer that one. Someone's shout and laughter breaks up their conversation. He shifts his concentration, moving his leg to bump Jess' knee teasingly. He and she hadn't gone out for group activities before, and it was just a little different...but he did enjoy having her there. He wouldn't have come at all, had he not promised Jen weeks ago that he would, but it wasn't so bad, even if she and Mike were the only ones he'd been conversing with, other than Jess. One factor that kept distracting him though, was the couple on the other side of the fire...

Kyle's joking brings another round of laughter from the group on their side of the circle around the fire. Phil was with them, and so was all of Cryptic.

Max laughs too much at something Kyle said and winds up spitting half his hot chocolate out, making the whole thing even funnier. "Aww!"

"You alright over there man?" Logan hollers.

"No! I got chocolate up my nose!"

Taylor almost dies laughing. "You look hilarious!"

Max smirks at her. "Thanks a lot."

Someone back by the tables turns on some music, livening things up even more. Kyle's eyes widen. He sets his cup down and jumps up, grabbing Misty's hands to pull her up too. Taking one hand in his, and putting his other around his waist, he swings her around, dancing to the music. His eyes sparkle in the light of the fire, his grin from ear to ear as his anitcs continue.

His action is the first in the chain of events, and soon, others are up dancing too.

Jen looks over to Carson once more, following his gaze. She wasn't sure what he was thinking...it was different to see him with a woman...he seemed like he was happier than he was...but there was still a spark missing. "Penny for your thoughts."

Before Carson even thinks, the words are out. "He makes her laugh, doesn't he?"

Jen knew that Kyle could make anyone laugh. But that wasn't the point. The point was, that Kyle was giving Misty something Carson never had - uninhibited attention. "Yes...he does."

"Well..." Carson stands up, sipping the last of the cocoa from his cup. "Time for another round." He glances down to Jess. "Want any more?"

Axel's eyes roam the firesite, continually coming back to the four across the way. Mike and Jen hadn't separated themselves from Phil, Kyle, and Cryptic to be anti-social, and it appeared they'd just ended up on the other side. Axel could tell though, that the two were making an effort to make Carson and Jess comfortable in this setting. Carson and Jess... Axel could see something was different than the first time he'd seen those two. He'd observed them a little bit over the last couple weeks, just briefly a time or two at Mom and Pop's. Two who had obviously not had a relationship before, were apparently now together. It was interesting. Even more interesting though, was the way Carson kept looking over here at Kyle and Misty. Axel didn't know the whole story, but his imagination told him a lot.

"Hey, you gonna dance with me or what?" Taylor holds out her hands.

Axel looks up at her, and gives her a small grin. "What... in public? You kidding?"

"Come on," Taylor begs. "Nobody else will. Not even Rocky."

"So I'm last pick again."

"Well I knew you wouldn't want to."

"You're smart."

"Oh, please, Axel? For me?" Taylor sticks out her lower lip. "One song?"

Axel gives a little sigh. "Dance, huh?" He slowly stands up, taking Taylor's hands. "Alright..." A sudden flash crosses his eyes as his ears pick up the upbeat song.

Taylor's own eyes widen as she realizes her mistake. "Ohhh, no, not...." She starts to be swung around. "You turkey, I didn't want a workout!"

"Too late." Axel twirls her far enoug away from the fire that they have room, and doesn't hold back. Expertly leading, he takes her into dance moves that no novice could pull off, his feet, kicking up the dust on the ground. Spinning and stepping in patterns, Axel guides Taylor around, skillfully making her look as though she knew as much as he, even though she didn't.

It's inevitable that not a full minute later, others have stopped dancing just to watch them, clapping, and laughing.

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