
Not everyone

*Looking up at the sky Katie lets out a long sigh. It felt strange not having Jason's emotions coming in and out of her full force like normal, but Katie had to do this. Her own mind was a mess now and she couldn't let Jason feel this adding to his own.

Trudging forward Katie comes to a clearing only about halfway up the mountain. Smelling rain in the air Katie stops putting her bag on the ground. The would be a good spot to put up her tent and build a fire for tonight.

Hearing a coyotie howl in the distince Katie raises her head to the sound. The howl was far enough away for now, but if she didn't want to be on tonights menu she better get the fire started soon.

Setting her stuff down and opening up her tent it takes no time to get it up. Putting her bags inside Katie heads off into the direction of some trees to find some wood. Gathering up a bunch of wood Katie starts to head back the way she came only to get her foot caught on a root and twist her ankle sending her into a pile of thorn bushes. Leating out a gasp for a moment Katie opend her emotions and lets a few feelings of pain slip through only to close them off once again. Looking down at her hands and the wood that was now scattered again Katie rolls her eyes. Standing gently She trys to walk on get foot to only feel pain through it. Bringing a hand to her mouth she whipes away a big of blood from her split open lip.*

"Way to go Katie."

*Bending down Katie gathers the wood once again and slowly makes her back to her camp sight to start a fire and get something to eat.*

*Wendy takes a sip of water just listing to Clint for a moment about everything that was going on. It was strange for Katie to just take off even if she wasnt doing to well.*

"She might have. No one knows those moutains better than she does. Maybe in a day or two she will be back. She might of just needed some alone time."

*Wendy turns to Clint her eyes showing she wasnt as confadent as she sounded.*

"I just feel so bad for her you know? After everything she has been through. Scott, Jason...its has to be hard. I guess not everyone is lucky enough to have love fall in there lap."

*Wendy gives a small shrug trying not to draw attachen to what she just said as she takes a bit of her dinner and glances to Rosetta.*

"I wish she would of at least told Rosetta where she was going. She looks so worryed. I guess all we can do now is pray that Katie will be ok and will find peace. We should probely pray for Jason too. I know he must feel lost without her. I don't think he relizes just how much she ment to him."

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