

*As Jess listens to Tom a few feelings stir inside of her. She wasn't sure how to take all this. Sure he hurd of God before and when she was at the Orphanige they went to church but never had she seen someone talk so strongly about him before. Some things she didn't understand. If God loved everyone than why would he let this stuff happend? To her, or anyone. The hand she was delt was the one God wanted her to have? Stairing into the flames of the fire Jess just thinks, wondering...continplating.

As Carson excuses himself Jess nods as she wraps her arms around herself.*

"Ok, I promise I won't run away."

*Jess gives a small fire as she gets lost in thought again the words that were spoken still echoing in her ears and she trys to work them all out.

As Axel stops infront of Jess she dosn't even notice untill he finally speaks. Looking up at him she locks with her eyes as the fire light dances in them. Her train of through broken for now. Continuing to look into Axel's eyes and study his words Jess trys to see if his motives were pure. Looking down at his hands than back to his eyes. *

"You think a flame can burn through a darkness thats so thick?"

*Stairing into the eyes that held ther own mistery it felt like a strong pull. One that someone could not controll. Not one of love, but one that challanged your inner soul to stand up and find who you were. Jess shakes her head and gives a chuckle.*

"I'm not a good dancer at all let alone even been dancing. Are you do you want you feet to deal with that pain?"

*Giving a shake of her head Jess sets her cup down and takes Axel's hand finally giving just a tiny shake of nervousness. This was crazy she couldn't dance.*

*Misty turns her head and smiles back at Kyle. Leaning her forhead aganst his she looks deep into his eyes for a moment. The life, the unexsplanable joy always that flowed through Kyle was...was that the love and the feeling God gave everyone. Searching as if looking for something Misty continues to stair as a smile forms on her face.

Since the first time Kyle had asked her to go to church Misty had gone again, and than not went and than went again. But even she couldnt deny that the weeks she did go it felt like she was renewed, and the week started good. Maybe, maybe slowly she would go more, and maybe this feeling would increase. Could God really love her too, after everything.

Finally giving Kyle a small kiss Misty whispers.*

"You sure can, as long as its slow this time."

*Misty smiles and stands it almost felt like she had tears in her eyes. This feeling she felt it was indescribable, but it felt like a whole new chapter was starting. It felt like the ugly grey colors were being lifted and she could see the bold world again. Misty liked this feeling, and if God was the way to keep it than it couldnt be all that bad.

Stoping for a moment as Kyle and herself walks Misty turns to him and gives a smile again. Though her spark wasnt there, a soft glow of something alse was, not many could detect it, but it was there non the less.*

"Kyle, if its alright can I go to church with you more and when I tell you not this week, can you pick me up anyways and remind me what I would be missing?"

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