
Jamie Gibbs

*Katie sits with Scott on the swing enjoying the nice breeze while wrapped in his arms. The morning had been nice and the afternoon was looking good too. The little extra time spent at the ranch with Scott was nice.*

"Thats fine with me. It gives us alittle extra time together alone. Thats something I couldent complain about."

*Katie thinks for a moment going over some things in her head, her mind drifting in an out not really landing on one place for to long. Turning her head she beams up at Scott.*

"How about we take alittle horse ride? We wont be able to go to the view not enough time. But Maybe we could ride over to Wes and Cindys I havent seen the house yet and the trail there in nice."

*Charlotte finishs off the last of her bacon and takes a sip of her Milk. Once finishing a grin forms on her face.*

"Hardly, I'll have fun even when she is home till monday when she starts cracking down on me. So what do we have planed for today? I'm up for anything once again. I enjoy your company to much to really care what we do."

*The conversation had been light this morning but she was ok with that. Everyone needs alittle breather here and there.*

*Jamie sits under the living room table with BJ a blanket over top creating a tent. Jamie looks up from the door she was reading noticing BJ had falled asleep. Smiling she puts the door down and kiss him on the head, before climbing out from underneath the table. Standing she streachs and heads outside the small house siting down on the pourch step taking in the cool breeze after being under the stuffy blanket.

Jamie liked it at the ranch. It was always a nice get away. So calm, so peacful. As Jamie sits the question pops into her mind from last night when Pete had asked about them geting married. A smile spreading across her face as she glances down at her hand. Jamie Gibbs, she liked the way that sounded.*

*Wendy sits quietly on a bench across the way from the messhall. Her painting easle in front of her along with her pants. The way she sat if anyone saw they the would think she was painting the barn. Only someone who looked at her closely would see her eyes and head shift every once and a while to look at Katie and Scott on the swing. Her hand moving swiftly along the canvis, she had a time limit she wanted to get this done by, yet she wanted it to be good so she dident rush herslef to much.*


Scott grins as Katie takes him onto the dance floor. As she pulls him close, he wraps his arms around her resting his own head against her as hers lays on his shoulder. He felt warm. He felt good. He felt wanted. For the first time in his life, spending time with someone had given him purpose. No matter how people had teased him, razzed him, or even looked down on him…Katie’s acceptance had changed his world. And holding her close to him tonight gave him an indescribable feeling.

Almost the only two left in the barn, the song finally draws to a close. Scott gently pulls away slightly, locking eyes with Katie, falling into her never-ending stare. Swallowing hard, his hand comes up to her face, caressing her cheek. He can feel a little bit of heat rising up the back of his neck, but he ignores it. Without breaking his gaze, he whispers to her. “I love you.”

Tilting his head, he gives her a gentle kiss on her lips. “Goodnight, Katie…sweet dreams.”

Reese escorts Lockheart to the bunk where she’ll be staying, and pauses at the bottom of the porch. He starts to say something, then suddenly chuckles, shaking his head. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “I just had this flashback from when I was in high school and I’d taken Mary Tuckles on our first date.” He grins sheepishly. “I got her home and we stood on her porch for ten minutes, both of us figuring we’d like a night kiss, but neither of us brave enough.”

Reese shakes his head again. “I think I ended up accidentally hitting the doorbell with my elbow, and her mother came, forcing me to leave. …That was the last date with Mary.”

Grinning, he takes Lockheart’s hand to plant a tender kiss on it. “Sleep well, Angelica. See you in the morning.”

Turning, he heads to the bunk where he’d been directed earlier, taking his time as he strolls slowly.

Con leans down to give Jamie a kiss goodnight. “You didn’t look so bad yourself,” he teases. Pausing, he shakes his head. “Drop dead gorgeous is more like it.” Shaking his head, he backs away, down the stairs. “Night, Jamie. Need anything, give a loud holler.”

Bret can’t help his smile that spreads. He doesn’t even have to think about that one. “Breakfast it is. I’ll be here.”

Bidding Charlotte goodnight, he heads back home, turning his music up loud again. He would sleep well tonight after all the running around…and he looked forward to the next day. Though he could be wrong, he was pretty sure that Charlotte would be true to her word, and really would be there in the morning again.

As the plane comes to a stop, Jason tilts his head to see Camryn. She was still fast asleep. Without thinking, Jason runs his fingers through her short hair, enjoying the fact that she was comfortable enough with him to fall asleep like that. He knew she’d first come to him simply because she was attracted to his looks from being with JetStream. But he knew good and well that after spending this much time with her lately, that feelings had grown beyond that. She would openly admit that she loved spending time with him. He, on the other hand, had been fighting it. But…how long would he keep fighting? And what was the point?

“Hey…Camryn…” He shakes her shoulder gently. “We’re back.”

“Hmm?” Camryn snuggles closer, bringing her arm around him.

Shaking his head, Jason almost laughs. “You gonna stay in this plane all night, or what?”

Finally Camryn opens her eyes and blinks. Realizing her position, she sits up quickly. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I…”

Jason cuts her off, shaking his head again. “Everybody needs a pillow. Come on…I’ll take you home.”

“…Reese is talking stuff over with Pete and Austin, but should be ready to go by later this afternoon.” Scott pushes the porch swing with his foot, letting it sway gently. His arm rests around Katie’s shoulder, a quiet breeze blowing across the ranch. Church had been a peaceful and enjoyable time this morning, and after a light lunch, everyone had gone their own ways, simply enjoying the day.

“Figured we’d get back home late evening probably,” he muses. “Sound alright to you?”

Bret leans back in the booth, finished with a late breakfast, and just sipping his coffee, looking at Charlotte across the table from him. He’d picked her up earlier as planned and wound up going to the little cafĂ© downtown to eat. “So…your sister is coming back this afternoon, huh?” He grins. “Does that mean the fun stops for you?”

“…So I thought we’d play those three and then…” Kyle’s voice drifts off as he looks at Jason in Mike’s basement as they practiced before tonight. “Helloooo…. Mr. Stevenson, are you with us?”

“Hmm?” Jason looks up from his perch on the stool, his guitar resting on his knee. “Sorry. What were you saying?”

Kyle looks to the other guys. “Is it just me, or has his mind been on another planet since he got back from Texas?”

Jason smirks at him. “My mind just isn’t with it. Now tell me what you were saying.”

“Nevermind. I like the playlist we got. Y’all feel ready?”

“When have we not?” Phil quips. “Doesn’t mean we can’t crash and burn.”

“Oh, but when we do, we do it with style!”

Mike laughs at Kyle and shakes his head. “Are we going over that last song again or what?”

“Yeah, if Jase over there can get with it.”

“Sorry!” Jason repeats, straightening up.

“So Katie’s not coming tonight, eh?” Kyle asks.

At the mention fo Katie, Jason spaces out for a moment again, feeling just a little funny.



Kyle widens his eyes at him. “Do I take that as a no?”

“No. I mean yes. I mean, that’s right. Katie’s still in Texas. Nate’s coming on down to watch our backs instead.”

“Alright…” Kyle slowly sets his music in front of him. “Now…lets… try to play this song…”

End or Start?

*Katie smiles at Jason giving his arm a friendly squeeze.*

"You to J. Make sure you eat and keep sugar up ya hear me and Rock so hard tomarrow I can here you all the way out here."

*Katie gives a nod again before sliping back into the barn to the cammotion. She did feel alittle better after talking more with Jason. She felt rejuvanated, and refreshed. She always felt that way after talking to him.

Geting back inside and seeing Scott Katie smiles.*

"Now why would I want to hide from you?"

*Katie thinks for a moment as Scott talks of bed. She hadent had her dance with him and she wasent leting him go that easy. As he turns she takes his hand and walks to the almost empty dance floor as "Have I told you Latly that I love you plays."*

"Your not geting away that easly. I want a dance with you."

*Puting her arms around Scott Katie draws herself close to him Katie rests her head on his shoulder. Just taking in the moment. Katie needed to be happy just as much as Jason did and like she said it was time to let go and live again.*

"Thank you for coming Scotty."

*Lockheart smiles back at Reese feeling a bit tired herself.*

"Why yes you can!"

*Lockheart makes her way out of the barn.*

*Jamie smiles tucking BJ in for the night. She would be staying at the house with the small boy so in case he needed anything in the middle of the night. She had also told Rosetta she would help her out in puting some of the wedding gifts away for her in the right places as well.

Jamie does follow Con out to the pourch to bid him a goodnight.*

"You looked really nice today Con. Thanks for coming along."

*Charlotte smiles back at Bret to day certinly was a fun day. One that she would always remember. After the weekend was up and monday came Charlotte dident know if she would see Bret again. She would hope, but if they dident she would remember the day she met Bret wallowing in a bar, offered a game of pool, had dinner, and lived free with. The day would not be forgotten. Bret had warmed her heart and gave her hope.*

"Thank you for the great day?"

*Charlotte gives a smile feeling his hand on her face she had to addmit she was going to miss Bret's company.*

"How about Sunday morning breakfest? My sister wont be home till later in the afternoon."

The night

Jason gives as little start as Katie takes his hand, and looks to her quickly. That had felt…strange. Shaking it off, he resumes his walk to the barn, trying to not think anything of it. But it had felt like touching an electric fence…though the shock hadn’t been a physical shock, but rather an emotional one. In a casual setting like this, nothing like that had ever happened before.

Writing it off as a fluke, Jason says nothing. Nearing the barn, he lets go of Katie’s hand and gives her shoulder a pat. “Catch you back in Nevada, Katie. Take care of yourself ‘til you get back.”

Camryn sees Katie and Jason out of the corner of her eye and continues her small talk with Scott until she sees Jason going to bid his mother farewell. She stands up slowly and stretches. “Well, looks like my ride is waiting. I better go get changed so we can head to the airport.”

“Alright. Thanks for the chat.” Scott rises as well, and glances around to find Katie. Finally spotting her, he approaches her slowly, offering a smile. “There you are. Thought maybe you were hiding from me,” he teases.

Reaching up, he puts a strand of her hair back in place. “People are heading out,” he comments. “Figured I’d go find my bunk here in a bit before I fall asleep right here.” He gives her a grin as he pauses. “I had a good time today, Katie…thanks for inviting me.”

Reese’s eyebrows shoot up as Lockheart places a kiss on his cheek, and he can feel the heat rise up his own neck. Looking back at her, his mouth automatically quirks into a smile. He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing seems to want to come out, and anything intelligent flees.

Finally relenting to silence, he keeps his hand in hers and bows to the door. “I think everyone is calling it a night. May I walk you to your quarters?”

Con smiles as Jamie leans against him, and watches her and BJ. “I think I can stand that kind of competition,” he replies quietly. He knew that Jamie must miss her own children, and her opportunity to look after BJ probably meant much more to her than it did Con.

A slight twinge of melancholy hits him once more as he thinks about the future, the same old question arising as to if she would really be happy with him. But he tries to shake it off, reminding himself of Jamie’s reassurances.

In just a while, Con rises and takes the sleeping boy from Jamie’s arms to carry him to the house, and they both tuck him in bed before separating for the night.

Jason and Camryn catch a ride to the airport, once again boarding the TJY jet. It’s dark and they’re tired, but neither want to sleep, knowing it wouldn’t be too long until they would be back and would have to be alert for the drive home.

Camryn suggests a card game and Jason relents, the two ending up sitting side by side.

Try as Camryn would though, she couldn’t keep her eyes open, and finally her body gives in, a light sleep coming over her.

Jason glances to the side as he feels Camryn’s head lean on his shoulder. He didn’t mind…he rather…liked it. He fought the feeling at first…he knew he was getting attached to her, but fear was an element. He’d been burned twice now – did he really want to risk his heart again?

Reaching over, he gently takes the playing cards from Camryn’s hand and puts them back in the box. Shifting his weight around, he settles back, deciding to quit fighting his own exhaustion. Knowing that Camryn would probably wake up with a stiff neck if she stayed that way, Jason slowly lifts his arm to put it around her, so she could lean into his chest instead, and he rests his own head against the jet window.

He looks out into the darkness, seeing city lights far below. A change was in the wind…he could feel it…within himself. He wasn’t sure what it meant…but he knew that soon, he would have to stop fighting himself and let himself live again.

Bret pulls his corvette up to the curb by the hotel and stops, thinking a moment before looking over to Charlotte. They’d hiked, they’d swam, they’d eaten together, they’d gone to the aquarium, they’d walked the beach, they’d gotten ice cream, and they’d sat under the stars on a wide open country hill. It was a day Bret certainly would never forget – one that perhaps had taught him that there was still hope for his future. He’d felt alone and trapped. But Charlotte…she had revived a spark deep within him, and it felt good.

Smiling a little, Bret lifts his hand to run a gentle finger down the side of her face. “You made today worth living in, Charlotte. Am I even going to see you again?”

Feeling like Liqued

*Katie gives a small smile to Jason on the comment to Kyle. Katie new if Jason explained it to him Kyle would understand but she also new why had Jason had to leave.*

"Ya we dont need Kyle having kittens now do we. Its gonna be strange not being at the show tomarrow, but I exspect you guys to still do good. Let Nate know for me to if he dosent do the job right I am gonna kick his butt ok. This will probley do the first and last one I miss. I'll tell you thank."

*Katie stairs at Jason's out streched hand for a moment a bit hesatent at first, but finally takes hold of it. Slowly and very slightly Katie can feel a bit of Jason's emotions. Like liqued rolling down a hill Katie could feel it. Not wanting to draw attachen to it very much she stands. Heading back to the barn with Jason. Feeling a bit better than she did before.*

"Thank you J."

*Lockheart laughs at Reese comment. Weather it was her being tired, or just the moment of the music she dident know. Maybe it was just the face she felt comfortable with Reese. Leaning over she gives him a small kiss on the cheek as her face turns red.*

"I dont think your old Mike."

*Drozy eyes overcoming him BJ makes his way to Jamie and climbs in her lap as she wraps her arms around him. Leaning his head aganst her chest BJ brings his legs up and curlws into alittle ball drifting off to sleep. Little dreams iin his head and the soft music puting him to sleep.

As Jamie hold on to BJ tight she cant help but smile at the little boy she held. Her own son would be about this age now and holding BJ made her feel good. Likes she was given a second chanse to do what she neve could with her own. Looking over to Con who was not siting next to her she smiles.*

"It looks like you have some compatition for my attachen."

*Jamie leans her head on Con's arm as she continues to hold BJ.*


Jason gives a little smile. "You're always okay aren't you." He shakes his head. "I never will know how you always stay so strong."

He offers a short laugh to her reference of being a hero. "You know I always need someone watching my back with all the scrapes I get myself into."

At her question, he thinks for just a moment, then nods. "Yeah...yeah, I will be okay." His confidence was evident. "I know I'm in a rut...I just haven't been able to pull myself up out of this pit for some reason, but I'm getting there. With people like you, Scott, Camryn, and the band around, it would be a miracle if I didn't come crawling out one of these days." He gives her a quick wink to assure her that he was on the mend.

"Thanks, Katie. Maybe I didn't thank you often enough, but...I'm grateful for everything. No matter what happened...having you as my friend is still one of the most important things in my life. I guess I don't tell people I appreciate them often enough."

Jason gives a slight nod. "I'm glad that we can still be friends too...even if we did choose separate paths. Helps me know that even if I did screw up royally, it didn't turn out all bad."

Glancing down, he sees his watch and sighs. "I don't really want to go back yet." He laughs a little. "But Kyle would kill me if I missed practice before the gig tomorrow." He stands up and offers his hand to Katie as well. "Walk you back to the chaos?"

Reese returns Lockheart's smile. "I'm glad you're having fun. I can't think of a better way I could have spent my weekend."

As the song draws to a close, he slows down to just be standing with her. Sheepishness creeps into his face. "Unfortunately it's been a very long time since I've had this exciting of a day and stayed up this late on top of it." He chuckles. "I think I'm getting too old for this."

Cindy laughs and nods. "As much as I would love to stay here and talk for hours, I'm about ready to fall asleep right here."

She stands up wearily, rubbing her sore back. "I just want to wait for Jason to come back in here to say goodbye to him."

Carson kisses Misty's head, his hand still combing her hair. He wanted to apologize for making her worry, but along with that thought just came more guilt. For if he were truly sorry, would he continue down the path he was headed?

He chuckles. "Misty, if you were a piece of cake, you wouldn't be nearly as much fun."


*Katie lets out a sigh at Jason's comment of think she dident love him.*

"No, I still did."

*Katie gives alittle smile. Trying to look positive.*

"And what good memories they are!"

*Katie keeps her eyes down. The question Jason asked Katie dident have an answer to. She couldent see what the future was to hold and to Katie, the unknown was on of the scaryest things. Katie had always feared not know what was to come. She was so strong on the outside, but inside she felt scaired of many things. She new she would pull though but the fear was still there.*

"I'll be ok sooner or later Jason. I always am."

*Katie thinks again before answering Jason trying to put her words together to make sence.*

"My connection with you is part of my happyness. I've told you that before. I like knowing your ok. As for geting rid of it...that I cant answer because I really dont know. Will I ever try to shut it off and only pull it out when I need to? Maybe. I cant see that far ahead though. Maybe, when I know you are truly going to be ok, I will be able to let go. Just pulling it out when something happens. We just have to wait and see. Even if I let go though, I'm always going to be watching your back. Its habbit ya know in my line of work. I'm the hero and a gift like this just dosent go away."

*Giving alittle laugh trying to lighten the mood alittle Katie picks at some chiping peaces of the table. Everything was turn around inside. She did very much so want Jason to be happy.*

" I guess I just need to learn to forgive myself too. Thats of the hard parts. Now how about you? Are you going to be ok?"

*Jamie smiles laughing and shakes hear head.*

"I'd be jealouse too, I mean look at us...."

*Jamie puts her head close to Con and glances over to Wes and Cindy.*

"Arnt we cute?"

*Wes quirks an eye brow looking at Con and Jamie. Almost as if studying them.*

"Oh...you guys are alright I guess. For a doll and a teddy bear."

*Wes cant help but laugh as he gives his wife a squeeze and turns to her his eyes showing they are tired. He was having a blast and dident want to leave, but his eyes were geting heavy and the night late.*

"Well my love, are you about ready to go? All this excitment I am exsausted."

*Lockheart stays in rythm with Reese doing well at to keep up. A smile on her face. Though Reese was giving her space it still felt stange to be held by a man. Though this time, she dident try to deny it or back away. The music kept the mood, causing Lockheart to slip into a differnt roll herself being alittle more relaxed.

Lockheart eyes were filled with a new smile, a glint of joy that wasent there before. A relization about what she had almost missed. Looking Reese in the eye Lockheart gives a genuin smile.*

"I am. Thank you for inviting me Mike. I hope your enjoying yourself as well."

*Charlotte follow Bret back down the moutain keeping up small talk. The day was young, the sun was shining and Charlotte couldent ask for better company at the moment. Geting into the car he own stumach makes a growl. Looking to Bret she laughs.*

"I guess fate can wait this once. I'm alittle hungry myself. We will just have to make up for it after lunch."

*Charlotte gets a grin on her face as she nods her head matter of factly.*

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson's chest leting out a content sigh.*

"Its not out of my way to spend time with you babe. I love every moment I can get to have you near to me. I guess sometimes I just forget I cant be with you 24/7 and other times I just worry I am going to lose you. I know thats silly of me but I cant help it I guess."

*Misty sits thinking quietly. The day had gone good and Misty was enjoying her time with Carson. Being wraped in his arms was like a slice of heavn.*

"Thanks for puting up with me to eh. I know I'm not a peace of cake all the time eather."


Jason listens carefully, eying Katie as she speaks. He knew he had probably known her answer without having to ask, but hearing it assured him he was still reading her correctly.

When she mentions her love though, a strange new look passes through Jason's eyes. Something that makes him stop and hesitate, not responding right away.

Looking down, he gives a short laugh, signaling the foolishness he felt. "Guess I figured when I got out of prison and saw you with Scott that you'd already stopped loving me."

Another gentle roll of thunder sounds in the distance from unseen clouds.

Taking a deep breath, Jason looks back up at Katie. Something had suddenly shifted in his emotions....there was something different...or was there? It was almost like seeing a light bulb flicker but not being sure that it really happened or not. But Jason's emotional state right now was one of total control, proving that if something really had shifted, it wasn't an accident.

"Well...I suppose that's one for our memory banks, eh?" He taps a finger on the table absentmindedly, catching Katie's eye again.

"Are you going to be okay?" He hesitates to proceed, wanting it to come out right, but fearing that it wouldn't. "I know that...if it weren't for your sixth sense about me, I would have died at least twice now. But is that...is that connection going to keep you from being happy?" He pauses. "I hope that my growing stability has helped some...I just don't want you to always live through my pain...I don't want my bad days to effect you and the life you want to pursue...with someone else. Can you...let go to the point that you can turn off that connection so you won't feel the pain?" His concern for her is genuine, his want to relieve that burden from her is sincere.

Camryn soaks in all the sights around the ranch, thoroughly enjoying Wendy's little tour. Seeing the fields, the bunkhouses, the barns...it all made it seem like a western fantasy come true. Her smile remained as she was introduced to some of the horses, admitting to Wendy that she'd ridden a lot as a little girl, but now missed it.

On their way back to join those still inside, Camryn catches sight of two figures out back, talking quietly. Taking note of who it was, she says nothing, and continues with Wendy.
Getting back to where they started out, Camryn thanks her. "This place is just so nice. It must be so neat to actually live here and experience this every day."

Scott finds Becky to turn the cameras and used film back over to her, assuring her that he needed no payment - it had been his pleasure. Now without a job though, he sighs, a little tired, and glances around the room. Couples were still dancing, the music having grown soft.

His eyes roam the faces, looking for Katie. He hadn't seen her in quiet a while. He starts to wander, saying hi to a few people, and gradually making his way to the door.

Camryn chats and laughs with Wendy and Clint some more, wishing that she wouldn't have to leave tonight. Suddenly her eye catches Scott and she sees him moving to go outdoors. Retaining her smile, she nods to Wendy. "Keep this boy in line, I'll be sure to catch you before I leave."

Turning from them, she strolls casually up to Scott. "Hey there, Mr. photographer."

Scott stops and gives Camryn a sheepish grin. "Let's just say I take pictures. I'd hardly call myself a photographer."

Camryn rolls her eyes. "If you weren't any good, they wouldn't have asked you."

Scott purposely shifts the subject away from himself. "Have you seen Katie?"

"Oh my goodness, she's been all over the place." Camryn laughs, moving toward a row of chairs against the wall, automatically drawing Scott with her. "She's probably off helping someone now - she was a real trooper helping get things ready today."

Scott strolls with her to the chairs, and feeling tired enough, sits down beside her, forgetting his intent on finding Katie for the moment.

"So," Camryn continues to speak, "What is it you do at TJY?"

Scott chuckles. "Well they call me the tech guy..."

Con automatically puts his arm around Jamie as she slips onto his lap, used to holding her, and never tiring of it.

Pete looks to Jamie with a wide eye. "Hey, that's how rumors get started," he warns. "There ain't no lucky lady, nor will there ever be," he states decidedly. "I was referring to the giant whose lap you're sitting on."

"He's being a butthead," Con intervenes. Giving Jamie a kiss on the cheek, he grins. "Personally, I think he's jealous."

Reese stands up with Lockheart, smiling. He saw the nervousness in her eyes, and tried to mask his own by forcing himself to take her hand with confidence. Drawing her away from the tables, he takes her among the other couples dancing to the slow music. He wasn't a fantastic dancer, but by no means was horrible either, and easily takes the lead, one hand in hers, the other lightly at her waist, though he does his best not to invade her space. "Having a good time?"

Bret watches Charlotte and grins, pulling his sun-dried shirt over his head. "What are you asking me for? You're the one with the quarter."

Getting his socks and shoes back on, he grabs his pack and starts with her back down the trail. By the time they reach the car, both have almost completely dried off from the hot sun.

Sliding into the car, Bret glances at his watch. "I don't know about you, but I think my stomach might override fate and chance this time." He points down the road. "If we head east, there's a little town with a diner if you're up to it."

Carson leans back in the corner of the couch, Misty tucked comfortably in front of him as they watch their movie. He was exhausted, but forced himself to stay awake for her. It had been a good day with no mishaps and enough teasing between them to keep the mood light - something he needed today.

His arm that was draped around her shifts, and he runs a hand through her hair thoughtfully. "Thanks for going out of your way for me," he mentions quietly. "I know I haven't been great company lately."

Pete I dident think

*Katie herself looks around the room with out relizeing it scaning making sure everything was ok and in place before finally heading out the door with Jason. The nice cool breeze felt nice. Following Jason many things run through Katie's mind not quite sure what they were doing. Coming to the picnic table and seeing Jason sit Katie carfuly sits down still in her dress from earlyer not wanting to rip it.

Hearing Jason's question Katie is silent for a few second. Many things ran through her mind.*

"Can I stand on the fifth amendment?"

*She new stuff like this shouldent bother her, she new it shouldent at all but it did and Katie new she couldent hide that from Jason. She was trying her best to move on, and be friends again was coming. Katie dident want to hide anything from her friend. Maybe they were just words she needed to hear again. Giving a sigh Katie looks up at Jason.*

"Ya J it does alittle. I know it shouldent, but it does. I also know though that I want you to be happy again, Even if that means I'm not a part of your happiness."

*Katie looks away off into the endless night seeing the fire flys dart around a silent tear escaping Katie's eye. She closed her eyes for a moment composing herself listing to the music in the background that changed to being softer. Finally opening her eyes again Katie leans her arms and hands on the table.*

"I....will always love you Jason. But I think I am finally ready to begin being happy again and let go."

*Katie takes in another breath as the breeze blows and a soft thunder sounds in the background. Katie heart did ack, the words she said hurt her, but she new it was time to let the healing start fully now.*

*Charlotte gives a laugh as she starts to swim to shore as well going under the water one last time and than coming up.*

"I'd hate to hold fate and chance back. I like what its given us so far today."

*Geting out of the water Charlotte toss her head forward sending her wet hair flying. Shaking her head and than tossing her hair back. Going to her backpack she takes out her hair clip and puts her hair up. After wringing out her clothing the best she can she sits leaning agast a rock.*

"Alright captin, what can I exspect next on this adventure after walking back to the car?"

*Wes cant help but laugh at Pete and Con's antics. Keeping his arm around Cindy enoying himself. As Con directs his question to him he holds his hands up.*

"Hey dont look at me, its not my fult you look alittle vanrable with your arm in a sling."

*As Jamie lets BJ go and he runs off with one of his friends to dance and play with them, Jamie draws close to Con and the others picking up a few words. Sliping slowly into Con's lap and puting an arm around his neck being carfel of his arm a grin on her face she looks to Pete.*

"Wait who is geting married again? You Pete? Wow...thats great, whos the lucky lady?"

*Jamie cant help but grin even more.*

*Lockheart sits next to Reese adding her to cents in here and there with Reese and Austin. The talk was about work but she dident mind. Its what she was comfortable with. Finally as Reese asks her to dance she smiles a bit hesatent at first but than gives in remembering she has said she was going to try new things.*

" I havent in a long time but I think I would like to. As long as you dont mind my two left feel."

*Lockheart smiles at Reese standing. Her nerves started to act up on her though she tryed to hide the look from her eyes.*

*Wendy lets out a laugh as she leads Camryn out the door calling over her shoulder so Clint can hear.*

"Nah, He's actully really sweet sometimes. Dont let the chair get the best of you oh defender."

*Wendy laughs enjoying Camryn's company. Taking her out she shows her everything from the fields, to the bunk houses, to her mom's office, and than the horses making sure to add as much detail as she could to her new friend.*

Lingering questions

Bret’s gaze drifts back and for the between Charlotte’s eyes, his grin not fading. “Mm…I’m not sure. Takes three times to really tell.”

Leaning in, he gives her another kiss, then withdraws with a decisive nod. “It wasn’t a fluke.”

Reaching up, he tucks a wet strand of hair behind her ear, just quiet for several moments. He had no idea what had ever possessed him to not only take this woman out the night before, then to actually take a road trip to nowhere with her, and to top it off, be in this position now. But he couldn’t think of what he’d rather trade this time for.

He finally gives a little sigh. “If we stay in here much longer, fate and chance won’t have the opportunity to have their way with us any more today.”

Letting Charlotte go, he swims backward through the waterfall again, drinking in the coolness before swimming back to the large rock and pulling himself up out of the water.

Cindy smiles gratefully as Wes brings her some ice water. “Thank you.” It was warm in the barn, and she was especially hot. The water was just what she’d wanted. As Wes sits back down next to her, she leans into him, her hand on his leg, tired, but not wanting to leave yet.

Con watches Jamie and BJ dance, a smile pasted on his face. Though his shoulder was aching pretty badly right about now, nothing was going to spoil this evening.

He turns his head quickly, realizing that Wes was talking to him, and pieces together just enough to get what had been said that he hadn’t heard. “Yeah, I guess it is. We decided to stay until Mick and Rosetta get back – kind of our gift to them to watch BJ while they’re gone.” He chuckles. “I suppose I could use the break.” He gestures to his injury. “And I know Jamie likes it here, not to mention BJ is just plain fun to look after.”

An elbow prods him from the side as Pete had slid in next to him quietly, listening to the conversation. “Not to mention you two look awfully cute together.” Pete grins slyly. “Perfect little family picture.”

Con looks to his left. “What?”

“I said you and Jamie look cute together.”

Con quirks an eyebrow and gives him a sidelong glance. “And your point is…?”

Pete shrugs and takes a swig of his iced tea. “Just wondering when you were going to ask the poor girl to marry you, that’s all.”

Con’s eyes widen. “Well you certainly have nerve. I…”

“Hey, careful,” Pete warns. “You don’t want to hurt you arm.”

Con smirks at him. “I’ll ask her when I want to ask her.”

“You mean when you get the guts.”

“And since when is this your business?”

“I’m just observing.”

Con rolls his eyes and looks to Wes. “What’s been going on around here? Pete used to be scared of me.”

“Never!” Pete grins. “I just know that at the moment you can’t pummel me as easily.”

Camryn giggles at the stories that Wendy tells, thoroughly enjoying herself as she immerses herself in the ranch atmosphere. Her bubbling personality was infectious, her laugh contagious.

“Ohh,” she nods with enthusiasm. “I would love to take a walk. The whole ranch is just fascinating and Jason’s been off in his own little world so I didn’t want to ask him to show me around.”

Clint smirks at Wendy. “Yeah, you two go off and have your fun and keep talking about me.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ll just stay back here…alone…all by myself…the only one to guard the chairs to make sure they don’t attack the guests.”

Camryn laughs again, slapping his arm. “As if you really want to stroll alongside two babbling girls like us.”

“I say there could be worse fates.”

Camryn rolls her eyes and looks to Wendy. “Is he always this ornery?”

Scott wipes the sweat from his brow, his sleeves still rolled up, the first couple buttons of his shirt now undone. It was hot and humid this evening, but he couldn’t deny that he was having fun. Having a task, he didn’t really have to mingle that much, but when he did, he had a purpose, so wasn’t forced to think up small talk. Catching photos all evening had given him prime opportunities to weave in and out of the small crowd without feeling so out of place.

Lifting the camera again, he catches Jamie and BJ, their eyes filled with laughter as they dance. Zooming in across the room, he spies Wes and Cindy in an irresistible pose, and the shutter clicks again. If it had been somewhere else, Scott would have questioned how many pictures he was taking, but he knew these people well enough to know that all of them cherished each other and their memories. These photos would be given to Mick and Rosetta – and who else deserved better to have these memories tucked away. Scott knew all shots would be appreciated, whether they were good angles, bad angles, close friends or visitors.

Reese takes a sip of his lemonade and glances to his side at Lockheart. He hoped she was having a good time. The smile on her face seemed to say so. He himself had enjoyed the evening. Most of his chatting had been with Austin – it had been a long time since the two of them had been able to just sit down and talk. Some of their conversation was work-related, but Reese made an effort to avoid the subject as much as he could, practicing getting away from it for a while.

Picking up on a new song that was being played, he nudges Lockheart’s arm lightly. “You don’t happen to dance, do you?”

Jason tilts his head a little as Katie approaches, offering a faint grin. At her compliment of the song, he just gives a little shrug, a dry short laugh surfacing. “I can get fancy words on paper, but make me say them and they never seem to turn out right.”

As she mentions Camryn, Jason looks down at her, searching for the sincerity and finding it. He didn’t need Katie’s approval of Camryn…but it was nice to know it was there anyway.

He thinks for a moment at Katie’s comment, pondering the look in her eye. He glances around the room, noting that no one was paying a bit of attention to them. Taking advantage of that, he straightens and nods to the door. “Come on.”

Leading the way, he takes her outside where the air was fresher. It was dark now and stars dotted the sky. The chatter and laughing echoed out of the barn, but it was quieter here. Jason just walks for several moments, finally finding a picnic table around back, and sitting down across from Katie.

Giving a little sigh, he looks at her again, trying not to shut her out, trying not to let his depression rule him right now…trying to be himself, despite the struggle of finding his own heart. “I’m glad you got a chance to get to know Camryn a little bit… she’s a really nice young woman, but doesn’t have a lot of close friends. I think some people get put off too quickly by her personality.”

Pausing, he shakes his head a little. “Katie…does it bother you to see me with her?”