
Pete I dident think

*Katie herself looks around the room with out relizeing it scaning making sure everything was ok and in place before finally heading out the door with Jason. The nice cool breeze felt nice. Following Jason many things run through Katie's mind not quite sure what they were doing. Coming to the picnic table and seeing Jason sit Katie carfuly sits down still in her dress from earlyer not wanting to rip it.

Hearing Jason's question Katie is silent for a few second. Many things ran through her mind.*

"Can I stand on the fifth amendment?"

*She new stuff like this shouldent bother her, she new it shouldent at all but it did and Katie new she couldent hide that from Jason. She was trying her best to move on, and be friends again was coming. Katie dident want to hide anything from her friend. Maybe they were just words she needed to hear again. Giving a sigh Katie looks up at Jason.*

"Ya J it does alittle. I know it shouldent, but it does. I also know though that I want you to be happy again, Even if that means I'm not a part of your happiness."

*Katie looks away off into the endless night seeing the fire flys dart around a silent tear escaping Katie's eye. She closed her eyes for a moment composing herself listing to the music in the background that changed to being softer. Finally opening her eyes again Katie leans her arms and hands on the table.*

"I....will always love you Jason. But I think I am finally ready to begin being happy again and let go."

*Katie takes in another breath as the breeze blows and a soft thunder sounds in the background. Katie heart did ack, the words she said hurt her, but she new it was time to let the healing start fully now.*

*Charlotte gives a laugh as she starts to swim to shore as well going under the water one last time and than coming up.*

"I'd hate to hold fate and chance back. I like what its given us so far today."

*Geting out of the water Charlotte toss her head forward sending her wet hair flying. Shaking her head and than tossing her hair back. Going to her backpack she takes out her hair clip and puts her hair up. After wringing out her clothing the best she can she sits leaning agast a rock.*

"Alright captin, what can I exspect next on this adventure after walking back to the car?"

*Wes cant help but laugh at Pete and Con's antics. Keeping his arm around Cindy enoying himself. As Con directs his question to him he holds his hands up.*

"Hey dont look at me, its not my fult you look alittle vanrable with your arm in a sling."

*As Jamie lets BJ go and he runs off with one of his friends to dance and play with them, Jamie draws close to Con and the others picking up a few words. Sliping slowly into Con's lap and puting an arm around his neck being carfel of his arm a grin on her face she looks to Pete.*

"Wait who is geting married again? You Pete? Wow...thats great, whos the lucky lady?"

*Jamie cant help but grin even more.*

*Lockheart sits next to Reese adding her to cents in here and there with Reese and Austin. The talk was about work but she dident mind. Its what she was comfortable with. Finally as Reese asks her to dance she smiles a bit hesatent at first but than gives in remembering she has said she was going to try new things.*

" I havent in a long time but I think I would like to. As long as you dont mind my two left feel."

*Lockheart smiles at Reese standing. Her nerves started to act up on her though she tryed to hide the look from her eyes.*

*Wendy lets out a laugh as she leads Camryn out the door calling over her shoulder so Clint can hear.*

"Nah, He's actully really sweet sometimes. Dont let the chair get the best of you oh defender."

*Wendy laughs enjoying Camryn's company. Taking her out she shows her everything from the fields, to the bunk houses, to her mom's office, and than the horses making sure to add as much detail as she could to her new friend.*

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