
Feeling like Liqued

*Katie gives a small smile to Jason on the comment to Kyle. Katie new if Jason explained it to him Kyle would understand but she also new why had Jason had to leave.*

"Ya we dont need Kyle having kittens now do we. Its gonna be strange not being at the show tomarrow, but I exspect you guys to still do good. Let Nate know for me to if he dosent do the job right I am gonna kick his butt ok. This will probley do the first and last one I miss. I'll tell you thank."

*Katie stairs at Jason's out streched hand for a moment a bit hesatent at first, but finally takes hold of it. Slowly and very slightly Katie can feel a bit of Jason's emotions. Like liqued rolling down a hill Katie could feel it. Not wanting to draw attachen to it very much she stands. Heading back to the barn with Jason. Feeling a bit better than she did before.*

"Thank you J."

*Lockheart laughs at Reese comment. Weather it was her being tired, or just the moment of the music she dident know. Maybe it was just the face she felt comfortable with Reese. Leaning over she gives him a small kiss on the cheek as her face turns red.*

"I dont think your old Mike."

*Drozy eyes overcoming him BJ makes his way to Jamie and climbs in her lap as she wraps her arms around him. Leaning his head aganst her chest BJ brings his legs up and curlws into alittle ball drifting off to sleep. Little dreams iin his head and the soft music puting him to sleep.

As Jamie hold on to BJ tight she cant help but smile at the little boy she held. Her own son would be about this age now and holding BJ made her feel good. Likes she was given a second chanse to do what she neve could with her own. Looking over to Con who was not siting next to her she smiles.*

"It looks like you have some compatition for my attachen."

*Jamie leans her head on Con's arm as she continues to hold BJ.*

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