

Jason gives a little smile. "You're always okay aren't you." He shakes his head. "I never will know how you always stay so strong."

He offers a short laugh to her reference of being a hero. "You know I always need someone watching my back with all the scrapes I get myself into."

At her question, he thinks for just a moment, then nods. "Yeah...yeah, I will be okay." His confidence was evident. "I know I'm in a rut...I just haven't been able to pull myself up out of this pit for some reason, but I'm getting there. With people like you, Scott, Camryn, and the band around, it would be a miracle if I didn't come crawling out one of these days." He gives her a quick wink to assure her that he was on the mend.

"Thanks, Katie. Maybe I didn't thank you often enough, but...I'm grateful for everything. No matter what happened...having you as my friend is still one of the most important things in my life. I guess I don't tell people I appreciate them often enough."

Jason gives a slight nod. "I'm glad that we can still be friends too...even if we did choose separate paths. Helps me know that even if I did screw up royally, it didn't turn out all bad."

Glancing down, he sees his watch and sighs. "I don't really want to go back yet." He laughs a little. "But Kyle would kill me if I missed practice before the gig tomorrow." He stands up and offers his hand to Katie as well. "Walk you back to the chaos?"

Reese returns Lockheart's smile. "I'm glad you're having fun. I can't think of a better way I could have spent my weekend."

As the song draws to a close, he slows down to just be standing with her. Sheepishness creeps into his face. "Unfortunately it's been a very long time since I've had this exciting of a day and stayed up this late on top of it." He chuckles. "I think I'm getting too old for this."

Cindy laughs and nods. "As much as I would love to stay here and talk for hours, I'm about ready to fall asleep right here."

She stands up wearily, rubbing her sore back. "I just want to wait for Jason to come back in here to say goodbye to him."

Carson kisses Misty's head, his hand still combing her hair. He wanted to apologize for making her worry, but along with that thought just came more guilt. For if he were truly sorry, would he continue down the path he was headed?

He chuckles. "Misty, if you were a piece of cake, you wouldn't be nearly as much fun."

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