

Letting compassion show in her eyes Hope gives a nod to Gunner. She new he was lost and he hated everything he was right now. She couldn't even start to imagen how she would feel herself.

"I'm sorry Gunner that you fell all these things and you feel as you have no control. Sometimes its hard admitting we have problems and we need help, but before you can even strat to let your heart heal you need to admit and face what happened than deal and know it wasn't your fault. "

Letting out a small sigh and giving a small smile looking to Bree Hope gives a nod. Gunner had found and what a friend she was. She could only hope that she would be good for him and maybe help him more without even realizing it.

"I'll see what I can do about the room with a window. Maybe even a pare of binoculars too so you can look at the starts you love so much. Let me go see what I can do I'll be back."

Getting up and leaving the table Hope makes her way over to where the dr. was to chat with him a little.

Watching Hope as she walks away Bree looks to Gunner an apology on her face. This hadn't been her place to put in but she had anywyas.

"I am sorry I cut in on you like that. Hope seems like a nice lady and all its just...how she was acting was bothering me."

Giving a small smile Bree looks to Gunner her eyes gave just a small twinkle.


Gunner really doesn't respond much to Hope. He didn't know what she wanted from him. He could say things were great here, but that wasn't true. He could say he got to stay up whenever he wanted, but that wasn't true either.

Opening his mouth, he stops, feeling Bree's pat to his nervous leg. Lifting his eyebrows, he listens, then watches for Hope's reaction, curious. He can see she's a bit confused, and that she shifts gears just a little.

Cocking his head, he shows a bit of amusement by the quirk in his mouth, and he taps Bree's foot with his own, under the table to thank her.

"Thank you for caring, Dr. Garrison." He was a little peeved, but he knew that having people who cared was good. There may have been a break in topics, but he remembered everything she'd said. "Food tastes like crap on cardboard. And I get locked in my room by eight."

His eyes hold a dimness... a lack of life. "Look..." He sighs deeply. "You know you don't have to beat around the bush with me, and you know I don't play games with you. I hate it here and I hate myself. I'm depressed and all I feel is emptiness. If they let me go now, I'd probably go find some creative way to get it all over with again because I really don't know how to live with myself right now."

He shrugs lamely. "I'm embarrassed that I'm here, and all I feel when I lay down at night is guilt. All I've done all my life was a total waste, and I still don't even know who I was before the accident. Maybe I don't even want to know any more."

Gunner picks at the corner of one of the puzzle books. It was getting harder to not be bothered by the raw truth he always spoke. His eyes lower for a moment before he glances to Bree, not knowing what she thought of all this, then back to Hope. "If you could get me a room with a window, it might make this more bearable, but... I really don't see how I can "get better" when all I do is play petty mind games with the local shrink."

Own Mask

Looking up at Dr. Garrison Bree seemed to go queit though her face really shown no expression of any emotion. Continuing to just watch her Bree is just silent listing to Gunner and Hope taking note to Gunners voice change and he was just a little bit differnt in the presence of Hope.

Pulling up a chair and sitting down Hope gives a friendly nod to Bree before looking back to Gunner and just studying him for a long moment.

"I am happy your friend came to see you Gunner. Its nice to know you have someone to brighten your day."

Continuing to listen Bree cant help but pick up the tone that was in Hope's voice and something about it seemed to nag her. She seemed like a nice person but maybe spent her time talking with children a little to often. Or it could be simply she was being carfel about what she said around Gunner not to upset him, but whatever it was it bothered Bree to no end.

Scanning the room for a moment Hope felt bad for Gunner. She new he didnt belong in this place, He wasn't crazy he was only lost. It hurt that she couldnt help and all she did had no affect.

Clearing her throat Hope talks once again.

"Well a cliff would deffintly be harder to come so I guess that is a good thing you want one of those. How about everything else though? The food? Are they are they at least letting you stay up late? I cant talk to them if they arnt. The sooner you get better Gunner, the sooner you can leave."

Hope didnt mean to sound like she was babying Gunner she just didnt know what else to talk about really. She wanted to know how Gunner was doing and just be there for him but this case was so different for her. Being out of the comfort of her own office was hard too.

Finally not being able to take it anymore Bree gives Gunner's leg that had been bouncing for the last five minutes probably with out even realizing it a gentile pat. Straghting in her chair just a little bit Bree looks across the table at Hope for a long moment before finally clearing her throat and squinting at Hope.

"Dr. Garrison, we are not all ten years old here, so you dont need to talk to use like we are. We only bit sometimes...."

A look of surprise cross Hope's face as she straightens a little and looks to Bree. She didnt even really know who this woman was but she had no problem calling her on her falts that she didnt even mean. Going to speak again Hope is cut off by Bree.

"How long does it take you in the morning anyways Miss. Garrison to look in the mirror and put on your own mask to fool people into thinking your sain? Because being crazy is normal, and being normal is crazy. We all have a bit of craziness inside of us so why try to hide it and be someone we are not."

Finashing her comment Bree leans back in her chair still close to Gunner she continues to look across the table at Hope just waiting for her reply not really caring who had over hurd her when what she had said was true.

Giving a few blinks at she looks across the table at Bree Hope is quiet for a long moment not sure what she should say next. What Bree said seemed to make sence and hit a little home for her too.

Moving her focus away from Bree and back to Gunner Hope catchs sight of the pen Gunner had but says nothing. Giving a smile the tone in her voice changed once again as she finally replys to Gunner.

"No, Reese didn't send me. I came here on my own free will to see you Gunner. I told you I cared and I meant it."

Insane Irene

Gunner snickers and shakes his head st Bree's find. "Okay, you can circle it, but no points since it's not on the list." He gives her a quick teasing look before glancing back to the puzzle.

Seeing Hope coming, Gunner straightens just a little. He liked her, but he wasn't so sure about trusting her at this point. He greets her though. "Well, if it isn't Dr. Garrison. All you're interrupting is the passage of time. Sit down, take a load off, if you're not afraid of vampires."

He motions to another chair. "Bree this is my shrink, er, sorry, counselor, Dr. Hope Garrison. She and my buddy Conrad are the two that can be thanked for me being here." Though his tone was calm, there was an underlying feeling of bitterness.

Gunner cocks his head at Hope, predicting the usual. "I'm fine, thanks, better since I got some decent company for a while instead of insane Irene over there by the window. I'm sure Dr. Kellar will tell you I have multiple problems after the nice chats he and I have had, but to be honest, I think he's a little nutty himself."

Sarcasm has seeped into his voice. "And if you wonder how I really feel, I think today a mountain cliff would do just as well as a bridge." He didn't know if Bree knew the reason he'd gone off the deep end or not, but it really didn't bother him that she was hearing all this. He rests an elbow on the table to cup his chin in his hand, staring at Hope. "Other than that, things are just peachy."
While talking as a distraction, his other hand has slid down, hiding the pen from view until he can slip it into his pocket.

"What about you? Reese send you over?"


As Gunner takes her hand Bree dosnt flinch or seen to mind much as most might of been startled. Just watching and giving a chuckle here and there from the feeling of the pencil around her hand Bree just shakes her head looking down at the paper.

Once Gunner is done Bree gives the look of wondering what he was doing but says nothing. It was apparent he didn't want her to know right now.

Focusing back to the book with the word searchs Bree moves her hand again to reveal another pen. Holding it close to the page Bree starts to scan the letters.

"I think she is starting to wonder about me too, pst thats alright though she doesn't know what she is missing."

Giving a smile about the nurse Bree gives Gunner a quick sidelong glance before looking back at the paper. For a moment her face lights up as she starts to circle.

"N...O....I...C...E...C...R...E...A...M! No Ice cream."

Though it wasnt in the list of words Bree circled it anyways.

"That word is for us backwards upside down people."

Watching from across the room Hope says nothing but just stands there watching Gunner and the woman interact. She didnt know who she was, but for some reason she seemed to have a way with Gunner. He looks calm, and there was a glint of happyness there that wasnt before.

Finally after standing for a long moment Hope makes her way over a sweet smile was on her face as she got to the table.

"Hi Gunner, its good to see you again."

Hope gives a small nod to Bree as a hello to her too before looking back to Gunner.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything. I can always come back."

Evil nurse Marge

Gunner quietly contemplates Bree's comment about his friends. Was she right? At this point, he just didn't know.

Looking back at the book, Bree's hand bumping his breaks his train of thought. He almost flinches but for some reason he couldn't figure out, he didn't bother moving.

Then seeing a pencil revealed, a new smile emerges. Not only did it mean Bree had been thoughtful, but she trusted him, too. As strange as it felt to him, he didn't reach out right away. There was an unfamiliar lump in his throat - one that he didn't like, and he didn't know where it had come from. Maybe... maybe he appreciated Bree coming here more than even he realized.

Shaking his head a little, he finally takes the pencil. "Thanks, Bree."

Thinking a moment, he looks down to see her hand still resting against his own. It shouldn't have felt strange, but for someone not close to anyone, it did.

Without warning, he takes up the notepad. Then, taking Bree's hand, he lifts it up then places it on th paper, palm-down. Spreading her fingers gently, Gunner then traces all the way around her hand, careful to be fairly exact.

He offers no explanation though, and when he's done, he simply closes the notepad as if he's storing a secret.

Switching gears, he still works on his float, but goes for a word-search book next, opening it up to the first puzzle. "First one to find the most words before evil nurse Marge comes back to take me to my dungeon, wins." He puts the book between them and leans a little closer,