
Evil nurse Marge

Gunner quietly contemplates Bree's comment about his friends. Was she right? At this point, he just didn't know.

Looking back at the book, Bree's hand bumping his breaks his train of thought. He almost flinches but for some reason he couldn't figure out, he didn't bother moving.

Then seeing a pencil revealed, a new smile emerges. Not only did it mean Bree had been thoughtful, but she trusted him, too. As strange as it felt to him, he didn't reach out right away. There was an unfamiliar lump in his throat - one that he didn't like, and he didn't know where it had come from. Maybe... maybe he appreciated Bree coming here more than even he realized.

Shaking his head a little, he finally takes the pencil. "Thanks, Bree."

Thinking a moment, he looks down to see her hand still resting against his own. It shouldn't have felt strange, but for someone not close to anyone, it did.

Without warning, he takes up the notepad. Then, taking Bree's hand, he lifts it up then places it on th paper, palm-down. Spreading her fingers gently, Gunner then traces all the way around her hand, careful to be fairly exact.

He offers no explanation though, and when he's done, he simply closes the notepad as if he's storing a secret.

Switching gears, he still works on his float, but goes for a word-search book next, opening it up to the first puzzle. "First one to find the most words before evil nurse Marge comes back to take me to my dungeon, wins." He puts the book between them and leans a little closer,

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