

As Gunner takes her hand Bree dosnt flinch or seen to mind much as most might of been startled. Just watching and giving a chuckle here and there from the feeling of the pencil around her hand Bree just shakes her head looking down at the paper.

Once Gunner is done Bree gives the look of wondering what he was doing but says nothing. It was apparent he didn't want her to know right now.

Focusing back to the book with the word searchs Bree moves her hand again to reveal another pen. Holding it close to the page Bree starts to scan the letters.

"I think she is starting to wonder about me too, pst thats alright though she doesn't know what she is missing."

Giving a smile about the nurse Bree gives Gunner a quick sidelong glance before looking back at the paper. For a moment her face lights up as she starts to circle.

"N...O....I...C...E...C...R...E...A...M! No Ice cream."

Though it wasnt in the list of words Bree circled it anyways.

"That word is for us backwards upside down people."

Watching from across the room Hope says nothing but just stands there watching Gunner and the woman interact. She didnt know who she was, but for some reason she seemed to have a way with Gunner. He looks calm, and there was a glint of happyness there that wasnt before.

Finally after standing for a long moment Hope makes her way over a sweet smile was on her face as she got to the table.

"Hi Gunner, its good to see you again."

Hope gives a small nod to Bree as a hello to her too before looking back to Gunner.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything. I can always come back."

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