
Own Mask

Looking up at Dr. Garrison Bree seemed to go queit though her face really shown no expression of any emotion. Continuing to just watch her Bree is just silent listing to Gunner and Hope taking note to Gunners voice change and he was just a little bit differnt in the presence of Hope.

Pulling up a chair and sitting down Hope gives a friendly nod to Bree before looking back to Gunner and just studying him for a long moment.

"I am happy your friend came to see you Gunner. Its nice to know you have someone to brighten your day."

Continuing to listen Bree cant help but pick up the tone that was in Hope's voice and something about it seemed to nag her. She seemed like a nice person but maybe spent her time talking with children a little to often. Or it could be simply she was being carfel about what she said around Gunner not to upset him, but whatever it was it bothered Bree to no end.

Scanning the room for a moment Hope felt bad for Gunner. She new he didnt belong in this place, He wasn't crazy he was only lost. It hurt that she couldnt help and all she did had no affect.

Clearing her throat Hope talks once again.

"Well a cliff would deffintly be harder to come so I guess that is a good thing you want one of those. How about everything else though? The food? Are they are they at least letting you stay up late? I cant talk to them if they arnt. The sooner you get better Gunner, the sooner you can leave."

Hope didnt mean to sound like she was babying Gunner she just didnt know what else to talk about really. She wanted to know how Gunner was doing and just be there for him but this case was so different for her. Being out of the comfort of her own office was hard too.

Finally not being able to take it anymore Bree gives Gunner's leg that had been bouncing for the last five minutes probably with out even realizing it a gentile pat. Straghting in her chair just a little bit Bree looks across the table at Hope for a long moment before finally clearing her throat and squinting at Hope.

"Dr. Garrison, we are not all ten years old here, so you dont need to talk to use like we are. We only bit sometimes...."

A look of surprise cross Hope's face as she straightens a little and looks to Bree. She didnt even really know who this woman was but she had no problem calling her on her falts that she didnt even mean. Going to speak again Hope is cut off by Bree.

"How long does it take you in the morning anyways Miss. Garrison to look in the mirror and put on your own mask to fool people into thinking your sain? Because being crazy is normal, and being normal is crazy. We all have a bit of craziness inside of us so why try to hide it and be someone we are not."

Finashing her comment Bree leans back in her chair still close to Gunner she continues to look across the table at Hope just waiting for her reply not really caring who had over hurd her when what she had said was true.

Giving a few blinks at she looks across the table at Bree Hope is quiet for a long moment not sure what she should say next. What Bree said seemed to make sence and hit a little home for her too.

Moving her focus away from Bree and back to Gunner Hope catchs sight of the pen Gunner had but says nothing. Giving a smile the tone in her voice changed once again as she finally replys to Gunner.

"No, Reese didn't send me. I came here on my own free will to see you Gunner. I told you I cared and I meant it."

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