
Late Lunch

*As Katie's ears receve Detective Jackmans lie a bit on anger bubbles inside of her as she steps closer to Jason's cell again glancing at him. It wasent hard to see the one red stop on Jason's face that implamented a circle from being his with an object that had something alse onit. Glancing down at Jackman's she notes his wedding ring. Looking back up again Katie's mouth acts before she can stop it as the words slip out.*

"Your a lier."

*Lockheart looks to Katie than back at Jackman keeping her head held high she dosent even offer a hand to him.*

"You had better how detective Jackman that I dont find out it was you who layed your hands on Mr. Stevenson. I've hurd many rumores of this jail from other coleages. You dont have the best reputation."

*Lockheart's face stays ferm, and her eyes perce through anything in her way.*

"Mr. Stevenson answers no questions unless I am here, I will be able to see him at anytime and if I need a court order I will get one. The room Mr. Stevenson will be able to talk in the silent room. No windos, no camras, nothing. Thats just the way its going to be with my case Detective. And if another one of your officers lays another hand on anyone in this room, after I win Mr. Stevensons case, I wont have a problem being the lawyer who is in a sueing case."

*As Lockheart talks to Jackman Nate makes his way next to Katie and slightly turns his head but not much so only Katie and Jason know he is talking.*

"Hey Hotshot, I know things arnt great right now but dont give up. We are all fighting for you and you have a wonderful girlfriend who is fighting for you too."

*Katie's hand slips through the bars and finds Jason's just holding it as Nate continues to talk.*

"If anything alse happens let Me, Lockheart, or Katie know and we will deal with it. They cant do that to you. Con wanted me to let you know he's rooting for you too."

*Nate stratens next to Lockheart again as her conversation comes to an end.*

*Misty stands at the stove in the kitchen making some grilled cheese and off in her own world. She had cooled down now from before and the music pounding in her ears was making her mood better. As the one sandwitch finish Misty places another in the pan making one for Carson too. He probley was hugrey now and she dident want him to starve. She also had to check his wrists, and ribs out later. Feeling someone come into the breakroom she turns and see Carson. A smile creeps across her face as she removes her earphones.*

"Hey you, I was just about to come and see ya."

*Misty holds up the grilled cheese.*

"I made one for you too, if you want to join me for lunch I could use the company. Looking at blood samples is driving me crazy. But if we can find an anadote for the poison they used on Con and Jason that would be great."

The choice

Michaels squirms under Nate’s grip and immediately drops Jason’s arm. He glares at Nate and Lockheart and is about to retaliate when a booming voice interrupts them.

“What is going on here?” Detective Jackman stalks down the hall towards the small group.

Released, Michaels rubs his wrist, scowling. “Nothing.”

“I bet.” Jackman frowns at the younger officer. “Why don’t you get on back to your desk before I do make something out of this?”

Michaels throws Nate one last glare before slinking back down the hall, receiving a shove from Jackman.

Jackman glances around the group. “I apologize if Officer Michaels bothered you folks. He can get a little excited sometimes, especially when dealing with ruffians like we had in here this morning.” He nods towards Jason’s cell. “Unfortunately, this young man got the brunt of a couple gangsters that shared his cell. We had quite a time breaking them up before getting them out of here.”

Jason stares at Jackman, not surprised by the lie, but angered all the more. Yet he could say nothing. If he did, it would just make things harder for him while he was here.

Jackman nods to Lockheart. “You must be Lockheart. I heard you’d taken on Mr. Stevenson’s case, and let me tell you, you have my respect for it. If you can win this one, I’ll be mighty impressed.”

He pauses, then gestures to Jason’s cell. “I can’t let anyone else in there, but you’re more than welcome, as his attorney, if you’re not satisfied talking through bars. I’ll lock the door behind you and give you privacy as well if you like.”

Carson tosses a wad of paper into the trashcan, heaving a sigh. It was late afternoon…he hadn’t had any lunch, though he wasn’t starving…he’d seen no one since that morning…what was he doing here?

He knew everyone was busy with cases, and Reese and Nate were gone to look after Jason, but what was he supposed to do in the meantime? He felt like he was letting his mind rot. He wasn’t used to sitting around doing nothing, and it was driving him crazy.

Finally he rises from his cot and meanders out of the holding room. He’d obeyed by coming here…but Reese hadn’t said how long he’d have to stay.

Ambling down the hall he makes a couple turns and wanders past offices, stopping at Jason’s open door. Interesting…young kid like him having an office with the rest of the higher-ups. He must be quite the agent to have that privilege.

Without thinking, Carson steps inside and glances around at several pictures on the wall, and a few things Jason had lying on his desk. The kid seemed to be fairly organized…looked like he’d had a lot going on.

Curious, Carson has no problem sitting down in Jason chair and thumbing through a couple file folders. He’d wondered what kind of cases TJY was involved in, and since no one had told him, this was a prime way to figure it out.

He scans reports, lists, profiles and more. Inquisitiveness takes over, and he opens one of Jason’s desk drawers, spying an overturned photo. Picking it up, he lifts an eyebrow. Studying it for a moment, he nods a little. Bret was a good photographer, no doubt. Carson knew this had been in his own bag, but wasn’t surprised Jason had taken it. It was the kind of keepsake not many would have.

Placing the picture back in the drawer, Carson wonders if there were other photos people around here might like to have. He wasn’t going to use them anymore, and they led to nothing. They’d only been used for Agency profiling.

Still bored, Carson flips on Jason’s computer. Seeing the prompt for a password, he thinks, tries a word, but login fails. Contemplating a little more he looks around the room, the types again “hero.” This time it works.

Grinning to himself Carson browses some files, finding out just how much TJY knew about the Agency, and how much they apparently didn’t know as well.

Gleaning information, Carson taps his fingers absentmindedly on the desk, popping his gum inside his mouth. He didn’t like not knowing what was happening on the other side. It made him feel vulnerable and out of place.

Carson glances out the open door and sees no one. Without much caution, he picks up the phone and dials, waiting for several rings before it’s answered. “Hey, Martin, how long’s it take you to get to the phone, ya lazy critter.”

Carson?! Where on earth are you man?!

“Just havin’ the time of my life.” Carson leans back in the chair. “What’s it to ya?”

Everybody’s lookin’ for you,Martin exclaims. Drew’s ready to kill you himself.

“That dog worries too much,” Carson scoffs. “What’s he blaming me for now?”

Snatching that chick from him.

Carson chuckles. “Oh, that. Well you just tell him that he’d have done the same thing if he’d been getting paid five thousand to do it.”

Ashlyn’s on his side.

“She’ll get over it.”

Well where’s the chick now?

Carson allows a pause. “Would you believe she ducked me? It was Radcliff that wanted her, but about halfway there she took off. I ended up with half the cash though, so it wasn’t too bad. I figured laying low for a while would probably be good until Drew cooled his guns.”

Martin sighs. You’re crazy, you know that?

“Why else do you think I’m working for the Agency? Listen, what’s the scoop on that end of things? Anything I need to know before heading back?”

Well, we got the Stevenson deal rolling. The kid will be in prison before we can say wahoo. Clarkson already got that judge to sign the papers, so it’s gonna be a speedy little process. Medridge is thrilled – he’s looking at that girl though, uh, Katie, yeah, seeing her reactions. Not getting a whole lot though, seems up in that area it’s a bit harder to catch the ones we’re after. Figure its that little corporation you discovered.

“Ah, yes. They’ve got a handle on things, I’ll give ‘em that.”

Say, where are you?

“An undisclosed location for my own protection.” Carson smirks at the phone. “What do you care?”

Well, Ryerson’s got a deal going down in Arizona in a couple weeks. We’re taking out those two lawyers who have been a pain.

“And why would I be interested?”

He’s paying ten grand…each.

Carson’s eyebrows shoot up. “Twenty for the pair?”

Yep. …No takers yet, Martin prompts.

Carson’s mind reels. There was an awful lot he could do with twenty thousand dollars. It was an easy job too. Two weeks ago he wouldn’t have hesitated. “He’d be mighty proud of you, Carson, that you’re trying to turn your life around.” He swallows hard. He’d ignored the strange emotions Misty’s words had evoked before, and tried to now as well. The past was the past…his father was dead… And right now he was…

Well? Martin interrupts his thoughts.

Carson purses his lip, bypassing all logic and ignoring his conscience completely. “Tell Ryerson he’s got his man.”

Martin chuckles. I didn’t think you could pass it up. How do I get you details?

“I’ll call you in a week.”

Sounds good.

“Anything else I need to know?”

Naw…if you pull this one off, then I doubt you have to worry about Drew anymore, or even Medridge for that matter.

“Good. Talk to you soon.” Carson hangs up the phone, and just stares at it for several minutes. He felt like a double-crosser. But just because he did one job didn’t mean he’d be betraying TJY...right? So maybe it was riding the fence, but he’d been doing that all his life and hadn’t fallen off yet…

Shaking his head, Carson reaches over to turn off Jason’s computer, and rises from the desk. Right about now, a cold drink sounded good, and the only closest thing was a soda pop from the break room.


*Katie lets out a shreek as the Officer moves from her to Jason. More tears in her eyes forming.*


*In 2 swift movment Nate is to the cell and pushes Katie behind him puting his own hand around the office wrist and puting pressure.*

"Back off him NOW."

*Lockheart walks up behind Nate and looks at the Officer a smile forming on her own lips.*

"I would sugest you listen to him. You had no right puting your hands on Miss. Pent, or Mr. Stevenson. I'll have your job so fast is will make your head spin. and these 3 stay here with me seeing as they are part of my case. If you dont like it have a judge tell me differntly. Or better yet Get Sargent Jackmen in here. I want to have a few words with him anyways."


Jason closes his eyes for a moment, feeling Katie’s touch again. “I’m okay,” he tries to reassure. He forces a slight smile to his lips, wanting only for Katie’s tears to dry. “I’ll be out of here in no time.”

He rests his forehead on the bars, bringing his face closer to hers. “Just hang in there, Hero. We’ve been through tough times before, eh?”

His hand makes its way to her face, his thumb running along her cheek.

The officer raises an eyebrow, seemingly bored with the little exchange. Rolling his eyes, he steps forward, taking Katie by the shoulder. “Alright, miss, if his lawyer wants to see him, that’s fine, but otherwise it’s time to leave.”

Jason glares at the officer. “Get your hand off of her,” he growls.

The officer frowns and moves his hand from Katie to grab Jason by the wrist, twisting his arm against he bars. “Threaten me, boy, and you’ll find out what guys like you get for disrespecting the law.”

Jason winces against the pressure in his arm, but doesn’t back down. “You’re a swine, Michaels.”

The officer applies more pressure, forcing Jason to shift his body weight to counter it, lest a bone be broken. “What was that were you saying? Do you care to repeat it?”


*Lockheart takes note that Reese and Nate were staying back for the moment, and decieds its best to do the same.*

*As Katie makes her way to the cell door. How horrable this must be for Jason. As she see him stand a few tears on her to eyes. Taking Jason's one hand in her and bring the other through the bars to his face.*

"Oh Jason I would of broke in if they dident let me."

*Katie's fingers run over the cuts and the bruses that have formed on his face.*

"What did they do to you. They cant get away with this. Lockheart is going to do everything she can to get you out of here. You just have to stay strong and dont give up. Oh J, I miss you so much."

*Katie brings her head close to the bars to look at Jason. Her heart acked to see him like this. He dident deserve this one bit. It wasent fair.*

*Lockheart watches Katie interact with Jason for a moment than turns to the other.*

"So many years ago Katie was so sad, depressed and on the wrong path in life and now standing in front of me I see a young woman who is happy, on the right road and loving. She really cares for him dosent she?"

*Nate stands with his arms across keeping an eye on the guard that eyes Jason and Katie. Something dident set right.*


Reese is the first out the door, waiting for Nate and Katie to join him.
It’s not long before they’ve reached the station, and Reese leads the way to the door, holding it open for the others.

The officer behind the front desk looks up expectantly, recognizing Lockheart, and giving the others a once over. “Can I help you?”

“We’re here to see Jason Stevenson.”

The officer hesitates just a moment, glancing up at the clock. “You can see him, but he stays in his cell. Sheriff’s orders.” Standing, he grabs a set of keys. “Follow me.” He heads down the hall, then unlocks a door that leads down yet another hall, bringing into view several cells. Their footsteps echo on the tiled flooring.

The officer points to the corner cell. “In there.”

Reese hangs back and motions for Nate to do the same, letting Katie go ahead of them.

Jason perks up to the sound of footsteps and voices, straightening in his seat. Glancing out through the bars, he sees the face that he’d already begun to miss. “Katie.”

Getting up a bit stiffly, he goes to the door, one arm holding his ribs, his other hand slipping through the bars to take hers. “Oh, Katie. I didn’t know if you’d be able to come.”


*Lockheart study's Reese, Katie and Nate for a long while. Everyone and a while joting stuff down on some paper. This was going to be alittle harder than planned. But Lockheart dosent even bat an eye at the information, when she should of been saprised she wasent.*

"I can see why this is going to be hard. Its going to take some time to work out the kinks but there might be a way to tell the truth, just leave some stuff out. If we bring in Katie as a witness ..."

*Katie pipes up*

"I wouldent mind, as long as it was to help Jason."

*Lockheart smiles and nods.*

"...the reson of why she was there wont be asked. That is her Aunts farm. They were walking in the woods, and Blake did pull a gun on Katie. Thats a rough short copy of what could of been said. More detail would have to be added thats true, but we might not have to mention TJY or the other at all."

*Lockheart lets out a sigh as she sits back and takes a sip of her tea.*

"This case sure is going to be a challange and handles with so much care its not funny. But I like a challange. If any of you can think of anything alse to tell me that would help, please call. I am going to need everything I can get for this."

*Nate folds his arms across his chest.*

"What do you think your chanses of geting Jason out are Lockheart now after hearing all this?"

*Lockheart looks at Nate and thinks about his question for a moment.*

"For every 3 people sent to deathrow, 1 innocet or not is set free. At this point I dont know the answer to your question Nate. But I am hoping Jason is that 1 set free. To many people care about this innocet man to give up on him. I'll fight tooth an nail to keep him safe and bring him home. I dont give up that easy."

*Lockheart looks down at her watch it was almost three. Closing her brefcase she looks up at the others again.*

"Well its two fourty if you guys want to head over to the jail. I'll follow in my car."

*Standing Katie stands with her, taking Lockheart by the arm for a moment.*

"Lockheart I just want to say thank you, for trying all you can to help my friend. I guess I wanna thank you for everything you did for me too. If it wasent for you I might never be where I am. I know I wasent all the nice to you, I'm sorry for that."

*Lockheart's face softens for a moment as she searches Katie's face.*

"Its not a problem kiddo. I'm just happy to see you've stayed on the right track."


Carson ambles back up to the main level, pausing by the holding cell. He felt like a dog who had been told to go to his kennel. But he’d told Reese he would go, and apparently the only way to stay out of trouble was to do nothing. This place had a whole different set of rules he just wasn’t used to.

He sinks down on his cot, leaving the door open. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his pack of gum to chew another stick. Boredom was quickly returning.

Reese greets Lockheart cordially and sits down with the others. “Nice to meet you, Lockheart. Katie speaks very highly of you. We’re going to need someone with your expertise to get through this without a lot of people getting hurt…”

Knowing the whole story needs to come out, Reese starts to explain in-depth. Finally coming to an end, he sighs deeply. “…So…that’s what it is. Jason was trying to save Katie and Rosalynn’s lives, so it was an act of self-defense. The only way to prove that, though, is to bring in witnesses. But if we do that, then we’ll be questioned as to why we were there, etcetera, etcetera, and in the end, TJY will be left exposed and vulnerable. And if TJY is exposed, almost all of us would end up going to prison for our vigilante acts.”

Jason drops his fork onto his plate, shoving his half-eaten lunch to the side. He’d been told that he would have another questioning session that afternoon, and he wasn’t looking forward to it. He’d only been here one day, and it was already getting to him. How was he to survive the length of time he would have to stay?


*Misty smiles at Carson's words. She really did see alot more than everyone alse did. Carson let her see the lost little boy, he lets her see the man that wanted to take a chanse, and just wanted one.*

"Your dad sounds like he was a pretty smart guy to me. He's be mighty proud of you Carson that your trying to turn your life around."

*MIsty smiles at Carson as she sits up on the table her legs dangling. Misty searchs Carson's eyes, her had her own questions inside her she wish could be answered but she was the only one who could do that and she dident know where to start. How had she fallen for Carson so fast, that spark he gave her, the excitment, the laughter, it made her feel so happy inside. Something she hadent felt for so long. It was nice to have someone she could lean to again. Smiling as Carson turns to leave Misty new she drove the boy crazy but even though she showed no fear it was nice to be reassured he wouldent do anything to harm her or this special bond they shaired.*

"Ok, I'll be up in alittle bit."

*Misty turns walking back to the dartboard pulling the darts out and walking back. Shooting all 3 darts they hit the bulls eye. Misty smiles to herself and goes to retreave them once again.*

*As the door on the Cafe rings Lockheart looks up from her paper work to see Katie with two other men. Puting her paper work away Lockheart stands and smiles.*

*Katie scans the room till her eyes lay on Lockheart.*

"Yep there she is."

*Katie walks over to her with the other. Not even hesatating Misty gives Lockheart a hug.*

"Its been to darn long Lockheart."

*Lockheart smiles back and hugs Katie.*

"That is has, You look the same though just happyer. Please sit and join me?!"

*Katie nods and than looks at Nate and Reese.*

"Lockheart this is Nate, and this is Reese. Guys this is Jason's lawyer Lockheart."

*Lockheart exstends her hand to each one of the men and smiles.*

"Its nice to meet you gentalmen."

*Nate smiles and shakes Lockhearts hand. Pulling out a chair for Katie he takes one next to her and sits down.

After siting down Lockheart waits for everyone to get comfortabele and situated before speeking.*


Carson simply stares Misty in the eye for several moments, contemplating her actions, contemplating her words. She had a depth to her that was confusing yet intriguing.

Somehow…some way…ever since he’d met her, she made him feel alive… she made him feel as though he had a chance in this life…as if he’d been stumbling around in the dark all these years and suddenly there was a beacon of light in front of him.

Carson straightens Misty up and purses his lips in thought, backing up a couple steps to lean against the pool table. His eyes still study her face…study her movements, trying to read her.

“You hardly know me at all, yet you defend me tooth and nail. I just met you, yet I feel as though I’ve known you for years.” He shakes his head. “You know, my dad told me once, he said, ‘Carson, one of these days you’re gonna run into a girl that turns your world upside down, and that’s the one you want. ‘Cause if she can do that, she’s worth the effort to keep.’”

Carson’s eyes slowly reveal their returning flame as he folds his arms across his chest. “I came here because I was saving my own hide. Now I’m staying because I actually want to help the cause. When I got here, I couldn’t have cared less about anybody else but me, and now I’m seeing the value in helping other people. I used to think this life had no more meaning than a rock on the side of the road. But when I look at you…”

He pauses, giving a short dry laugh. “Girl, you’ve got me so messed up that I don’t even know which way is up anymore.”

His piercing eyes drift across Misty’s face and he swallows hard. He couldn’t remember another woman with whom he’d suppressed his own human nature, but with Misty…there was simply a line that he knew he shouldn’t cross. There was more to her than that, and he didn’t want to risk shattering what had so quickly been built between them. But the longer he lingered down here with her, the harder it got.

Straightening up, Carson turns to leave. “I gotta go.”

Reese meets up with Katie and Nate, then heads out of TJY, taking his car. It takes just a while to make it across town, and to the café across the street from the police station.

Once inside, Reese turns to Katie. “Is Lockheart here?”

“Kyle, stop!” Jen looks up at her brother in frustration. “Would you kindly get out of my way so I can carry these dishes to the kitchen myself?”

Kyle sighs and steps to the side. “I was just trying to help.”

“Well stop it.”

“I…” Kyle stops, feeling his brother’s hand on his shoulder. “What?”

Phil nods to the other room for Kyle to follow him. Once in the living room, he shakes his head. “Just let her be, Kyle.”

“But she’s supposed to be doing as little as possible, and she’s insisting on doing everything but that!”

“And what would you do?” Phil looks Kyle sternly in the eye. “Sit around and mope? Act like your life is over?” He shakes his head. “Be glad she’s got a good attitude. Let what happens happen. It’s her choice and her risk, and we can’t decide for her what she does. I’m dang proud of her for holding her head high, and I know you are too.”

Kyle looks down, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I just thought…”

“We all thought it wouldn’t be this hard,” Phil agrees to the unfinished statement. “But we gotta roll with the punches, and you know this a whole lot harder on Jen than it is us. The most we can do is just let her be herself and live life to the fullest. And if something happens, so be it. At least she was happy in the meantime.”

Kyle takes a deep breath, wanting to change the subject. "Have you talked to Mike today?"


"We need to call him, then we need to get a hold of Katie or something and find out about Jason."