

*Lockheart takes note that Reese and Nate were staying back for the moment, and decieds its best to do the same.*

*As Katie makes her way to the cell door. How horrable this must be for Jason. As she see him stand a few tears on her to eyes. Taking Jason's one hand in her and bring the other through the bars to his face.*

"Oh Jason I would of broke in if they dident let me."

*Katie's fingers run over the cuts and the bruses that have formed on his face.*

"What did they do to you. They cant get away with this. Lockheart is going to do everything she can to get you out of here. You just have to stay strong and dont give up. Oh J, I miss you so much."

*Katie brings her head close to the bars to look at Jason. Her heart acked to see him like this. He dident deserve this one bit. It wasent fair.*

*Lockheart watches Katie interact with Jason for a moment than turns to the other.*

"So many years ago Katie was so sad, depressed and on the wrong path in life and now standing in front of me I see a young woman who is happy, on the right road and loving. She really cares for him dosent she?"

*Nate stands with his arms across keeping an eye on the guard that eyes Jason and Katie. Something dident set right.*

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