

Reese is the first out the door, waiting for Nate and Katie to join him.
It’s not long before they’ve reached the station, and Reese leads the way to the door, holding it open for the others.

The officer behind the front desk looks up expectantly, recognizing Lockheart, and giving the others a once over. “Can I help you?”

“We’re here to see Jason Stevenson.”

The officer hesitates just a moment, glancing up at the clock. “You can see him, but he stays in his cell. Sheriff’s orders.” Standing, he grabs a set of keys. “Follow me.” He heads down the hall, then unlocks a door that leads down yet another hall, bringing into view several cells. Their footsteps echo on the tiled flooring.

The officer points to the corner cell. “In there.”

Reese hangs back and motions for Nate to do the same, letting Katie go ahead of them.

Jason perks up to the sound of footsteps and voices, straightening in his seat. Glancing out through the bars, he sees the face that he’d already begun to miss. “Katie.”

Getting up a bit stiffly, he goes to the door, one arm holding his ribs, his other hand slipping through the bars to take hers. “Oh, Katie. I didn’t know if you’d be able to come.”

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