
Late Lunch

*As Katie's ears receve Detective Jackmans lie a bit on anger bubbles inside of her as she steps closer to Jason's cell again glancing at him. It wasent hard to see the one red stop on Jason's face that implamented a circle from being his with an object that had something alse onit. Glancing down at Jackman's she notes his wedding ring. Looking back up again Katie's mouth acts before she can stop it as the words slip out.*

"Your a lier."

*Lockheart looks to Katie than back at Jackman keeping her head held high she dosent even offer a hand to him.*

"You had better how detective Jackman that I dont find out it was you who layed your hands on Mr. Stevenson. I've hurd many rumores of this jail from other coleages. You dont have the best reputation."

*Lockheart's face stays ferm, and her eyes perce through anything in her way.*

"Mr. Stevenson answers no questions unless I am here, I will be able to see him at anytime and if I need a court order I will get one. The room Mr. Stevenson will be able to talk in the silent room. No windos, no camras, nothing. Thats just the way its going to be with my case Detective. And if another one of your officers lays another hand on anyone in this room, after I win Mr. Stevensons case, I wont have a problem being the lawyer who is in a sueing case."

*As Lockheart talks to Jackman Nate makes his way next to Katie and slightly turns his head but not much so only Katie and Jason know he is talking.*

"Hey Hotshot, I know things arnt great right now but dont give up. We are all fighting for you and you have a wonderful girlfriend who is fighting for you too."

*Katie's hand slips through the bars and finds Jason's just holding it as Nate continues to talk.*

"If anything alse happens let Me, Lockheart, or Katie know and we will deal with it. They cant do that to you. Con wanted me to let you know he's rooting for you too."

*Nate stratens next to Lockheart again as her conversation comes to an end.*

*Misty stands at the stove in the kitchen making some grilled cheese and off in her own world. She had cooled down now from before and the music pounding in her ears was making her mood better. As the one sandwitch finish Misty places another in the pan making one for Carson too. He probley was hugrey now and she dident want him to starve. She also had to check his wrists, and ribs out later. Feeling someone come into the breakroom she turns and see Carson. A smile creeps across her face as she removes her earphones.*

"Hey you, I was just about to come and see ya."

*Misty holds up the grilled cheese.*

"I made one for you too, if you want to join me for lunch I could use the company. Looking at blood samples is driving me crazy. But if we can find an anadote for the poison they used on Con and Jason that would be great."

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