
Lost battle

Jason allows Katie to hold him, letting his head rest on her shoulder. Everything is numb. This whole thing was just unreal. He knows Katie’s words are true…if it hadn’t been for Trooper, he probably wouldn’t have made it out of the house in time. But at the moment, that reassurance doesn’t do a whole lot to his spirits.

Feeling Katie’s hand on his back, Jason closes his eyes, fighting desperately his emotional battle. He’s tired of feeling vulnerable. With anyone else, pulling on a mask of confidence would be easy. But not with Katie. She evoked thoughts and feelings no one else did, drawing out his true self, and clawing at his walls of protection.

He is silent, not allowing any more tears to fall, but drawing inside of himself to wage the war he must fight.

Katie’s sweet voice fills the dimly lit office, creating a dreamy atmosphere. The words reverberate in Jason’s ears, trying to disperse his despair. Her soft tone touches places in his heart, despite locked doors and solid walls. Her presence can only be treasured.

As the quietness envelopes them again, Jason’s logic automatically kicks in. His emotional reflexes snap back to life, sending him to a place where he cannot feel the pain. Where he can function while putting off dealing with what he is feeling. He doesn’t want to…he knows it’s wrong…but he lets go, losing that battle.

Raising his head, his eyes focus on the floor. “You need to go home, Katie, and get some sleep…I don’t want you lacking because of me. It’s not fair to you…and I’ll be alright here…the security is tight.” He forces a short scoffing laugh. “Besides, you don’t need any more rumors flying around about us – it wouldn’t exactly help you and Wyatt.” He bites his tongue as soon as the words are out, knowing they had been spoken in haste, but it’s too late.

Stand My Ground

*Katie watches Jason intently. The look in his eye she has seen before. Depresstion was sinking in. Every little move registered and played in her head showing her what he could be doing. As Katie see Jason lean aganst the floor and slide to the wall she stands and makes her way over to him. Kneeling down next to him she gently puts her arms around him and pulls him in to hold. Leaning her head down Katie places a friendly kiss on Jason's head.* " I know you lost alot J, but you made it out with you life. Thats something that could never be replaced. I know your mom is gonna see it that way too." *For a long moment Katie is silent. Than running her hand up and down Jason's back rubbing it softly she starts to sing.* " No I'll stand my ground, won't be turned around, And I'll keep this world from draggin me downgonna stand my ground... and I won't back down. Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out. hey I will stand my ground, and I won't back down. Well I know what's right, I got just one life, in a world that keeps on pushin me around, but I'll stand my ground...and I won't back down.." * Katie continues to sing a few differnt songs as she rubs Jason's back. She will be there for him. She will always be there for him no matter what.*


Though stunned, Laura agrees with Katie and says if there's anything she can do, to let her know.

Jason hangs up the phone, not having dialed. He can feel Katie's eyes on him, but refuses to meet them. "I can't do it...how am I supposed to tell my mother that all her belongings are gone? Just like that?" He bows is head to rest his forehead on his hands, resting his elbows on his desk. "That's not something she should hear over the phone." Making up his mind, he picks up the phone before he has a chance to think of something else, and dials quickly. "Hey, Con..." He laughs a little, though his facial expression remains dismal. "No...it's not.... look, in the morning I need you to talk to my mom, alright? No, I'm fine..." Jason closes his eyes for a moment, regaining his strength. "It's the house. There was a fire.... everything was lost. ....Yeah, I got out alright, but nothing's left...I can't tell Mom over the phone. I'd appreciate either you or Austin telling her what happened, and if she wants to call me tomorrow, I'll be here at work. .....No...but I'm staying the night here... yeah....I'm sure... Thanks, Con. Yeah...talk to you later."
He hangs up the phone, exhausted.

Still not looking at Katie, he rises from his seat. "I'll be right back." He exits his office to head into the bathroom across the hall. Standing at the sink, he splashes cold water on his face and washes his hands, at least getting clean, though he's pretty sure his clothes are ruined from the smell of smoke. He leans his hands on the sink and looks up to stare himself in the eye, water dripping off his face. He'd faced despairing times before...he'd lost friends, he'd been injured, he'd been shoved around... but nothing had ever felt like this.

After drying his face on a towel, he comes back to his office. He stands for just a moment, not even knowing what to do. Leaning against the wall, he slides to the floor, bringing his knees up to his chest, his arms holding them in place. He stares straight ahead as memories begin to bombard him. School nights...cookouts...birthday parties... Almost forgetting Katie's presence, his wall cracks under the pressure and a single tear escapes to silently roll down his cheek. He fights the feeling of vulnerability for all he was worth. He can feel himself shutting down. He can feel himself starting to slip into the void where he could shut out the world.

Lean on Me

*Katie nods to Reese.* " Ok I will. I'll probley have to leave sometime in the morning to get Laura her Car back but After I go to church with Wyatt I'll have him drop me off here again." *Katie goes to her desk and dials Laura's number.* "Hey Laura its Katie. I wanted to let you know I was at TJY with Jason. Someone burned his house down he's not doing to well. Reese asked me to stay here and watch him for now. I'll bring the car back in the morning when Jason is sleeping. I need to be back early anyways for church with Wyatt. Ok Laura..bye" *Katie hangs up the phone han goes to Jason's office and sits down in a chair. Katie trys to tilt her head to look him in the eyes. till he hangs up the phone.*


Jason refuses to look at Katie, lest his walls crumble, but he gives her hand a little squeeze, letting her know that he appreciates her. He says nothing on the way to TJY, lost in his own thoughts.

Getting out of the car, he leans on Katie just a little as his knee retaliates from everything that happened. Once inside, Reese is just on his way out. He stops in his tracks, his eyes going wide. "When I told you to go home because you looked like crap, I expected you to return in better shape, not worse!" He looks at Jason with concern. "What happened?"

Jason stands a little straighter, his wall full in place to avoid any emotional battles or displays. "Someone burned my house down. I'm here to call my mom and to spend the night in my office."

"What?!" Reese's eyes go even wider. "What do you mean they burned your house down?"

"How many ways can I say it?" Jason keeps his cool, though his temper has a short fuse right now. "Someone lit a match and it went up in smoke. Everything is gone. I have to talk to the authorities tomorrow, and I'm sure they'll have an investigation because it's already been stated that they think it's arson." He throws his hands in the air. "That's it."

"Oh, Jason, I am so sorry." Reese's whole body language changes. "You sure you want to stay here? You can stay at my place if you want. Do you even have any clothes or anything here?"

Jason shakes his head. "No...I'll stay here, but thanks. And no - what you see is what I got. But...I'll manage." He nods, and turns to head to his office, ending the conversation.

Reese looks to Katie and speaks a little quieter. "I don't like that look in his eye. Keep a watch on him, will ya, and call me if he does need something."

Jason trudges to his office, sinking down in his chair to bury his face in his hands on his desk. He had to go clean up...He had to figure out what all had been lost... he had to call his mother. Dread fills him. How was he going to tell his mother that all of her things were gone? She had some of her belongings with her back in Texas, but most everything had still been here. Jason couldn't begin to count all that was now gone. Everything he'd ever been able to call consistent and stable was now gone. Raising his head, he picks up the phone. He hears the dialtone waiting, but his finger hovers above the buttons, unable to make the call.


*Katie watches Jason and he own heart breaks. She has only been in that house 2 times, but those 2 time had made a few memories for her. So for Jason there must be even more. It was hard to see her friend hutiing. This was something she could do nothing about. Laying her hand on Jasons for a moment in a horse whisper Katies says* " Its gonna be ok J. I know it dosent seem like it. But it will be." *Katie starts up the car again and drives down the road. The ride is quiet and dismay hangs in the air. Finally pulls up t TJY Katie shuts the call off and hopes out going over to Jason's side. Opening the door Katie helps Jason out and calls to Trooper.* "Come on lets get you inside and cleaned up." *Katie,Jason, and Trooper head inside.*


Jason stops as the car pulls up behind him, and for a moment, squints in the headlights. Hearing Katie's voice, his emotions reach their limit. She'd come for him again...he should have known that. She was too good at sensing his danger for him to have thought he'd get all the way to TJY on his own without her showing up. He was just as glad he wasn't at the house anymore though.

Trooper readily agrees to getting in the car, climbing into the backseat and having just a little trouble sitting down. Jason slides into the passenger seat. Now in the brief light of the interior bulb of the car, it's seen that his white tee has been blackened, along with his hands and face, his outer flannel shirt slightly singed from his flight across the porch. He reeks of smoke, and his eyes are still watery. Only now does he realize he has several small burns on one of his hands and isn't even sure when it happened.

Jason stares at the floor, too stunned and emotionally wrung out to even think of what's going to happen now. "It's all gone, Katie," he manages. Suddenly tears pool behind his eyes, and it's not from smoke. He wills them back though, refusing to let them fall. "Everything. The house is gone. Someone set fire to it...I barely made it out." He swallows hard. "There's nothing left..." Mustering up his strength and rebuilding a thick wall, he takes a deep breath as if believing the discussion is over. "Just take me to TJY."

Companyin in the Night

*Angel smiles at Luke and nods returning his hug.*

~*~Later That Night~*~

*Katie stands in her room throws darts at the new dart board she has just baught. She needed to keep practicing Wyatt was starting to get better. Katie needed to keep her reputation up. Throwing the last dart Katie goes over to the board and pulls them off. Taking her place again at the end of her bed. As Katie is about to throw a dark a strange and intence feeling comes over her. Jason...something was wrong with Jason again. Katie looks around the room and sits down on her bed. She felt warm, almost burning up. Something was going on. Something bad. Taking her gun from her draw she puts it in the back band of her pants. As she opens the door and almost kills herself tripping over Henry she twists her knee. Katie leaves out a bit of a yelp.* "Darn you Henry." *Katie limps the rest of the way down the hall knowing now she would be unable to walk or run. Finding Laura siting on the coutch Katie comes into the room.* "Hey Laura, do you think I could use your car for a few? I promise I will be carfel."

*For a long moment Laura thinks.* " Ok ya thats fine. Just becarfel please."

*Katie nods to Laura.* "Thank you." *Katie grabs the keys off the table and heads for the door. Grabing her coat along the way. Once outside Katie hopes into Laura's car and drives in the direction of Jason's place. As Katie drives down the road she can make out a figure walking down the street and the glow of a dogs eyes at the headlights bounce off them. As Katie pass by she can make out its Jason. Breaking Katie does a u-turn and heads back the other way pulling along side Jason and rolling down the window.* " Jason? What are you doing? Whats wrong? why are you out here walking? Come on get in the car." *Katie opens the door for him from the inside.*" Seeing Trooper look at her she pats the seat.* " Come on Boy, come on get in."


“Alright…I’ll keep up the exercises…and I’ll think about using a cane.” Luke tries not to allow his situation create despair, and can simply be thankful for someone like Angel. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I don’t know what I did to deserve a woman like you.” He reaches out to pull her down into a hug, then a tender kiss, drawing away just enough so he can see her eyes. “Thank you…I promise not to hide this from you any more.”

Wyatt chuckles. “Alright. It’s agreed. We share.” He opens the door to the café. “But you’re going to pick the table we sit at, so I can choose to pick up the tab.”
Their luncheon is shared with light conversation, avoiding any heavy topics, and filled with humor and banter.
When finished, Wyatt walks Katie back to TJY, then gives her a lift back to Laura’s before returning to finish out his work day.

Nine o’clock
A silent figure darts through the shadows, undetected by eyes or ears. It makes its way around the house, slowly doing its deed to the extend it has been ordered. They are only visible in a single instant when a match is lit before they again disappear through the back yard.

Jason is lost in a deep sleep. The pills he’d taken for his headache had knocked him out, and the afternoon had slipped by unnoticed into the dark evening.
Trooper whines and nudges his hand. Not getting a response, he licks it, still whining.
Jason moans and rolls over. “Go lay down,” he mumbles drowsily.
Trooper doesn’t give up, but goes to the other side of the bed, getting both front paws onto the mattress, taking Jason’s blanket in his teeth and dragging it onto the floor before letting out a bark.
“I said go lay down!” Jason snaps at him.
Trooper ignores the command and barks again, this time several times in a row.
Jason is just about ready to throw a pillow at the dog, when he suddenly feels an overwhelming sense of danger. Sitting up in bed it takes him a moment to realize that the fog he sees isn’t in his mind – there is smoke everywhere, and his eyes already start to water. “Oh no.”
Barely taking time to throw on his jeans, flannel shirt and boots, he goes for his door, Trooper whining at his heels. Feeling the doorknob, he finds it warm, but not so hot that he can’t touch it, and he risks opening it. Horror fills his veins. It’s not just his bedroom that’s at risk, but the entire house. Flames are everywhere, smoke filling every crack and crevice. Jason could barely see down the hall. He backs up into his room to head for his window, but flames have already reached it, providing a dangerous escape route.
Hardly able to believe what’s happening, though now fully awake, Jason heads back to the hall, taking Trooper by the collar for support as he limps.
He covers his mouth with his sleeve, starting to cough from the noxious fumes. Making it to the living room, he hasn’t time to dwell on all the items that are burning as part of the ceiling caves in, missing him by inches. Trooper jumps to the side, knocking Jason off balance and he falls to the floor.
Coughing, he crawls forward, barely able to see through the smoke and the tears it produced. His hand reaches tile. He’s in the kitchen with only feet to go. “Trooper!” he yells. “Come on!”
Trooper is right behind him, going for the door.
Using the dog as leverage to stand, Jason reaches the door and opens it quickly. The porch is engulfed in fire. But he’s made it too far now to stop.
Ignoring the pain in his leg, Jason takes two strides to make it across the flaming porch, landing in the yard hard enough to bring him to his knees as he rolls on impact.
Groaning, he can hear sirens. Someone had already called the fire department. And no wonder…
Jason manages to get to his feet and back away from the intense heat. He can’t believe his eyes. The whole house was in flames.
As the firefighters arrive, they move past Jason to start working on putting the fire out. Neighbors exit their own houses to ensure their own safety, lest the flames spread. Water goes everywhere. There is noise and chaos. And in the middle, Jason stands, in stunned silence.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Huh?” Jason turns to a firefighter.

“I said are you okay?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Is there anyone else in the house?”

Jason shakes his head numbly. “No…it was just me.”

“Do you have family? Do you need to call someone?”

Jason shakes his head again, not thinking things through. “No, not…not yet…I mean…no.”

The flames reflect in his eyes as he watches his childhood being destroyed forever. The firefighters were working hard, but it was obvious that nothing was going to be saved. There was just too much fire.

Everything was gone. Jason can feel his stomach tightening into knots. His mother’s belongings…pictures…music…oh, all of his music was gone…all his memories…everything. Gone.

It’s not long before the house is a smoldering heap of blackened wood, bent metal and melted plastic. The putrid smell wafts through the think night air. And Jason stands alone. He had refused a ride anywhere, too stunned and numb to want anything. He was supposed to give an account to local authorities tomorrow. That’s all he knew…
He’d been told to call someone, friends or family, but he’d refused that as well. Whether it was utter disbelief for what had happened, or the want to be alone in his misery, he didn’t know.

After standing for a long while, Jason finally turns and heads down the sidewalk. He’s just glad that the pair of jeans he had grabbed had his wallet and keys. He would need his ID to get into TJY…someone was always around overnight…and it was only eleven o’clock. He’d get there in about forty-five minutes at this pace, and if his knee held up.
Trooper walks obediently at his heel, seeming to sense the despondency in his master. Jason doesn’t keep too wary of an eye out for any attackers. He was confident that after tonight, they would wait to strike again at least a day.

Holding Hands In Life

*Angel sighs and shakes her head.* " I know the weather dosent help, and I know its hard. I think its come to the point too every morning and night you going to need to rub them down." *Angel can feel him flinch but keeps rubbing.* "The muscles are geting way to tight and thats not helping anything. I am going to get you a cane, or a wheelchair as well. I know your gonna hate using them but you need help for times like this." *Finally Angel stops rubbing feeling that Lukes legs are lucened up now. Now relizing he dosent have a shirt on she blushes.* " I know you dont like me to see you this way but Luke. Once we are married Iam gonna probley see you alot more like this. I want to help. Please dont hide it from me."

*Rosetta nods to Mick and puts her hand on his.* " I know, and the innocent that have to come along too." *Rosetta glances at BJ as he plays on the carpet with Jeff.* " But, hopefuly this will end soon." *Rosetta smiles at Mick.*

*Katie smiles as Wyatt accepts what she has said. It was a good feeling knowing he trusted her and accepted her for this. Katie giggles and smiles at Wyatt taking his hand.* " I would be honnered to go on a casule date with you Wyatt. As just so you know. I dont want to call ALL the shots. We need to work as a team." *Katie cant help but smile even more.* "Chanses it what helps us grow right. I'm glad I get to shair them on you." *Katie enters the Cafe with Wyatt looks at the menu.*


Luke sighs, letting his forced smile fade. “I’m sorry, I just…I know you’re with me through thick and thin, I just still hate you seeing me like this…when I feel so helpless.”
He tries to relax as she works on his legs. “I’ve kept up with them as much as I can…but it’s been a little hard lately, and the weather changing doesn’t help things much.” He winces as he experiences a spasm in his back. “A couple years ago I was down for two weeks…I didn’t think I was going to recover from that one, but Kyle was finally able to get me up and around again.” What feels like an electrical shock runs down the back of his leg Angel’s rubbing, and he flinches.

Mick raises his eyebrows at the new information. “Wow. A nephew, huh? That’s interesting.” He reaches over to see some of the papers more clearly. “I wonder if we’ll ever really know the extent of our families,” he muses. He takes a glance in Dylan’s direction again. “I just hope my own kids don’t get dragged into this any more than they already have. It’s dangerous just having had contact with me.”

Wyatt listens with compassion, having had no idea the history between Katie and Jason. He could tell there was some tension between the two when Jason had come back to TJY, but he never would have guessed that they’d had such a harsh parting. The news that Jason had had another girl was slightly startling as he’d never seen his friend pursue any girl at all, let alone to that extend. The fact that Katie had been upset was indeed a sign that she had cared for Jason on a deeper level, even if it hadn’t been returned.
Wyatt’s heart goes out to Katie…not only for what’s happened, but for her willingness to share with him now. She’d obviously been through a lot, emotionally. He still knew so little about her…but was catching a glimpse of her heart now. She was strong, yet delicate. Determined, but weakened by her own compassion. And she was above reproach, that much was obvious. Wyatt could no more accuse her of making unwise decisions with Jason overnight than he could Laura.
He gives a little grin as she pays him compliments, though he takes on no embarrassment. He’s enjoying her honesty too much.
He stops and looks at her, cocking his head slightly as she admits the same as what he’s feeling. “Thank you, Katie…for being honest and sharing with me. I had no idea, and I’m sorry for thinking badly of you this morning. I don’t understand what you and Jason have, but I’m okay with that, and I can’t help but trust your words, no matter what appearances say.”
Wyatt pauses, pursing his lips in thought, though letting his grin show through. “Alright then…” He holds out his hand. “Shall we walk into the café for an extremely casual date then?” His grin becomes a smile, though his tone is still serious. “And just so you know, you’re calling all the shots. We move no faster than you’re comfortable with, and I’m very okay with that.”