

Luke sighs, letting his forced smile fade. “I’m sorry, I just…I know you’re with me through thick and thin, I just still hate you seeing me like this…when I feel so helpless.”
He tries to relax as she works on his legs. “I’ve kept up with them as much as I can…but it’s been a little hard lately, and the weather changing doesn’t help things much.” He winces as he experiences a spasm in his back. “A couple years ago I was down for two weeks…I didn’t think I was going to recover from that one, but Kyle was finally able to get me up and around again.” What feels like an electrical shock runs down the back of his leg Angel’s rubbing, and he flinches.

Mick raises his eyebrows at the new information. “Wow. A nephew, huh? That’s interesting.” He reaches over to see some of the papers more clearly. “I wonder if we’ll ever really know the extent of our families,” he muses. He takes a glance in Dylan’s direction again. “I just hope my own kids don’t get dragged into this any more than they already have. It’s dangerous just having had contact with me.”

Wyatt listens with compassion, having had no idea the history between Katie and Jason. He could tell there was some tension between the two when Jason had come back to TJY, but he never would have guessed that they’d had such a harsh parting. The news that Jason had had another girl was slightly startling as he’d never seen his friend pursue any girl at all, let alone to that extend. The fact that Katie had been upset was indeed a sign that she had cared for Jason on a deeper level, even if it hadn’t been returned.
Wyatt’s heart goes out to Katie…not only for what’s happened, but for her willingness to share with him now. She’d obviously been through a lot, emotionally. He still knew so little about her…but was catching a glimpse of her heart now. She was strong, yet delicate. Determined, but weakened by her own compassion. And she was above reproach, that much was obvious. Wyatt could no more accuse her of making unwise decisions with Jason overnight than he could Laura.
He gives a little grin as she pays him compliments, though he takes on no embarrassment. He’s enjoying her honesty too much.
He stops and looks at her, cocking his head slightly as she admits the same as what he’s feeling. “Thank you, Katie…for being honest and sharing with me. I had no idea, and I’m sorry for thinking badly of you this morning. I don’t understand what you and Jason have, but I’m okay with that, and I can’t help but trust your words, no matter what appearances say.”
Wyatt pauses, pursing his lips in thought, though letting his grin show through. “Alright then…” He holds out his hand. “Shall we walk into the café for an extremely casual date then?” His grin becomes a smile, though his tone is still serious. “And just so you know, you’re calling all the shots. We move no faster than you’re comfortable with, and I’m very okay with that.”

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