
What is to come

*Katie listens for along while. As Wyatt stops her she looks up into his eyes. Katie can see his intrest and longing to trust. What did she want. She new she liked Wyatt and would like to pursew more with him She did like Jason as well but Jason had said once before he wanted nothing more with her but a friendship and that was made clear at the ranch. So her liking for Jason was put on the back burner and her heart closed off to anything more than a friendship in fear of being hurt again. Slowly Katie speaks to Wyatt trying to sort through her own thoughts and feelings making sure she dosent say the wrong thing to Wyatt.* " Well...first I would like to say is. Since I met Jason I always had a connection with him. I dont know how or why. But its like something you would only see in the movies I guess. When Jason is hurt, in danger, or his emotions about the past are geting the better of him I can feel it. I know when something bad happens to him or if he is hurt. I could never let those feelings just pass by eather. If something happend to Jason and I new I could have stoped it I would feel horrable. Thats why I was with Jason lastnight Wyatt. I new something was wrong and like I said before when I called and got no answer I thought something was wrong. So I made sure he was ok." *Katie takes a deep breath as she thinks once again about what to say next.* " Lets see next topic." *Katie cant help but laugh trying to let the tention go she is feeling. It was always hard for her to talk to someone about her emotions besides Jason.* " As for my feeling for Jason, when I first met him did I like him yes I did alot. I thought maybe there was a chanse he liked me as well, but I was wrong." *Katie starts to walk again. Reliving the last was hard. The words, the hurt it was never easy.* " Everything blew up at once. Jason ended up going to some silly dance with Jade and than after I went to see if he had a nice time and i saw them kiss rather intamitly. It hurt to see that I guess. I Just, I dont know I guess I was wrong for wishing Jason had told me about Jade. But it just would of been nice so I could have stoped chasing something I could never have and stop making myself look like a fool." *Katie lets out a long sigh.* " Than something your dad dosent know is Jason never told me Reese wanted us to be partners. I dident know anything about it I was in the dark. But I happend to over hear Jason and Con talking. I guess Reese had called him to ask if Jason and I had come to a conclution. So...I heard Jason and Con talking and Jason dident want me as a partner cuz I liked him and he thought it was unhealthy so on and so forth. I felt pritty horrable. A few days before that I had gotten a letter from my dad who I hadent hurd from in many many years. I had so much pain inside me from that and what I just hurd I kind of burst. I ended up jumping on the porch slaping Jason he want to swing back I caught his hand and slamed him against the wall and I thretend him telling him if he ever went to swing at me again I would put him in the hospetal myself. I'm asamed by the way I acted but I hurt. That night I ended up calling you dad, asked him it wouldent work with Jason and I and if he needed any help here. a few days later I left. I hadent talked to Jason again untill he came back to TJY. I was pritty hurt by what happend and burned. So I locked those feeling away. I dident want to be hurt again and now, I see Jason as a friend. My heart dosent want to be hurt again so I built walls. Its not the best way to deal with something and sooner or later its going to come crashing down. But its just...something I do." *Again Katie stops talking for a moment catching her breath and trying to work everything out. Stoping she turns to Wyatt and looks at him. Wondering what he is think. Katie wonders if he will run the other way or stick there.* "And now last but certnly not least we have you. You have been nice to me Wyatt since I have been at TJY. I your, fun, very handsome, charming, and someone I like being around. I offten though myself I'd like us to become more than friends,but I wanted to take it slow as well. I dident want to rush anything and lose another friend. Being scared in the past makes you look at things differntly." *Katie stops for a moment something entering her mind. Something was wrong, something had happend. Trying to sort though her mind for what happend the feeling pass. Everything is fine and once again Katies mind is blank of anything being wrong. Once again Katie starts to talk to Wyatt* "So all in all...I feel the same as you do Wyatt. I'd like to pursew something more with you. I really think we hit it off together. And I like to see our relationship grow." *Katie smiles though she is a bit nervice on everything she has told Wyatt.*

*Angel enters Lukes bunk and puts her hands on her hips.* "Dont you smile at me and act like nothing wrong Mr.. When are you gonna stop that and LET me help you. Your stuck with my for the rest of you life you better get use to my help now." *Walking over to the bed Angel pulls Lukes cover off his legs. Reaching down she starts to rub them.* " Luke have you been doing your exersises? Your Muscles are tighting and the bloodflow is no good. You need to keep doing them Luke." *Angel continues to rub Lukes legs loosing them up.*

*As Rosetta sits with Mick she takes a sip of her Coffee and opens the folder showing Mick.* "This is a file on Sam. I was looking through it last night after we got home. It shows a bunch of information about when she was taken, where she grew up. It also says she was married and somewhere out there Mick you have a nephew. There are a bunch more papers here to but I dident get a chanse to look at them yet."

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