

Jeff grins as he takes charge of BJ, challenging him to a footrace to the mess hall.

Luke looks up quickly at the knock, knowing it must be Angel. He reaches over his head to pull himself up into half a sitting position. “It’s open,” he calls, and places a smile on his face.

Wyatt chuckles, trying to put Katie at ease, and follows her outside. Once there, he takes a deep breath of fresh air and simply walks silently for several minutes before saying what’s on his mind. “Katie…I know you must think that I’ve questioned your integrity and Jason’s too. And I would be dishonest to say that was not true. Though I hope that my human nature has been wrong. And…” he pauses, keeping his eye ahead on their route along the sidewalk. “…I suppose the reason that I hope my nature is wrong is because I like you, Katie.” He throws her a sidelong glance, sure that this news was not new to her, though disliking his own speech, and continues to walk. “I’m glad Reese took you on…you’re a hard worker and a genuine friend. And…” He can’t help but shake his head at himself. He couldn’t deny that he liked Katie…could he deny himself pursuing a relationship if he thought there was a chance she would one day share his Christian beliefs? Was it fair to her to start something he might not want to finish? Yet…if one was not willing to take risks, where was life? “…I guess I’ve wondered about our relationship and what it meant. I’m honored to be your friend…though I can’t say that I have no desire to have something deeper with you…nor would probably any other man, seeing a damsel as pretty as yourself.” He tosses her a wink. “I don’t mean to be so forward, but I guess this morning’s events prompted it.” He stops, reaching out to stop her as well so he can see Katie’s face. “I take nothing quickly, let alone relationships, and could hardly jump into anything without taking a slow pace, so don’t think I mean to go from zero to sixty in one day… One might say I like to ‘take things slow.’ …I suppose just I wonder if you feel the same way about being more than friends…” He searches her eyes. “I don’t want to ruin what we have if it’s not what you want, nor do I want to come between you and Jason if there really is something there.”


Jason’s head shoots up from its resting place on his desk, and he sees Reese standing in the door. “Aw, man, this aint’ good.”

Reese shakes his head. “You still look like crap. Go home, Jason and get some sleep before you bungle something up and ruin your own reputation around here for efficiency.”

Jason gives him a wry grin. “I have no vehicle.”

“Susanne is running an errand. I’m sure she’d take you.”

Jason wants to argue, but his body begs him to give in. “Alright,” he relents, shutting down his computer. “If you insist. Though I hardly think that falling asleep at my desk is call to send me home.”

Reese rolls his eyes in humor at Jason’s dry sarcasm. “Get some sleep. And see me in two days.”

… “You can drop me off here,” Jason directs Susanne to stop at the end of his street. “I can walk a couple blocks.”

“Alright. See you in a couple days.”

“Sure. Thanks for the lift.” Jason exits and lets Trooper out of the back seat. As Susanne drives away, he heads down the sidewalk, yawning, and keeping his eyes to the ground, wanting only his bed. As he’s passing a yard, a shot suddenly rings out, a bullet whizzing past Jason’s head and lodging into a tree trunk only inches away.
Fully alert in an instant, Jason drops to his stomach, drawing his side arm and commanding Trooper to drop as well.
No more sounds…no movement. Jason’s eyes sweep the area. Where had the shot come from? There were too many hiding places with so many houses around. It had sounded like a rifle. His eyes search his surroundings, but he sees nothing. His ears pick up the sound of an engine starting, and then squealing tires the next block over out of sight. Was it his assailant?
After several minutes of quiet, Jason finally dares to stand and holster his gun. Taking no chances, he cuts across yards and takes to the cover of shadows and bushes before reaching his house. Letting himself in, he lets Trooper go first, though nothing seems out of place.
Great…now he was pretty sure the earlier events were connected somehow. But who would be after him? And why? For now he was safe…the doors were locked, and Trooper was his alarm. He would sleep and worry more tomorrow.

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