
Looming in the Darkness

*As the ground underneath Katies head moves she become awake enough to know whats going on but still asleep. Feeling Jason's hand on her shoulder she lifts her head trying to get her barings on where she is. Katie sits up on the coutch and see Jason disapear down the hall. For a moment Katie remainds confused but than remembers the night before. she must have fallen asleep on Jason. A big of embarssment builds inside Katie. Standing she streaches and heads into the kitchen to grab a glass of OJ. Emotions run through Katies mind. She had again fallen asleep with Jason. Katie cant help but feel she sould have moved herself to the floor to sleep. As she runs through avent in her mind Wyatt pops up. A strange feeling comes over her as if she felt like she did something wrong. Why was this feeling connected to Wyatt's though. Katie wasent together with him or with Jason. They were friends. But a feeling as if something was going to backfire lingers in her mind. Shaking the feeling for now Katie smiles as Jason enters the kitchen. If you dont mind I think I am going to head to TJY with you. I have some paper work I need to finish up and I probley should. I want to look into geting those wings too and I need to talk to Scott. Sooo....I guess since your going that way." *Kaite grins.*

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