

*Katie nods to Jason* " Ok see ya." *Katie turns back to Wyatt and smiles.* " Sorry I gave you a scare. Jason wasent doing well last night and I tryed calling him. When I dident get an answer from him I myself got more nervouse about it. So I went over to make sure he was ok." *Katie shakes her head not relizing the look on Wyatt's face, But being able to tell Wyatt is not happy.* " Come to find out, he triped over a table." *Katie rolls her eyes* " and messed up his knee AGAIN. So anyways...I made sure he was going to be ok and thats that." *Katie streaches* " So again I am sorry I had you worryed." *Katie places her hand on Wyatt's arm.* "Wyatt, you dont have to say anything I can see it in your eyes. Jason and I are just friends. I care for him as a friend. " *Katie turns to walk away but turnsback around to look Wyatt in the eyes* " I came in to do some left over paper work. I am not gonna be here long if you still want to grab lunch. I would like that. Dosent look like Scott is here eather for me to take him to help me look at a car so I am pritty much free." *Katie smiles.*

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