

“Hey, Hotshot, Reese tell you about the truck?”

Jason looks up from his desk quickly as Hal enters. “Oh yeah. Whatever you need.” He chuckles. “It’s your truck.”

Hal grins. “Yeah, well I also said it was yours as long as you needed it. Ends up my sister needs to move some stuff today though…thought I’d take it up there now and have it back here by the time you went home.”

“Sure. If I need to catch a ride with Scott or something too, I will, so don’t sweat it if you don’t make it.”

“Alright. See you later.” Hal makes his exit, stepping over Trooper on his way.

Wyatt studies Katie’s eyes for the truth, wanting to believe her. But he was confused. It just felt strange, despite Katie’s words. What had she meant about Jason? In an effort to trust her though, he forces a smile. “Okay. If you want to grab a burger or something, swing by my desk about noon. Then if you’re done for the day, I’ll drop you back off at Laura’s before coming back.” He doesn’t linger, but turns to head his own direction.

Half an hour later, Wyatt taps his pencil on his desk, still unable to get his thoughts on his work. He knew he shouldn’t feel anything…Jason was his friend, and that’s all Katie was too…really… but his confusion remained. What had Katie meant when she’d said Jason wasn’t doing well? He’d seemed fine before he’d left the game table to head home the night before….
Finally making up his mind, Wyatt rises and heads to Jason’s office.

Jason is sifting through paperwork and is startled by Wyatt’s form in the doorway. “Oh, hi. Whatcha need?”

Wyatt shrugs and leans on the doorframe, hooking his hands in his pockets. “Nothing really…Just…curious about something.”

Jason’s eyes narrow slightly at his friend’s tone. Something in his gut tells him this has something to do with the brief exchange earlier. Did Wyatt care that Katie was with him all night? And if he did…was there more there than Jason knew about? And if there was…should he care? Shoving the rampant thoughts to the back of his mind, he looks at him expectantly. “What is it?”

“Katie said you weren’t doing well last night…guess I just wondered what that meant…”

Jason’s jaw tightens. His past wasn’t a secret…but his current struggles were not widely-spread. As far as he knew, Carter and Reese were the only ones back here who knew that he’d been having problems dealing with the past. Con, Austin and Katie were the only other three who were aware of it. “It’s just a personal issue.” He tries to shrug it off. “I’m alright.”

Wyatt lifts an eyebrow. “You think I’m gonna be satisfied with that? What is it, Jason? If I can help in any way, you know I would.”

“I got some problems, okay?” Jason doesn’t meet Wyatt’s eye anymore, as heat rises to his face. “Just flares up every once in a while.”

Wyatt doesn’t give up. “Like what? What aren’t you telling me?”

Jason rolls a pen between his fingers, unsure if he really wants to be having this conversation or not. But if he doesn’t let Wyatt in now, he’d probably find out some other way. “Look, the past caught up with me, and I’m having to deal with it. Some days are harder than others.”

Wyatt straightens just a little, suddenly realizing that it might have been more serious than he thought. “You mean…when you were a kid?”

Jason finally looks back up at him. “Yeah.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well…it’s better than it was.”

Wyatt thinks for several moments, still unsure about all this. “And…Katie can sense your feelings…so she knew you were having a hard time…and…. She helps you by….?”

Jason can sense the implications in Wyatt’s tone, and is immediately on the defense. “I don’t know…she just…calms me down.” He can feel his face growing hotter. “She knows how to talk me down from a flashback or nightmare.”

“Hmm.” Wyatt wants to believe him, though he finds it just a little hard. “So…her all night presence is required for you to get through it?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “I think this conversation is over, Wyatt. My past bothers me, Katie helps, end of story.”

“I just –”

“No.” Jason shakes his head. “You want to make assumptions, be my guest. Katie’s my friend. Period.”

“That’s it, huh?” Wyatt eyes Jason. “You’re telling me there’s nothing more between you than that?”

“Yes. No. I mean…” Jason glares at him. “Give it a rest. I have nothing more to say.”

“Alright.” Wyatt holds up his hand, not sure he believed Jason’s words when they didn’t match his red face and shifting eyes. “Didn’t want to start anything…I’ll see you later.”

Jason watches him walk away, then flops back in his chair, tossing his pen onto his desk. This wasn’t exactly how he’d planned his day.
Susanne’s voice comes over his phone’s intercom. “Jase?”


“Reese wanted me to tell you that Hal just called. He was in an accident.”

“What?” Jason is quick to pick up the receiver. “What happened?”

“He’s alright, but he said the breaks went out on the truck. He wound up going off the road into a ditch. Got a couple bruises, but he’ll be fine. The truck’s already on its way to the repair shop.”

Jason’s eyes widen. The breaks had been fine earlier. “Wow. Okay. Thanks.”

Wyatt plops down at his desk again, not feeling any better than he had before talking to Jason – maybe even worse. Did he really want more answers? Did he really want to dig further?

Mick eases down at a mess hall table, coffee mug in hand, one eye on Dylan who is sulking in the corner by himself, shrugging off Jade’s company.

Luke lies in bed and looks at the clock. It was late. He needed to get up. But his legs just wouldn’t function. They were stiff and sore, his lower back aching. Yesterday had been a good day…apparently today wasn’t going to be so great. He tries to roll over and get up, but his legs just won’t support him, and he flops back down with a moan. Giving up, he pulls his blanket back over himself. Maybe if he waited just a little longer, his muscles would loosen up.

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