

Jason chuckles and puts his glass in the sink. “Alright. Come on then.” Outside he whistles for Trooper who comes bounding around the house. Once in the truck, Jason rubs his chin, only now realizing he hadn’t taken the time to shave. He must look a sight. “Reese is going to think I really did get run over by a truck,” he muses under his breath. Giving Katie a sidelong glance, he wonders how she could keep herself looking like she did without even had time to change – she looked just as good now as she had the night before.

Starting up the truck, Jason sighs and backs out of the driveway. It doesn’t take them long to get to TJY, and as they enter the floor, they’re met by Reese. “Are you two okay? Jason, you look like crap.”

Jason smirks at him. “Gee, thanks.”

“No, really, are you okay?” Reese looks at Katie. “Wyatt called a bit ago. Said he’d stopped by Laura’s on his way in, but you’d disappeared sometime earlier and Laura didn’t even know when.” He shifts his gaze to Jason. “Wyatt tried calling your place to see if you’d heard anything, but when he didn’t get an answer, he called here. He’s been out looking for Katie for half an hour. Got concerned it might be connected with some of the cases they’ve been on lately.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “Strange – I never got any calls…” He shakes his head, deciding to check his phone later. “Well get a hold of him and tell him to come in. Katie was at my place most of the night.”

Wyatt stops behind them, just in time to hear Jason’s statement. He clears his throat to make his presence known, and looks back and forth between Jason and Katie for just a moment. He doesn’t want assumptions to get the best of his judgment, but it’s a little bit hard. He forces a small smile for Katie though. “Hey, glad you’re alright. Kinda gave us a scare. Around here we don’t take disappearances lightly.”

Reese nods. “Well, as long as we’re all okay, I’m going back to my office. Oh, and Jason, Hal said to talk to him. He’ll need his truck back for an errand tomorrow – something about his sister moving.”

“Alright.” Jason waves Reese off, then nods to his own office, speaking to Katie. “Catch you later.” He looks briefly at Wyatt. “Mornin’. I’ll be down on the range later if you want to go around.”

“Yeah…sure…” Wyatt watches him leave, then turns back to Katie. “Uh…though maybe I’d catch you for lunch today since you weren’t going to be working, but…maybe some other time.”

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