

*As Katie sits at her desk she feels Jason's frustrated emotions building again. Katie gives a roll of her eyes. She was upset, scaired, frustrated...she just wanted to be left alone. As if Jason's emotions could talk Katie hurd his words in her head. Her own frustration rises.
I understand just find Jason. I am in this to you know. But I dont go around saying stuff like you did. Don't you understand how much it hurts hearing that? It makes me feel like crap.
Katie leans her head in her arms. She was tired her head hurt...*


Jason’s eyes shoot across the room as Katie enters, the fear, anger, irritation, and sorrow all mixed into one ball of emotion. Hearing her icy words hits him hard. He had not meant for Katie to hear that. He was just…frustrated and the words had slipped out. He hadn’t meant it that way... he just…. “Aw, Katie, wait.” Too late, she was already back down the hall.

“Nice,” Rick comments. “That’ll get things sorted out smoothly.”

“Did I ask you for comments?” Jason shoots back. Throwing off his sheets, he swings his legs over to get out of bed.

Rick steps up to him, hands on hips. “And just what do you think you’re doing?!”

“I need to go talk to her!”

“You should have thought of that before you went spewing out those comments!”

“I wasn’t thinking!”

“I know you weren’t. But you’re going nowhere. And don’t you dare start throwing that glare around here again. There’s a big enough mess in here the way it is.”

Jason flops back into his bed with a groan. There was only one way he was going to be able to make his feelings known. He knew it wasn’t right… he knew it could cause a negative response.. He was already feeling a strange flux in the emotional pull, signaling something wasn’t right. …But Katie just wasn’t understanding him. It wasn’t his fault this had happened. It wasn’t his fault that he felt tied down with this ridiculous thing!

Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, Jason pulls up his raw frustration. I’m not mad at you, Katie, I'm just frustrated! Can’t you understand that?! With a little focus towards the subtle pull from Katie, like a slingshot, he lets go.


*As Katie starts to walk across the main floor to Scott she suddanly remembers she left her keys in the infermary. Turning back around she heads back twords the infermanry it would only take her a moment to grab the keys. Seeing the door open she walks in thinking nothing of it only to stop in her tracks as she feels a bit of anger that did not match Jason cold words.*

“Would you please quit telling me what to do? I’m not a child...”

*Katie stands stunned for a moment, frozen in place. Jason was so angry.*

"You’re not the one sitting here with a screwed up brain..."

*Katie is not sure what to do, or what had caused this anger. Katie starts to go to him to calm him down only to stop again.

"..the need to stay chained to someone you’re trying to separate yourself from!"

*Jason's cold words cut Katie like a knife. Strong to her face and than when her back was turned he said such hurtful things. What kind of friend would do that?

As the vial across the room breaks Katie gives a shreek making her own presence know.
Her emotions ran high, her heart raced, she was angry, she was upset, she felt hurt. Maybe she really was alone in this. Katie cant controll the way she feels, all her emotions running at once. Irratation, frustration...her body shook alittle. Continuing into the infermary Katie pass Rick, and Jason taking her keys from the counter. Her eyes showed, pain, hurt, angel. As she neared the door she stops turning back to Jason her eyes like darts, yet the hint of softness was there and her voice showed sadness only proving her own emotions ran wild.*

"I'm sorry you feel chained to me. I'll try and learn how to controll this so that way you dont have to be bothered anymore."

*Katie exits the infermary passing many people and cubicles along the way making her way for Scott cubicle.

As Katie pass Nate's desk he is hit with a suddon chill as he becomes anxeus. His paulse starts to rance and than as fast as is came it went. Shruging it off as he was coming down with something Nate goes back to work.

Katie knows Scott wanted to talk to her but she had to calm herself down before she scaired the living daylight out of him. Katie makes her way to her cubicle and sinks down in her chair her mind still stewing, still angry.*


As Katie gets up, Jason sighs a little, watching her leave. Shaking his head, he tries to focus on something else, tired of this subject. It was wearing him out physically and emotionally, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

Rick gets up from his chair and goes to the door, opening it just a little. “Hey, Scott. Katie will be right out.”

Scott quirks an eyebrow, wondering why he wasn’t being invited in, but he shrugs it off. “Alright…tell her I’ll be at my desk.”

Rick nods and turns back inside. Going to Katie, he hands her a small towel. “Take your time, Hero. Settle down. It’ll be okay.” Giving her shoulder a pat, he goes back to Jason. “How’s the knee.”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Actually I do.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Hurts like mad.”

“Mm…” Rick frowns and goes around to take off the brace and bandage. Jason’s knee is red and swollen, proving the infection has indeed set in. “Well, this is nice.”

Jason grimaces at the sarcasm. “I’m sure.” He looks up as Katie finishes cleaning up, and catches her eye one last time as she leaves, trying to convey that he knew things would be okay.

His concentration quickly returns to his knee, however, as Rick starts to poke and prod. “Aw, sheesh, take it easy,” he complains.

“Well I’m sorry.” Rick shakes his head. “This isn’t looking good, Jase.”

“Obviously.” Now that Katie is out of the room, Jason finds himself slipping into the emotional state he really wanted to be in…miserable. He didn’t care about appearing strong or in control in front of Rick.

Rick quirks an eyebrow. “I may have to go back in.”

“Oh, come on,” Jason groans. He flops his head back further into his pillow. Not only did his brain have to be screwed up, why did his leg have to be too? He’d hardly been in this infirmary at all, and already he felt caged in.

“That attitude won’t help things,” Rick chides. “I’m afraid your body might be rejecting the type of metal that pin we used is. I can shoot you full of antibiotics, but my gut tells me that the source of the problem will still be there.”

Jason grits his teeth, his irritation growing. “Great. How long will that delay me getting out of here?”

“I don’t know. Depends on how easy you take it.” Rick looks at him sternly. “I’ve heard you’ve been up several times you shouldn’t have been, and that does you no good.”

“Well I can’t just sit here and rot!”

“No, but you can stay until you heal!” Rick turns around to clean some things up. “I want to get into that knee of yours today.”

“What are my chances of having full use of it back when you’re through?”

Rick turns around, his arms folded across his chest. “For the average person? Fifty percent mobility. For you? Seventy-five percent.”

“But never one hundred,” Jason grumbles.

“Look, be grateful you can walk at all.”

“Easy for you to say!”

“Jason, I’m just trying to help!”

“Maybe I don’t want your help!” With everything that had happened last night, this morning, and being in so much pain, Jason’s irritation and anger just seemed to get the best of him. He had no where and no way to release this pent up frustration, especially when he wasn’t releasing it to Katie.

Rick shakes his head with disapproval. “Cut out the attitude, Jase.”

“Would you please quit telling me what to do? I’m not a child.”

“You’re acting like one.”

“And who are you to tell me that?!” Jason throws an arm in the air. His frustration had reached its limit with the news of his knee, and all at once it just boils over. “You’re not the one sitting here with a screwed up brain, uncontrollable emotions and the need to stay chained to someone you’re trying to separate yourself from! You’re not sitting here in a bed, stuck here for who knows how long with a knee that wont work, and in enough pain to throw up! How can you tell me what to do?!” Like a shotgun going off, his anger is flung carelessly about through his eyes and words, his gaze shooting across the far counter.

Without warning, a glass vile bursts, sending pieces of glass in all directions.

Rick jumps to the side and raises an arm to shield his face as the glass flies. Jason’s heart skips a beat as he stares at the shattered pieces all over the counter and floor. Stunned, he just blinks.

Rick straightens up and looks at the mess, then to Jason, his eyes full of concern. “Please don’t tell me you just did that.”

Jason’s face pales, his anger suddenly replaced with fear. “I…I don’t…I….”


*Katie lets out a frustrated sigh. She dident want to resort to meds to keep this thing underwraps.*

"I can try learning out to controll the feelins. Its not going to be easy, but I can try. I'd like to stay away from the meds if I can. If I start taking them than I really am going to think something is wrong me with."

*As Katie sit her mind bounced from one thing to another. Something that bothered Katie more than anything was the why. Why did she have this with Jason? What was gods plane that they couldent see? Was there a reason for this? As life moved on would it have some sagnifcence? Would herself and Jason's talents really come into handy late in life. The fear of the unknown sometimes could be stronger than the fear of no controll.

As Katie hears the knock at the door and Scott's voice she gives alittle jump as she is braught back from her thoughts. Looking at Rick she gives a nod.*

"Can you let Scott know I will be right out? I just want to wash my face quick."

*Katie slids off the bed still alittle weak and unsteady she holds the bed for a moment. Feel ok Katie makes her way to the sink in the courner and splashes cold water on her face just standing there for a moment leting the cool water dip from her hott face.*

A way?

Jason feels Katie running her thumb along his fingers and gives a little sigh. Withdrawing his hand, he gives her shoulder a squeeze before putting both his hands up behind his head.

He closes his eyes and just thinks… This was one of the most frustrating things he’d ever faced. He didn’t want Katie to feel bad because it certainly wasn’t her fault, but he knew he couldn’t hide all of his frustrations. He wanted to live…he wanted to move on from the past…start something new. Just when he was finally taking the step to do that, this had to happen, and he and Katie were thrown right back in the heat of things yet again.

To know that Katie needed him…then to discover he needed her too… To some maybe it would be a good feeling…an exciting adventure maybe. But…for him…it was more of the curse than the gift. He and Katie wanted to lead separate lives, and to a certain degree they couldn’t. They were trapped. And that wasn’t a good feeling to him.

Rick looks back and forth between his two younger friends for several moments, wanting to help…trying to get used to this idea…wanting to give the advise that Katie wanted.

Heaving a sigh, he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Well guys…this is…amazing stuff. And you’re right, Katie…if this thing is as strong as it appears, then you do need to be careful about who knows about it. But…” He chuckles a little. “Do you realize Reese’s original intent on having you, Katie, as Jason’s bodyguard was probably the best idea? If you two can communicate like that…I mean…just the other night when you, Jason were in that fight and Katie knew when to call the cops.” He shrugs. “I don’t think that should stop. You’re helping TJY by doing that…and apparently it’s gotten pretty easy for you both.”

Rick looks to Jason, sensing the caged-in apprehensions. “As far as the rest of your lives go…sounds to me like you got your work cut out for you. But surely…something like this can be learned how to control. Or, controlled by an outside force.”

Jason furrows his brow. “Outside force?”

Rick shrugs again. “Meds. Something to lightly affect the chemicals in the body that help produce the feelings of emotions. But honestly…I mean…this is really far out there, and something you only see in movies or read about in science fiction books…but if I were to treat is as something I knew something about, I would say it can be controlled enough for you two to live with peace. Weather that means actually shutting each other out at certain times and letting that become natural, or learning to ignore what you do feel…learning to not let each other’s feelings affect you unless you want them to.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” Jason responds. He looks to Katie, cocking his head. “I think you can do it…I’ve learned to control my end pretty well…it’s pretty easy once you do it a few times…surely you can do it too.” He tries to encourage her, but isn’t sure it’s working or not.

Scott tosses another item into a box and rolls back in his chair, giving a sigh. He’d seen Katie’s purse in her cubicle, but so far hadn’t seen her yet. He just wanted to say good morning to her… Maybe she was seeing how Jason was.

Getting up, he wanders down the hall to the infirmary, but finds the door shut. He knocks lightly. “Katie?”

Jason raises his eyebrows and looks at Katie with question, wondering if she really wanted to be found looking like this, in this position.


*Katie keeps her head on Jason's chest for a long moment feeling his hand run through her hair. Her own mind started to settle, and alow her to think. Her strength returning slowly. She listened to Jason and Rick talk for a moment before slowly turning her head to Rick she gives alittle nod.*

"I...think so."

*Katie sits up and sways alittle but steadys herself out. Still holding Jason's hand. She felt comfortable knowing he was close and she wasent alone.*

"Other than feeling crazy. I just feel really tired, thirsty, and alittle bit scaired."

*Katie looks at Jason worry in her eyes. This wasent fair to Jason, to be put through this to have to feel death. She hated knowing she dident have controll of this eather. When she blocked out the emotions or not. She dident like the feeling of no controll.*

"I don't ever want to do that again. I don't want to hurt you again."

*Katie looks back at Rick her own confustion pressent. She was at a lost for an idea on what to do. Maybe Jason could teach her how to open and close like he did, but Katie couldent help but feel that, thats not really something that can be taught.*

"I dont think this will ever go away, but we have to learn how to controll this or something. Its an amazing gift, but a horrable curse. Being able to save someone's life, but kill them at the same time. I don't want anything bad to happen. I fear telling anyone alse, if this got into the wrong hands, if the Agency new....they could us it aganst us. That in itself is a scariy thought too."

*Katie looks down her her hand interlocked with Jason running her thumb over his fingers. She liked being Jason's hero, and she dident want that to end. But she also wanted him to have a life and not have to worry about her all the time and if she could feel what he was feeling. It wasent far to him. Jason was trying to live again and now this, she hated that in a way it was holding him back.*

"So now what do we do? If you can think of any hints or tips Rick, it would be great to hear them."


Rick furrows his brow as Katie speaks, unsure if this is believable or not. But he had witnessed this with his own eyes. Jason had been fine…he and Katie had conversed….Jason had been thrown into an attack…Katie had gone to him…Jason was okay again. It wasn’t medical…there was no logical explanation that Rick could see. Jason was physically fine. He should not have been suffocating. But something in his mind had told him he was….something had deprived him of energy and the will to extract oxygen. But…what did all this mean?

He says nothing, but waits for more.

Jason finally opens his eyes, moving his free hand to rake his fingers through Katie’s hair, trying to soothe her. This was no one’s fault…she didn’t deserve this kind of pain.

He glances to Rick as his breathing continues to level out. “We don’t know what’s happening, Rick…neither of us can…” He stops, dreading his own words. He had hoped there was a solution, but right now there seemed to be none. “Apparently we can’t…can’t survive without each other.”

He thinks for a moment, trying to sort it out in his own mind. “Until this morning, I thought it was a one way street…that Katie could feel me, and when she couldn’t…when I would block her out…that it affected her quite negatively. But now…it’s more. It works the other way too.”

Rick takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. He wanders to the door and shuts it quietly to avoid disturbances, then comes closer and sits in the chair, remaining calm and logical. “Can you feel her like she feels you?”

Jason shakes his head. “No. It’s almost like…like I transmit feelings and she receives them. If I stop transmitting she…” He tries to think of some way to explain it. “I guess she starves almost. And now…if she stops receiving, it’s like everything is thrown back in my face and I can’t handle it.”

“And your emotional and mental state…both of yours…when extreme it affects you physically.” Rick absorbs the information. “Fascinating.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “To you. To us it’s been a nightmare.”

“How long have you known?”

“Katie’s been able to sense me from the getgo. It just got stronger and stronger ‘til whenever I’d have an emotional spike, good or bad, she knew about it and based on what I’m feeling, she can tell what’s going on around me or where I am. Me…I didn’t know it was too much more until I started manipulating my own feelings to block her out…while I was in prison I did that, and learned to shift emotions around quite easily.” Jason pauses. “But it was just recently that it got more severe. Katie feels everything…anything if my emotions rise above normal.”

“Wow.” Rick shakes his head, amazed at all of this, and intrigued. “So you’ve been trying to block things so she can’t feel you all the time, right?”

“Yeah. Then last night I forgot, and…” Jason can feel his face redden again. “Well I was here with Camryn and…” A nod from Rick signals he need not elaborate. “I guess Katie so badly didn’t want to be feeling it that she shut me off, which is why I had that attack.”

“Then this morning just now…?”

“I relived those same emotions to see if she’d do the same thing.” Jason squeezes her hand. “And she did.”

“So…basically you two have to be working together, even when you’re apart.” Rick rubs his chin, his mind trying to wrap around this. “What are you going to do?”

Jason lowers his eyes. “We don’t know. I was hoping…that we could get rid of it.”

Rick lets out a long sigh. “Can you…communicate when you’re not together?”

Jason furrows his brow. “Kind of…it’s not like telepathy, like words, it’s just…feelings. Its like the emotions have their own language. Katie feels me differently than I feel her. With her, she can sense everything about me. With me, I seem to be able to sense when she’s near because of her pull on my feelings. But we both can kind of…tell what we’re thinking by our emotional responses…I guess…sort of…” He sighs with frustration. “This is crazy.”

Rick raises his eyebrows. “Yes, kind of. But what else can you say? I know you’re not lying, and I can’t deny what I saw.”

“You don’t think we’re crazy?”

“You have two of the most level heads I know. No, I don’t think you’re crazy. I think you got your work cut out for you…and I’m afraid if you two can’t figure things out, that it will cause some permanent harm…but not crazy.” Rick leans forward, trying to see Katie’s face. “Hun, are you okay?”

Something more..

*Katie dosent life her head not finding the energy to do so. Hearing and feeling that Jason is now ok Katie relaxes a bit. Though fear still runs through her for what had happend. In a quivering voice Katie manages to say a few words.*

"My, sixth sence has evolved into something much more. I seem to be able to feel so much more than what was there at first. Only Jason, myself and now you know what we are faced with and untill this morning I dident know I could shut out Jason's emotions. You see what it does to him? Its almost the same when he shuts me totally out as well with only slight differnces. I diden't mean to hurt you J. The look on your face is was so frighting and though...."

*Kaite stops for a moment swallowing hard trying to wet her dry throt.*

"...I know I diden't do it on purpis it still hurts, that I could of hurt you like that."

*Katie falls quiet for a moment finding it hard to even find the energy to talk. This ordeal had taken alot out of her. She felt so weak. Her hand still in Jason's feeling his arm that trys to comfort her. Giving Jason's hand alittle squeeze and not saying anything Katie hopes that Jason can pick up where she left off.*


Feeling Katie next to him, Jason gropes to find her hand, clutching it, trying to offer her strength. He knew she could do this...she had to.

As she lays her head on his chest, he reaches with his other hand, cradling the back of her head. It wasn't her fault...none of this was...

All of a sudden he pressure is gone. Jason sucks in a deep breath of air, his eyes widening as he's jolted from the attack. His heart races as his body tries to fight the weakness.

Rick has the phone in his hand, ready to dial 911, when he sees the change in Jason, and hesitates. "Jason?"

Jason's eyes are closed as he holds Katie close, trying to calm his breathing. "I'm okay," he manages. "I'm okay...just..."

Rick swallows hard and hangs up the phone. He puts his hands in his lab coat pockets and wanders to the foot of the bed, just watching. Watching Jason, watching Katie...something was happening to them, and he wasn't sure it could be explained. "Jason...Katie...what's going on?"


*As Katie see Jason's out streached hand it calls to her. Becconing to come close again. But how could she, would she just hurt Jason more. Without relizing it she steped close to Jason again as if in a transe. Drawing closer and closer almost bumping into Rick. Taking Jason's hand set sits on the edge of the bed. Leaning her forhead on Jason's chest she begs for the emotions once more...she can feel Jason finger grasping. Prying her mind, claring at it trying to force it open. Another cry come from her lips...it hury to force it open...it hurt so much. Finally her body almost calapes she her mind burts open and the memories rushin flooding her. Katie felt so tired, so weak. Her head hurt so bad. Breath heavy Katie dosent lift her head.*


You can

Jason cringes as the tightness in his chest intensifies. Seeing the fear in Katie's eyes penetrated his soul. He wasn't sure what hurt more...knowing he'd pushed her that far because of the pain he'd caused, or knowing her own pain at this moment. "It's not...not your...fault..."

Seeing her backing to the door, he reaches out a hand to her. If he couldn't catch his breath soon, he was going to pass out, and after that were no guarantees. "Katie....you can....just...try..."

His head falls back on his pillow as his energy begins to dwindle. "You can....you can do it...just...try..."

Rick's eyes are wide as he looks between Katie and Jason. What was he witnessing here? What was going on? How could this be? He didn't understand...he was almost afraid to understand. "Jason, what are you saying?"

Jason wheezes, desperate for oxygen. "I can't...can't... survive.... without..." He cringes as pain shoots through his head again. "It hurts..."

"I know, I know.." Rick lays a hand on his arm, desperation growing. "I'm going to call an ambulance."


*Katie watch in fear, her eyes streked with a new kind of tear. Katie had always braught hope to Jason, comfort and now...the look in his eyes the pain, they fear she had caused it. She dident seserve the title of hero. Worst of all she dident know how to stop it.

Backing up alittle bit she looks from Rick to Jason than back to Rick. As his question trails she can hardly talk still backing up slightly tears still in her eyes.*

"I'm.....I'm sorry....I'm sorry J...I diden't..mean to....I don't know...how....I'm sorry..."

*Katie's eyes widen in fear as she nears the infermary door. What had she done...how was she to stop it she dident know..but Jason was soffacating in front of her and it was her doing.*


did you...

Jason watches the tears form in Katie's eyes and feels her grasp on his hand tighten, and for a moment, he hates himself for doing this to her. "I'm sorry," he whispers. Hanging on to his emotions, he persists, waiting to see if she can block him out.

Rick turns from his place at the counter. He'd been watching out of the corner of his eye, and heard bits and pieces. A real concern was settling over him. A strange understanding was starting to surface, but one so unnatural, that he tried to deny its existence.

But as Jason and Katie battle, he can feel the tension rising in the room, and focuses on them with question.

Suddenly Jason feels the sharp pain surging through his skull. He winces as Katie informs him that she feels nothing, and he drops her hand, feeling as though he'd just been thrown against a brick wall. Immediately, he draws in his breath, wheezing as if all of the oxygen had just been sucked out of the room. Shaking slightly from fear, he cringes, putting a hand to his chest where the pressure builds. "Katie..."

Rick is jolted to attention as he sees Jason gasping. Without thinking, he goes quickly to the bed. "Jason...Jason, what's wrong?" He looks at Jason's pale face and tries to get him to relax. "Easy, easy." Racking his brain, his own frustration grows. "Dang it," he mutters under his breath. "What's wrong..."

And then...still leaning over Jason, Rick's eyes wander to see Katie's tear-streaked face. A form of shock enters his eyes. "Katie...did you..." He can't even finish the question.

Oh so busy

*Katie stands watching Jason for a moment, as the feeling seap into her mind. Slow at first but than they hit with suck a force it almost brings her to her knees. Katie claps to Jason's hand. Her fingers tighting. The feelings of Jason and Camryn invading her mind showing her the passion the tears roll down her cheek as a small cry escaps her lips. Its hurt...it hurt so bad in more ways than one.*


*Katie brings her free hand to her head. Than suddanly it was gone. The emotions were gone, and he mind was once again empty. Slowly Katie's eyes stricken with tears looks up at Jason searching his face.*

"I...I don't feel anything now."

*Katie searchs Jason eyes looking for the answer to there question.*

*Misty cant help but giggles. She had to addmit that was kind of fun.*

"I don't know I'll have to check my oh so busy life to see if I can fit it in."

*Giving a grin she dosent say anything for a moment looking bad at the small Cafe.*

"Ok, I guess I have time."

*Turning she walks back to the car with him and gets in the passanger side. Geting out of here sounds good to me. They diden't have anything good on that menu anyways. Who in there right mind likes eggs benedict?!"

*Misty sticks out her toung and makes a grossed out face quick before rolling down her window and sticking her arm out to catch a cool breeze.*


Jason's own emotions start to spike, though he tries to suppress them the best he can. Being this close to Katie though made it just a little harder...her pull was stronger.

Leaning forward a little bit, Jason looks her in the eye, taking her hand in his. This was serious, and he knew it. The dots had to be connected...the math had to be done. There was no explanation for his sudden attack in the night, other than this. When he shut down, it affected Katie in a similar way...why would it not do the same to him when reversed?

He didn't like it...he didn't want it. But he had to know if this was the answer. "Katie...first, if it was you, it wasn't your fault, alright?" He swallows hard. "But I gotta know...we have to know if it goes both ways."

Jason's eyes search hers, apologizing for what he was about to do. Keeping his gaze fixed on hers, he digs down deep, blocking out unnecessary feelings, but when landing on the ones he'd had last night with Camryn, he draws them to the surface, forcing them out. Compacting them in such a way that they are given with slight pressure, his pulse quickens just a little, his hand staying grasped with Katie's. He knew she would hate these feelings. He knew she would want to be rid of them. And if they duplicated the night before, they would both find out the truth.

Carson keeps his walk, now already a short distance away, and turns as he sees Misty. Stopping for a moment, he throws her a smile, his thick accent back. "Why thank you, Sassy. I wouldn't have gotten very far without your sharp eye, now would I?"

He pointed down the street. "How about you join me in the search for some real breakfast food?"

From the cafe window, one of the officers tilts his head to make sure everything was okay, and he sees the man gesturing, and the woman walking with him. He grins slightly. How come it wasn't that easy for HIM to get a date?

Carson heads down toward the motel again, aiming for the car. "Okay, plan B. We get out of here."


*Katie stairs back at Jason for a moment and cocks her head to the side. That was odd Jason hadent blocked her...than the only explanation was she blocked him but how she dident do it on purpis. Katie's face shows a bit of confustion.*

"I don't think I did, but if you diden't and I suddonly felt empty, not feeling any emotions what-so-ever than..I guess I did?"

*Katie has a bit of question in her voice trying to understand everything herself. When she had first met Jason it had never been this bad, nor did she think it would become so much. She was Jason's hero and it ended there. But now it had grown into something more, something bigger than before, to the point where it frightend both of them.*

"If I did though I diden't mean to or even relize I was doing it. I just though you ended up remembering to block it out and did so. I....I dont know whats happing."

*Katie trys to keep herself calm though her emotions starts to run alittle high. She was frightend at the thought of causing Jason so much pain it almost killed him. She was fightend she had done it without even relizing it. What...what was going to happend now.*

*Misty enters the restront and starts to look at the bored. Hearing the bell on the door ring she autimaticly looks back offering a friendly smile to the officers acting normal, but on the inside her heart was racing. Glancing at Carson but not moving her head she can tell he has seen the officers too.

As Carson bumps into Misty she knows what he was doing and slowly she lets her wallet slide on the floor. Giving a smile at Carson she replys.*

"Not a problem. Have a good one."

*Turning back to the menu and glances down and see the wallet. Bending down to pick it up she heads for the door.*

"Sir, you droped your...."

*To late he was already gone. Heading out the door she holds the wallet in her hand still calling to Carson and joging to catch up with him till they are finally out of sigh.*

"Your dropped your wallet sir."

Excuse me

Even though Jason and Katie shared almost everything...quite literally at times... his cheeks grow warm at her ending remark. Camryn certainly had taken his breath away on a different level...but talking about with Katie was just... He tries not to think about it, for the sake of saving himself further embarrassment.

But there was something that caught his attention even more. Katie's comment about him shutting down. Pulling himself up further in bed to sit straighter, he furrows his brow, confused. And for just a brief instant, there's a hope that maybe something somewhere had worked to stop the connection between them.

He shakes his head slowly. "Katie...as much as I believe you should learn to live without feeling me, I didn't shut down...that's why I apologized. I didn't even think about it until just now when I realized you must have felt everything."

His eyes search hers, the question lingering. But something invades his previous hope...a thought that had never occurred to him, and he hoped was not true. Approaching with caution, he eyes Katie. "Did you...block me out instead?"

Carson gives a little smile and nods, standing up from the bed and slinging his arm around Misty. "Alright...let's get going then. I'm a bit hungry myself."

Checking out of the motel, they walk just the short distance to the cafe. Entering, the bell on the door rings, and they walk up the counter, scanning the board on the wall as the menu.

Just as Carson is about to order, he hears the bell again, and his peripheral vision catches sight of two police officers, entering the cafe casually for their own breakfast.

Smooth as silk, Carson thinks on his feet and looks a the guy behind the counter, once more, dropping his accent. "Say, you don't have any crepes, do you? Not them fluffy pancakes, but those nice thin..." He sees the young man shake his head, so lets the sentence go. "Ah, well, it was worth a try. Maybe I'll check out that other place down the road."

Turning around, he deliberately bumps into Misty. "Oh, I'm sorry, miss. Excuse me." He nods to another gentleman who is sipping his coffee, and slips out side, heading back to the motel where their car still was.

..or you could say,

*Kaite listens to Jason and just gives a small smiles. She felt bad for Jason in a way that he always had to try and remember to shut off his emotions. Giving a gentil pat to his arm she replys.*

"It's ok J. I only felt it for maybe 3 or 4 min and than when you remembered to shut it off last night it was all good. But I think you shut alittle to much off because all I felt was dead silence. I dident know anything was wrong with you till the moment I called Rick and by that time you were ok again. It felt horrable. If I had felt it sooner I probley would of been here sooner."

*Katie looks down at her hands. The feeling of not knowing something was wrong with Jason for over 45 minutes was a horrable feeling. She dident feel much like a hero at the moment because she hadent been able to know what was wrong with Jason before he called Rick. Leting out a small sigh and than smiles again at Jason.*

"Well untill they found out what happend I think its good you stay here. You almost suffaocated, that is a big deal and to have no reason for it. Thats an even bigger deal. I just Rick can figure out what happend. Its gonna be ok maybe you just had to much excitment yesterday with everyone being around..."

*Katie gets a silly grin on her face.*

"..or you could say, Camryn really did take your breath away."

*Misty stomach rumbles as she hears the word breakfest again. Normaly Misty wasent a big breakfest eater but dinner the night before was light. Reaching her hand out to Carson she smiles.*

"That sounds like a great plane. There is alittle cafe out in front of the motel we can eat at if you want. That way we dont have to go to far. Scouting sounds like a good plane to me after. Least we can see what kind of scene we are going to have to deal with. Planing ahead is never a bad thing."

Don't know

Carson gives Misty's cheek a soft brush with the back of his hand before she gets up, and as she leaves the room, he just lies still for a while, trying to wake up....trying to gather his thoughts.

Finally though, he rises and takes a quick shower, putting back on the same set of clothes. Waiting for Misty, he checks his phone for messages and sees that people have been trying to call him. Mostly Reese. Giving in, he listens to several, the last one worrying him just a little.

"Carson, look...I don't know why you got involved with that fighting ring, but it wasn't worth breaking jail over. There's police everywhere looking for you. The longer you run, the worse it will be for you. If you feel you need to keep running, so be it. But please...have Misty come back...Don't put her on the wrong side of the law with you."

Carson sighs and shuts his phone again. Zane said he had eyes everywhere...Carson could risk no other moves. Zane probably knew he'd been with Dani yesterday, and if Carson had tried to get her away, or go to the police, they probably all would have been gunned down. He couldn't call Reese...he couldn't be found. Not until this was over. Once he had Zane, he could call the police and have him arrested. But he had to get that far first.

When Misty returns, Carson is back sitting on the bed, still thinking. "Well...how about that breakfast? After that we can go scout out the drop off point and form a plan for tomorrow morning."

Jason forces a smile for Katie and gives her hand a little squeeze. "I'm okay. Sorry I scared you, but I don't know what happened." He shakes his head, still unsure about it. "It was just a little while after you left...Camryn and I were...." He stops as a realization hits him. "Oh, Katie..." He looks up at her with apology. "I did it again, didn't I?" He sighs, not realizing that she had thought he'd shut her out. "I know you don't like me apologizing, but I am sorry...I need to remember you from now on."

Jason tries to get his mind back on track. "Anyway, I just got this really bad headache, then fell asleep. A while later though, I woke up and could hardly breathe. Felt like I was under a ton of bricks and someone had a pillow over my face. Hurt like the dickens too." He gingerly rubs his chest, still able to recall the feeling. "I honestly thought I was going to suffocate, then about two o'clock, it just...went away."

He looks up at Katie lamely. "Rick's trying to figure out what it was...now he's even more scared to let me out of here."


*As Misty starts to wake from her slumber she moves her leg to strech it out only to have it hit something. Than she feels the strong arm around her and she smiles. She remember where she was now. Leaning her head down slowly she gives a kiss to Carson's arm. She dident want to move she felt so comfortable right now. Turning over on her other side to look at Carson she is silent for a long moment just stairing into his eyes.*


*Not wanting to move but knowing she had to Misty sits up and streaching her arms up in the air before sliping off the bed.*

"I'm going to go hope in the shower and my get my stuff from the other room. I'll be back and maybe than we can grab some breakfest..my treat..and than come up with a game plane for today."

*Misty smiles coming back over to Carson and leans over him giving him another kiss before slipping out of the room, only to return about minutes later.*

*As Katie heads into TJY she stops at her cubicle first to drop off her jacket and purse. She came in a bit earlyer this morning still worryed about Jason. The rest of her night was pretty good, she dident feel anything alse disturbing with Jason but the horror she exsperince was enough to keep her tossing and turning.

Making her way across the main floor Katie enters the infermary and gives a smile seeing Rick and Jason.*

"Morning Rick!"

*Going over to Jason she gives him a hug and keeps a worryed hand on his.*

"Hey J! How are you feeling this morning? You just about scaired the liveing daylight out of me lastnight. What happend?"

Two rooms

Rick tries to assure Katie. “No, you don’t have to come in. I’m going to stay the rest of the night to keep an eye on him. As I speak, he’s settling down more, so I’m hoping he’ll just sleep. I’ve got to figure this out though…if he hadn’t called me….” He lets the statement trail off. “Well, we just won’t think about that one….. Thanks for checking in, Katie. If anything happens I’ll call you, otherwise we’ll see you in the morning.”

Jason’s body is too tired to stay awake, and it doesn’t take much for him to drift off, while Rick keeps a very close eye on him.

Awakening from slumber, the sun slowly creeps up to the horizon, hesitates, then bursts forth, sending streams of color across the land. Long shadows form across the landscape as the sun moves slowly, casting it’s glow to the earth.

Carson opens one eye, glances around, then opens the other one groggily. Where on earth…

Getting his bearings, he realizes that he’s in his hotel room. Lying in bed on his side, Misty is curled up next to him, his arm around her. He wasn’t even sure how they both had ended up there…he’d been exhausted.

Seeing the sun peeking through the thick window curtains, he inwardly groans. He wanted more sleep. But there was too much to plan today, and whether they strayed far or not, they had to stay on the move.

“So much for two rooms,” he mumbles.

The infirmary is all one big blur at first, and Jason rubs his eyes, trying to focus. Eventually, he takes in his surroundings, seeing the lights…seeing Rick.

“Well, good morning, Hotshot.” Rick greets him and comes over to take his vitals. “Good to see you awake.”

“Mmm.” Jason grimaces a little, the throbbing pain still in his knee.

“You realize you just about gave me a heart attack Rick chides. “Do you remember anything?”

Jason thinks for a moment, then nods. “Yeah…I think so. I just….” He shakes his head. “I can’t even explain it.”

“Well neither can I.” Rick retrieves a syringe to draw blood. “But I’ve been trying to figure it out all night.”

Jason yawns and stretches just a little, the fog lifting from his mind. Then a thought strikes him. “Did Katie…”

“Yeah, she called. By that time, though, you were already pulling through.”


*As Katie listens to Rick she is still a tad bit worryed. Something sounded searly wrong. Jason had been close to dieing. Katie felt alittle confused herself, she had feel Jason with Camryn, than nothing only to be pelted with the choaking feeling...Rick had mentioned it had been going on for alittle bit but she had only just felt it. Had Jason been trying to his the emotion so Katie dident have to feel his death? This was all so confusing.*

"Wow, do you need me to come in Rick? Look over Jason so you can head back home? Need me to do anything at all?"

*Its evadent Katie had panic in her voice alittle. This had been on of the most terrifying things she ever felt even if it was for only a moment.*


Jason’s breathing grows shallower and shallower. Rick pries his fingers form his hand and goes to prepare to head for the hospital. It was his last resort.

Suddenly Jason sucks in a lung full of air. It felt as though someone had been suffocating him with a pillow had all of a sudden removed the blockage. He blinks as his heart races, the pounding continuing in his head. His chest still felt tight, but he could finally breath and he rolls over, trying to recover.

Rick turns around quickly and goes back to him. “Jason…are you okay?”

Jason coughs a little and manages a nod. “Yeah….I think so.” He tries to control his breathing again, shaking just a little from the shock he had gone through. Slowly, slowly, his headache also begins to subside. “What…what happened?”

Too relieved for words, Rick sinks into a chair, bewildered. “I have no idea.”

The ringing phone makes him jump and he picks it up immediately out of reflex. “Hello?” Hearing Katie, he’s not all that surprised, though now he wonders why she hadn’t called sooner. “Yeah…I think he is…” Rick stands up and begins to check Jason over as he talks to Katie. Sighing, he wipes some sweat from his brow. “We just about lost him though, I don’t know what happened. It was like he was suffocating. He couldn’t breathe. I was just on my way to take him to the hospital, but all of a sudden he seems to be doing better.”

Jason tries to relax again, his head sinking back into his pillow. His body was totally exhausted. He’d never felt anything like that before, and didn’t want to feel it again. He wasn’t sure he’d felt quite that close to death before, and suffocating was not a pleasant experience.

There than gone

*Katie glances at the clock that read 2am. She was starting to feel a bit tired. Flicking off her TV she stands and slowly makes her way to the kitchen grabing a glass of water. Suddanly as if a floodgate had opened Katie is hit with emotions once again. But this time they wernt the goodones she felt before Jason closed off. Katie found it hard to breath as she grabing the counter. Jason....something was wrong. As Katie makes her way back to her room she starts to feel calm again. Jason's paulse and emotions starting to calm, but still what she felt in a burst felt like it was bad and she just had to make sure. Grabing her phone she dials the infermary only to get Rick on the other line.*


*Katie trys to catch her breath still alittle winded by what happend.*

"..Is J ok? I thought I felt something horrable wrong."

In trouble

His heart still beating fast, he runs his thumb along Camryn’s cheek. He cared. He really cared. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to admit it or recognize it before…perhaps he had been too scared. But…his relationship with Camryn had deepened in an instant…and he liked it.

Camryn moves her hand to slide down the side of Jason’s face, careful to maneuver around his cuts. “I think I like you, Jason.”

Jason can’t help his grin as he searches her eyes. “I think I like you too.” Suddenly a sharp pain courses through his head and he winces, broken away from the moment.

Camryn looks at him with worry. “You okay?”

“Yeah…” Jason nods and rubs his forehead. “Headache.” He grimaces. “I got knocked on the noggin pretty good…all this excitement must just be a little much.”

Camryn grins slyly. “Excitement, huh?”

Jason eyes her suspiciously, but with humor. “As if you think it’s boring.”

“Oh, I never said that.”

Jason rolls his eyes and is about to banter back, but his headache seems to want to get the best of him. “Have a good night, Camryn…”

“Call me tomorrow?”


Camryn leans over to give his forehead a kiss before sliding off the bed. “Goodnight, Hotshot.”

“Hey, Camryn?”


Jason gestures to the counter. “Would you mind grabbing those painkillers and a glass of water? This headache is a doozy.”

“Sure.” Camryn does as asked and returns with the water and pills, the concern still on her face. “Do you need Rick?”

“Nah.” Jason shrugs it off. “I’m just tired.”

Once Phil returns for the guitar, he bids Jason farewell, and Camryn leaves with him for a ride home. Though Trooper is still present, the infirmary seems even more quiet than before with everyone gone.

Jason scoots down in bed so he’s lying down, his head still throbbing. Maybe it had been just a little too much activity tonight. Sleeping it off would probably do the trick…he hadn’t felt all that tired, but as he rests, his eyes grow heavy.

One a.m. Trooper sits up by Jason’s bed as he hears the rapid breathing and wheezing. He lays his head next to Jason’s arm, nuzzling him slightly. Getting no response, he tries again.

Jason’s eyes fly open as he continues to gasp for air. He felt as though he had a cinderblock resting on his chest, making it almost impossible to breathe. His head felt as though it would split open any moment.

Finally after another nudge from Trooper, he gets sense enough to roll over, fumbling on the bedside stand for the phone. Something was wrong. Really wrong.

Rick wakes with a start at his ringing phone on his nightstand. Shifting his arm that had been wrapped around Janet, he rolls over to answer it. Who would be calling him at this hour? “Hello?” he mumbles sleepily.

Jason gasps for another breath. “Rick…I need…I don’t know what’s…”

Rick is immediately awake. “Jason? Is that you? What’s wrong?”

“It hurts…I can’t…breathe…”

Rick is already sitting up, throwing off his bed sheets. “Are you still in the infirmary?”


“Alright, alright, just sit tight, Hotshot. You in bed?”

Jason doubles over, gasping, trying to talk. “Yeah…”

“I’m on my way. Don’t move.” Rick hangs up the phone and picks up his pants from the floor, standing to pull them on quickly. Turning around, he leans over the bed to give Janet a kiss. “Sorry, Hun, Jason needs me. I’ll call you later.”

Grabbing the rest of his clothing, he’s quick to dress and head out the door, jogging to his car in the driveway. Arriving at TJY, he fumbles for his entry key and rushes inside. A few lights were on…Hal and Ty were probably on the lower level cleaning.

Reaching the infirmary, Rick goes to Jason quickly, seeing him sitting up though bent over, gasping for air. “Where does it hurt, Jase?”


Acting quickly, Rick tries to get Jason to lie back down. “Just take it easy. Breathe nice and slow, nice and slow.”

Jason leans back into his pillows, wincing with every forced breath. He felt as though any moment he would suffocate.

Rick begins an examination, checking Jason’s airway, lungs and chest. There was no swelling…no blockage. Nothing. Giving Jason a shot to relax did nothing. Giving him oxygen only seemed to worsen the symptoms.

After forty-five minutes have gone by, Rick is almost in a panic. He wants to take Jason to the hospital, but he knows good and well that he’s checked everything possible. Looking to the phone, he lets out a frustrated sigh. “Misty, where are you, when I need you?”

Jason groans a little, rolling onto his side, almost not catching his breath this time. His eyes start to roll back into his head and Rick rushes back to him.

“Jason, stay with me,” he orders sternly. “Don’t black out. Just try to relax.”

Everything was blurry, and Jason blinks, his hand putting Rick’s fingers in a vice grip. “Rick…” He sucks in another shallow breath, his voice barely above a whisper. “What…what is…”

“Shh. Just lie still.” Rick tried to subside his worry. What was happening here? He could find nothing wrong with Jason, bad enough to cause these symptoms. Infection in his knee had set in, but there was nothing that should lead to this hyperventilating. Again, Rick considers taking Jason to the hospital. One more risk of Jason blacking out, and he would.