
A way?

Jason feels Katie running her thumb along his fingers and gives a little sigh. Withdrawing his hand, he gives her shoulder a squeeze before putting both his hands up behind his head.

He closes his eyes and just thinks… This was one of the most frustrating things he’d ever faced. He didn’t want Katie to feel bad because it certainly wasn’t her fault, but he knew he couldn’t hide all of his frustrations. He wanted to live…he wanted to move on from the past…start something new. Just when he was finally taking the step to do that, this had to happen, and he and Katie were thrown right back in the heat of things yet again.

To know that Katie needed him…then to discover he needed her too… To some maybe it would be a good feeling…an exciting adventure maybe. But…for him…it was more of the curse than the gift. He and Katie wanted to lead separate lives, and to a certain degree they couldn’t. They were trapped. And that wasn’t a good feeling to him.

Rick looks back and forth between his two younger friends for several moments, wanting to help…trying to get used to this idea…wanting to give the advise that Katie wanted.

Heaving a sigh, he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Well guys…this is…amazing stuff. And you’re right, Katie…if this thing is as strong as it appears, then you do need to be careful about who knows about it. But…” He chuckles a little. “Do you realize Reese’s original intent on having you, Katie, as Jason’s bodyguard was probably the best idea? If you two can communicate like that…I mean…just the other night when you, Jason were in that fight and Katie knew when to call the cops.” He shrugs. “I don’t think that should stop. You’re helping TJY by doing that…and apparently it’s gotten pretty easy for you both.”

Rick looks to Jason, sensing the caged-in apprehensions. “As far as the rest of your lives go…sounds to me like you got your work cut out for you. But surely…something like this can be learned how to control. Or, controlled by an outside force.”

Jason furrows his brow. “Outside force?”

Rick shrugs again. “Meds. Something to lightly affect the chemicals in the body that help produce the feelings of emotions. But honestly…I mean…this is really far out there, and something you only see in movies or read about in science fiction books…but if I were to treat is as something I knew something about, I would say it can be controlled enough for you two to live with peace. Weather that means actually shutting each other out at certain times and letting that become natural, or learning to ignore what you do feel…learning to not let each other’s feelings affect you unless you want them to.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” Jason responds. He looks to Katie, cocking his head. “I think you can do it…I’ve learned to control my end pretty well…it’s pretty easy once you do it a few times…surely you can do it too.” He tries to encourage her, but isn’t sure it’s working or not.

Scott tosses another item into a box and rolls back in his chair, giving a sigh. He’d seen Katie’s purse in her cubicle, but so far hadn’t seen her yet. He just wanted to say good morning to her… Maybe she was seeing how Jason was.

Getting up, he wanders down the hall to the infirmary, but finds the door shut. He knocks lightly. “Katie?”

Jason raises his eyebrows and looks at Katie with question, wondering if she really wanted to be found looking like this, in this position.

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