

*As Katie starts to walk across the main floor to Scott she suddanly remembers she left her keys in the infermary. Turning back around she heads back twords the infermanry it would only take her a moment to grab the keys. Seeing the door open she walks in thinking nothing of it only to stop in her tracks as she feels a bit of anger that did not match Jason cold words.*

“Would you please quit telling me what to do? I’m not a child...”

*Katie stands stunned for a moment, frozen in place. Jason was so angry.*

"You’re not the one sitting here with a screwed up brain..."

*Katie is not sure what to do, or what had caused this anger. Katie starts to go to him to calm him down only to stop again.

"..the need to stay chained to someone you’re trying to separate yourself from!"

*Jason's cold words cut Katie like a knife. Strong to her face and than when her back was turned he said such hurtful things. What kind of friend would do that?

As the vial across the room breaks Katie gives a shreek making her own presence know.
Her emotions ran high, her heart raced, she was angry, she was upset, she felt hurt. Maybe she really was alone in this. Katie cant controll the way she feels, all her emotions running at once. Irratation, frustration...her body shook alittle. Continuing into the infermary Katie pass Rick, and Jason taking her keys from the counter. Her eyes showed, pain, hurt, angel. As she neared the door she stops turning back to Jason her eyes like darts, yet the hint of softness was there and her voice showed sadness only proving her own emotions ran wild.*

"I'm sorry you feel chained to me. I'll try and learn how to controll this so that way you dont have to be bothered anymore."

*Katie exits the infermary passing many people and cubicles along the way making her way for Scott cubicle.

As Katie pass Nate's desk he is hit with a suddon chill as he becomes anxeus. His paulse starts to rance and than as fast as is came it went. Shruging it off as he was coming down with something Nate goes back to work.

Katie knows Scott wanted to talk to her but she had to calm herself down before she scaired the living daylight out of him. Katie makes her way to her cubicle and sinks down in her chair her mind still stewing, still angry.*

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