

*As Misty starts to wake from her slumber she moves her leg to strech it out only to have it hit something. Than she feels the strong arm around her and she smiles. She remember where she was now. Leaning her head down slowly she gives a kiss to Carson's arm. She dident want to move she felt so comfortable right now. Turning over on her other side to look at Carson she is silent for a long moment just stairing into his eyes.*


*Not wanting to move but knowing she had to Misty sits up and streaching her arms up in the air before sliping off the bed.*

"I'm going to go hope in the shower and my get my stuff from the other room. I'll be back and maybe than we can grab some breakfest..my treat..and than come up with a game plane for today."

*Misty smiles coming back over to Carson and leans over him giving him another kiss before slipping out of the room, only to return about minutes later.*

*As Katie heads into TJY she stops at her cubicle first to drop off her jacket and purse. She came in a bit earlyer this morning still worryed about Jason. The rest of her night was pretty good, she dident feel anything alse disturbing with Jason but the horror she exsperince was enough to keep her tossing and turning.

Making her way across the main floor Katie enters the infermary and gives a smile seeing Rick and Jason.*

"Morning Rick!"

*Going over to Jason she gives him a hug and keeps a worryed hand on his.*

"Hey J! How are you feeling this morning? You just about scaired the liveing daylight out of me lastnight. What happend?"

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