

*Katie stairs back at Jason for a moment and cocks her head to the side. That was odd Jason hadent blocked her...than the only explanation was she blocked him but how she dident do it on purpis. Katie's face shows a bit of confustion.*

"I don't think I did, but if you diden't and I suddonly felt empty, not feeling any emotions what-so-ever than..I guess I did?"

*Katie has a bit of question in her voice trying to understand everything herself. When she had first met Jason it had never been this bad, nor did she think it would become so much. She was Jason's hero and it ended there. But now it had grown into something more, something bigger than before, to the point where it frightend both of them.*

"If I did though I diden't mean to or even relize I was doing it. I just though you ended up remembering to block it out and did so. I....I dont know whats happing."

*Katie trys to keep herself calm though her emotions starts to run alittle high. She was frightend at the thought of causing Jason so much pain it almost killed him. She was fightend she had done it without even relizing it. What...what was going to happend now.*

*Misty enters the restront and starts to look at the bored. Hearing the bell on the door ring she autimaticly looks back offering a friendly smile to the officers acting normal, but on the inside her heart was racing. Glancing at Carson but not moving her head she can tell he has seen the officers too.

As Carson bumps into Misty she knows what he was doing and slowly she lets her wallet slide on the floor. Giving a smile at Carson she replys.*

"Not a problem. Have a good one."

*Turning back to the menu and glances down and see the wallet. Bending down to pick it up she heads for the door.*

"Sir, you droped your...."

*To late he was already gone. Heading out the door she holds the wallet in her hand still calling to Carson and joging to catch up with him till they are finally out of sigh.*

"Your dropped your wallet sir."

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