
I am

*Misty can't help but notice Kyle look in his eye for a moment but dosent say anything she dident want to pry.

As Misty watchs Kyle sigh she glances into the book a few times trying to figure out what he was saying. Feeling a bit rediculate Misty knows her face is a bit red but she smiles and laughs finally understanding what he was saying. Misty smiles and in a soft voice replys.*

"I am working you goofball."

*Misty gives Kyle's arm a playful nudge.*

"I am a doc after all and I am taking care of you. So all in all I am working. Anyways your more fun to chat with and be around."

*Nate smiles and nods at Mable and Aerith coming up to the counter with Jason.*

*Mable nods back at Jason and Nate offering a smile.*

"Yeah, one sec and I can go get him."

*Mable finishs up what she was doing and than heads into the back going to the kitchen door and spoting Carson.*

"Hey Carson, Jason and Nate are here they said they needed to talk to you about something fast."

*Herb looks up at his wife with question in his eyes.*

*Mable gives a shrug*

"How should I know? I dident ask."

*Herb cant help but laugh as he swings an arm around Mable's form.*

"You, not ask? Not be nosie? wow we should make this on the calander."

*Nate sits at the counter looking for at a napkin he was ripping. He felt trapped between his friend and his work. He new what he had to do and he new it was right but it was just oh so hard. Nate sits in silene waiting.*


Kyle smiles a little, seeing that Misty liked the words to the new song. His cheeks get a slight color in them from the compliment, and for just a moment, his eyes roam to the door, but quickly snap back again.

In answer to her question, he gestures with a number one over a two, indicating he writes about half the songs that JetStream performs. He then thumbs out of the infirmary and with a bit of trouble fingerspells Jason's name, ending with one-fourth.

Rolling his eyes Kyle doesn't know how to finish explaining about the last fourth of the songs, so instead, he reaches over to slap on the radio by the bed and points to it. The rest of their songs were done by other artists.

Sucking on a mouthful of ice cream, he grows thoughtful for a moment, almost as if he wants to say something, but either doesn't want to make the effort to get the point across, or simply decides he shouldn't say anything. His eyes show an odd struggle for a moment - one that his smile usually hides.

Quickly he turns back to Misty though, his grin back. Grabbing the book, he looks up a few signs and performs them so awkwardly at first that he makes himself laugh. He looks to the clock, showing that this was taking forever, but finally he manages to put enough signs together to convey, "Don't you have work to do today?"

Carson rolls his eyes at himself, but does as Herb tells him and runs his burned finger under cold water for several seconds before continuing with his work.

Jason enters Mom and Pop's behind Nate, hobbling on his crutches. He sees Aerith and gives her a friendly nod, and also grins at Mabel behind the counter. "Hey, good morning." He tilts his head a little, seeing into the back, and spying Carson's form. He glances to Mabel again. "Would you mind going and getting Carson for us? We need to talk to him...it shouldn't take long."

*Misty's grin grows as she see the excitement and laughter in Kyle's eyes. She was glad to make him smile and really feel happy.

As Kyle imitates Tarzan Misty cant help but laugh and not be able to stop for a few moments. She found Kyle’s humor like a breath of fresh air. It ways like the rain after a streak of hot days. Misty truly enjoyed it.

Taking the paper from Kyle Misty reads the song on the page. An even bigger smile spreading across her lips. Kyle truly had a talent for writing that was for certain.*
"Wow Kyle, I love it. Once its finished its going to be amazing. Your truly talented."

*Grabbing her own ice cream Misty starts to eat it as she eyes scan over the page with the words again. She really did like the song alot. Kyle did so good at it Misty just could not get over it.*

"Do you write most of Jetstreams songs yourself for them?"

*Misty pulls her chair closer to Kyle's bed so she can look on in the book for when he answered her.*

*Herb gives his head a little shake as he watches Carson. He felt bed for his young employee and he wish he could help more but until Carson was ready for help there was nothing he could do. All he could really do was keep praying for him that God would shine his light and open his eyes.*

"Go run your hand under some cold water for that it will stop it from bubbling."


Carson keeps his eyes down, unable to look up at Herb as he receives the offer. He didn't know whether he should be insulted or grateful. He felt both. First he'd been humiliated enough to have to call Nate for a ride...now to have Herb offer the back room... He didn't understand why they would do these things, and he didn't know the right way to respond.

Prepping some food, he finally glances over to Herb, the pain in his face a good reminder as to the reality he'd been getting himself into. "Thanks...Herb..."

As he busies himself around the kitchen, he can't keep his mind from wandering back over everything since he'd started getting involved with the group from the Bullseye. One game...one stupid card game and he'd been hooked. One night...one stupid night with Velvet and he'd been sucked into that life. One time...one stupid time that he'd let himself be blind to his own blunder and he'd been left in the cold.

He certainly didn't feel like the Carson Banks he used to know. Where was his confidence? Where was the determination? Misty. Where was the attitude that no one could walk on? He should be able to handle this. Why couldn't he just turn his back on the world like he'd done so many times before? Misty. Why couldn't he forget about caring about what everybody else wanted out of him, and take care of number one like he always had?

It hits him again, just as it had the other night in Vegas. He couldn't do those things because he wasn't the old Carson Banks. He wasn't the assassin Banks. He wasn't the hard core, heck-raising, free spirit. He wasn't the Agency villain. He wasn't the money hungry, woman hungry, blood thirsty Carson that made the innocent quake. He wasn't the tormentor or torturer. Not anymore.

He remembers how it felt so long ago to realize all that he'd done. So desperate and so lost between worlds, he'd tried to take his own life, showing his true cowardice. He remembers the hard journey to the right side, battling the craving for Agency action, and paying for mistakes by losing things most important to him.

And now...he'd slipped up. He'd gotten a taste of what he used to know, and the craving had started all over again. Drinking...smoking...women...lies... The list went on. He didn't even know why he'd started down that path in the first place. But because he'd done so well playing the good guy, to conform completely to the old side...to his old self...he'd have to give up on the right and wrong he'd learned...he'd have to give up on the law-abiding that he'd learned to obey. And he couldn't do it.

No longer could he be the old Carson Banks. The assassin was long gone. But no longer was he the new Carson Banks either. He was stuck at some miserable place in between, being pulled in opposite directions, without the will to bend to either side. Riding the fence was a skill...but he was starting to fall.

Carson's hand snaps back away from the stove as he burns his fingers, and a curse slips out, muttered under his breath. Sucking on the new wound, he tries to get his head back where it was supposed to be.

Kyle looks up from his writing and grins as Misty approaches. At her questions and assumptions about how he feels, he has to shrug, showing that yeah, he didn't feel the greatest.

As she reveals the ice cream, his smile widens, enjoyment sparkling in his eyes. Setting his glasses up on his head, he takes his treat and dips in the spoon. Sucking off a bite, he gives a big sigh of satisfaction and mouths the words, "Thank you" to her.

Spying the books that she has, and hearing her idea, Kyle can't help but laugh. Though silent, his shoulders shake, his smile proving that it wasn't that he thought it was silly, rather he was amused and pleased with the idea.

Setting his ice cream aside, he takes one of the books and flips through it, scanning the illustrations. Still grinning, he looks up at Misty and gives her a thumbs up. Turning back to his paper and pen, he tears out a sheet of the notepad and scribbles on it. "I know someone who knows this stuff - I've seen them do it. Why didn't I think of this? You're too smart for me."

Handing it to her, his quirky grin remains as he takes another bite of ice cream. His eyebrows suddenly raise as he thinks of something, and he goes for the book again, finding the alphabet. Pointing to himself first, he makes out his name, K-y-l-e. Next he points to Misty, and finds the right letters, M-i-s-t-y. His silliness coming through, he pounds his chest to illustrate Tarzan before rolling his eyes at himself and shutting the book so he can finish his ice cream and before he can think up anything else stupid to do.

Settling back down a little, he goes for the paper he's been writing on, and willingly shows it to Misty, even though it's incomplete. It wasn't often that he shared incomplete writings, but this time he didn't mind.

The wind, it carries me far from here,
Far to a place unknown.
Where my heart is free,
My soul complete.
Take me there, oh take me there.

The voice, it whispers in my ear,
It beckons me to come.
Where the sun is warm,
The sky's all blue.
Take me there, oh, take me there.

It's in my heart, this place undiscovered.
It's in my mind, hidden from view.
It's in my soul, where I venture together,
With hope that I might see it.

The sounds, they carry me towards the hills,
Far beyond my reach.
Where no lies are there,
Love is pure.
Take me there, oh take me there.

The breath of air, it calls to me,
Fresh on summer's end.

My turn to help

*Herb watches Carson as he enters, keeping his eyes close on him. He was worried about his younger employee. Carson was down that rough and rocky road yet trying to grasp to all he could, he was missing the one thing he could hold onto that would set him free.

Giving a small shake Herb enters the kitchen and starts to work along side him. His face looked like he had been hit by a truck and Herb had noticed Carson had no car with him. Herb could only put two and two together.

Carson dident have to ask, or tell Herb anything one of his talents was being able to read people and knowing through there eyes what was there. Herb incredable understanding for people, and there needs helped out as well in times like this. Sometimes it back fired on him but if he dident try than he dident know if he could help or not.*

"If you need a place to crash tonight there is a little bedroom in the back of the store. For as long as you need it you can stay there if you want. Its not big, but its better than nothing."

*Herb turns and starts back on preping things for another busy day.*

*Misty renters the infermary with a grocery bad, and another cloth bag. A smile had formed on her face. As she enters she sets her purse down on her desk and than brings the other stuff over to Kyle.*

"Hey there, writing anything good?"

*Misty gives a small grin and streches her neck like she is trying to look at what he is writing but dosent actully see respecting his privet space.*

"How ya feeling? Crappy? Down in the dumps? Well I think I have something what will cheer you up."

*Misty reaches into the grocery bad and pulls out two indavidual serving of ice cream along with two plastic spoons.*

"Who can deny ice cream? Specialy when it feels good going down that scrathy throut of yours, and I couldent let you eat it in front of alone so I got some for myself too."

*Misty smiles hoping she was making Kyle feel better. He's helped her when she was down now it was time to repay him.

Next Misty reaches into the other bag and pulls out a few books holding them up for Kyle.*

"Next I have some sign language books. I dont know anything about it or even where to start but these are starter books and since you cant talk, and I will make sure of it so that voice of yours gets some rest. I thought we could lean. Than we can compunicat. You lean how to do it and I will learn how to read it."

*Misty beams with pride that she though of this on her own. She wanted to make Kyle feel better she wanted to be able to help him and this way the only way right now she new how.*


Kyle gives Misty a little smirk at her comment, but holds his smile, tilting his chin up to show an arrogance that states he'll keep that smile just because he's capable and is good at fooling others. Only after she walks away does he let it fade, rolling over to trying and sleep.

Rick rubs his face wearily, keeping his voice low. "I don't know, Misty. We can hope that his body will heal itself. I just don't feel right about surgery until we're sure. Someone like him, I don't want to take that risk unless absolutely necessary. We'll just have to keep an eye on it. He needs to give his vocal cords as much rest as possible at this point. And..."

He gestures to some analysis printouts. "I don't know. The poison appears to be the same. But I'm wondering if he got a double dose." He points to something else. "I got the results from testing that water in his glass, and it came back positive. Phil has been told not to drink any water or touch anything until we can go over their apartment, and I guess Jason's going to keep Trooper over there for a night until we figure out what's going on."

Rick shakes his head. "The only problem is, that Phil did have some water this morning and he had no ill effects. So I don't know..." He gives a little sigh and shuts off the light over the counter. "For now, I'm going home. There's no point in going over this stuff until we find out more tomorrow. If you need anything in the night, don't hesitate to call."

Scott grins and wheels his chair closer to Katie to grab her around the waist and pull her into his lap, planting a kiss on her lips. "Neglecting you? Me? Never!" His smile widens. "You me, dinner, my place...how about it? Oh, and Domino, of course." Not letting her respond, he gives her another short kiss. "Good, it's all set then. Last one there is a rotten egg." Dumping Katie off his lap, he sprints for the door."

The sun never stops its course. The earth never stops spinning or straightens its tilt. Morning must come.

Jason rummages through some papers, unable to concentrate. The only thing he could think about was Kyle...and Carson. Yesterday he'd heard about the little confrontation outside Mom and Pop's, and now Carson was a prime suspect for the poisoning. Jason wouldn't have thought he'd actually do something like that, but they didn't have anywhere else to turn, and Carson had threatened, had motive, and had the means.

Finally making up his mind, Jason grabs his crutches and makes his way out onto the main floor to Nate's cubicle. "Hey..." He pauses in the entry way. "Been thinking about Kyle and all that... what do you say we go pick up Carson for a little questioning session?"

Kyle stares up at the ceiling, rolling his fingers on the blanket. Boredom didn't quite cover this feeling. He'd tossed and turned all night, this morning his head hurt and his throat hurt like the dickens, and if he was told to rest one more time, he's scream...if he could, that is.

Rick had been in to check on him. Misty had been in and out...right now it was way too quiet in here.

Sighing, he reaches over onto the bedside table to grab the paper and pen. Starting to jot down some words, he plays a tune in his head. Songwriting was his outlet, and today...after yesterday...he needed it.

Carson comes slowly into the back of Mom and Pop’s, half an hour late. A cut over his eye is bandaged, and he’s sporting a bruise along the whole side of his face, with several smaller cuts. His baseball cap shields most from noticing his condition unless one is close.

He sets his two bags down on the floor, shoving them into a corner out of the way of anyone. Today he had nowhere to keep them. The car accident last night had seen to that, and his lack of insurance would see to it that he wouldn’t be able to afford a place of his own for a while. He was tempted to ask Herb if he could sack out here tonight, but wasn’t sure he even had the nerve to ask.

Making his way to the kitchen, he grabs an apron, his eyes downcast. He offers no reason or excuse for being late, and simply starts to work, silence ruling his actions.


*As Misty listens to what Rick had to say her own heart sinks. Singing was everything to Kyle and being able to crack jokes at people was something he loved to do as well. Kyle not talking was like the sun without the moon it just dident feel right. Misty's heart went out to Kyle.

Gently pating Kyle's hand Misty musters her own smile.*

"You where that smile well you know that for someone to feels so down."

*Misty lets out a small sigh as she goes to throw the paper cup away that held the water. For a moment she stands with her back to Kyle. She felt so bad. Why would anyone want to hurt Kyle.

Turning back around to return to his bedside Misty continues to smile all she can.*

"I'm sure things are going to work out. Rest that voice of yours and one would think it should heal nicly. Though I will addmit I am gonna miss you talking."

*Misty gives a small laugh and a shake of her head.*

"I'll be right back. Try and get some rest ok. I wont be far away."

*Giving Kyle's hand a pat again Misty turns and follows after Rick letting out a sigh.*

"So what are the chanses of if he rests his voice coming back? And why dident the antadote work this time? Was the poison changed?"

*Katie slowly makes her way to Scott's office and gives a smile seeing him still there. For a moment she just stands in the watching him work. A little bit earlyer she had felt a slight change with Jason, like he was remembering something good that happend and after that she dident feel he was sad from remembering. That made her feel good inside. Katie wanted Jason to be happy, than looking in on Scott as he worked quietly she smiles. It was good to see Scott happy again as well.

Finally entering Katie slowly makes her way to the desk a grin forming on her face.*

"You know if you work to much I might think your naglecting me. We wouldent want that would we?"


Kyle manages to drink some water, then quirks an eyebrow at Misty’s statement. Poison? What was she talking about? He tries to remember what happened, on top of trying to figure out where on earth he is. Then it dawns on him. He was at TJY. Poison....he remembered what had happened to some of the others now. But...him? Why? How?

On his back again and finally able to sit up just a little, he tries to shake the cobwebs from his mind. He was so terribly groggy, yet didn't want to sleep any more. He felt exhausted and yet trying to wake up at the same time.

He finally gives Misty a little nod and opens his mouth to respond, but again has difficulty. Clearing his throat a little, he tries again, his voice coming out as a heavy rasp. "What...happened?" he finally manages in a whisper. "I feel...like crap."

"Hey!" A smile spreads across Rick's face as he reenters the infirmary and sees Kyle sitting up. Relief sweeps over him. They hadn't lost him. Thank God. "How's the patient?"

Kyle shakes his head, still a bit confused. "Tired," he forces out.

Rick quirks an eyebrow at the sound of Kyle's voice...or the lack thereof. He decides to make a quick examination before letting the others know they were out of the woods. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he checks Kyle's vitals, finding them to be fairly satisfactory, considering all that had just happened. "You gave us quite a scare there, bud." He cocks his head. "Any idea how you could have been poisoned?"

Kyle shakes his head.

Rick has him open his mouth, and examines the back of this throat, poking and prodding. "Well, I know some folks who will be mighty glad to know you're awake." He smiles and gives Kyle's arm a pat. "Don't go anywhere."

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Sure, doc." He glances to Misty and eyes her for a moment, wondering why he felt he'd been with her all day.

The brief hubbub is over. The hugs are through, the commotion ended. Jason is working late, Mike has taken Jen home, and Phil has left for the evening. Upon Rick's suggestion, Kyle is to stay in the infirmary for at least one night.

The several hours has exhausted Kyle further, and he does all he's told without argument, not saying much, but sleeping some and just trying to get over the pain and grogginess.

Rick stands at the counter, going over his findings, and he shakes his head slowly. He didn't like this...not at all. It made sense, now that he knew. But it wasn't going to be easy. Sighing, he turns to see Kyle awake at the moment. He gestures for Misty to join him near the bed.

Kyle looks up expectantly, uneasy about the look in Rick's eye.

Rick rests his hands in his lab coat and looks to Misty, then back to Kyle. "I just went over some things I found after your examination this afternoon, and..." He figures he might as well just give it to him straight. "It appears that there has been damage to your vocal cords. This poison that we've dealt with attacks weak points within the body. You're one healthy young man. The only part of you that's been under strain has been your voice, so that's what was attacked the hardest."

Kyle can feel himself tense a little. He wasn't sue what this meant. Mustering up the energy, he hoarsely asks. "How bad is it?"

"It's not good." Rick purses his lips grimly. "Only time will tell about this one, Kyle. I know you do a lot of singing with Jason in the band, but...I'm going to have to tell you, your best option at this point is to not use your voice at all."

Kyle's heart sinks as Rick continues.

"The only thing we can hope for is that if you give your voice enough rest that your vocal cords will heal. I don't want to go in and do surgery unless time doesn't do enough healing. Surgery risks everything all together, and at least at this point you haven't lost total voice. But..." He shakes his head. "If you listen to me on this one...no talking...no singing. For at least three weeks until I can check on you again."

Kyle's eyes drift downward, then back up again, a grin quirking his mouth. "There'll be....a lot of people happy...that I'll finally shut up."

Rick chuckles, glad to see a good attitude. "You just get yourself some rest now, Kyle." He turns to Misty. "I'll be around for a few more hours probably. If anything changes, let me know."

Watching Rick walk away, Kyle gives a little sigh, forcing as cheery a look as possible. Looking up to Misty, he shrugs. What could he do but obey? He wasn't about to let it show how deeply this bothered him.

Paper Cup

*Hearing Kyle start to cough Misty's head shoots up seeing him. Standing quickly Misty goes to his side closer and puts a hand on his back patting him lightly.*

"Hey, hey take it easy you've been through alot. Let me get you something to drink."

*Heading over to the small sing Misty gets a paper cup and puts some water in it. Walking back over to Kyle she brings the cup to his lips to help him drink.*

"You had us worryed Kyle. We dident think you were going to wake up."

*A slight tear rolls down Misty's cheek at the though of it but its gone quickly trying to show her stregnth.*

"I'm really glad your awake now though. I'd ask how you feel but unfortinatly i know how it feels to wake from the poison and its not fun."

*Katie stays sitting on the breakroom counter waiting for new about her friend. Kyle, why would someone want to hurt Kyle? Everyone alse it made sence. They were connected with TJY, or part of the people from Texas, but not Kyle. Why him?

Katie lowers her head as she says a silent prayer. She hoped and prayed Kyle would be ok and God would see him through this. Katie continues to pray just hoping for good news.*


Rick steps on the gas, driving as fast as he dared, back to TJY. He glances in the rearview mirror several times to check on things, but is desperate to race against time.

Kyle writhes in the backseat, no clue where he is or what's happening. Though his stomach is empty, the convulsions continue, his face getting paler.

Jason's eyes widen at Misty's voice. "Kyle? But..." He blinks, trying to process everything as fear strikes him. "Yeah, yeah, I'll call Phil. Hang tight."

Ending the call, he immediately dials Phil...

Phil dashes down the center aisle of the lumberyard, throwing off his vest and nametag.

"Yo, Phil!" Gary yells after him. "Where you going? You can't just leave this stuff here!"

"Family emergency!" Phil calls over his shoulder. By the time he reaches his car, his pulse is racing, but not because of the run, but rather from fear. Jason had told him what was going on... he knew what had happened to Con...Jason...Misty... What would it do to Kyle? What if it couldn't be stopped? And why would someone do this to him???

The door bursts open at TJY. Kyle is light enough that Rick can carry him with Misty's help, and they go quickly down the hall to the infirmary.

Seeing them go by, Jason grabs his crutches and follows after them, staying out of their way, but watching with worry.

It's only minutes later that Phil shows up, sprinting down the hall. He skids to a stop at Jason's motioning him, and enters the infirmary slowly, trying to catch his breath. Seeing his brother lying on the bed with Rick and Misty over him made his heart leap into his throat. He had a handful of people who were extremely important to him, and his little brother was one of them. He didn't dare call Jen yet.

Rick continues to move quickly, giving Kyle another smaller dose of antidote in a last attempt to kill the poison. Though discussing, brainstorming and trying to come up with other solutions, no one could think of anything else they could do. Phil had not had any information that would help. Prayers were the best thing.

It's evening. By now, Mike and Jen have joined a small group in the break room at TJY, keeping company with Jason, Scott and Katie as they wait. Kyle had finally settled down later that morning without further convulsions, though had not woken up, nor had his fever broken. No one knew how long it would be, or what turn things would take.

Rick enters the break room, and all eyes stare at him. He shakes his head slowly. Nothing had changed. He just needed something to drink.

Kyle's eyes open just as slits. Though the light was dim, it felt bright to his eyes and it takes several minutes to surpass the pain it makes.

Shifting his gaze to the right and left, he tries to figure out where on earth he is. He felt as if he were somewhere far away...in a fog...unbalanced...lost...

Swallowing, he cringes. Ouch. Shifting his weight a little, he feels the soaked bedsheets. But they aren't his own. He's not in his own bed...

He tries to pull himself up to sit, but all strength seems to have fled. What had happened? Where was he? Why did he feel like this?

A figure catches his eye that he recognizes. Misty. Realizing he wasn't alone and that something was familiar helps keep him from panicking. Opening his mouth, he tries to say something to get her attention, but as he tries to speak, it evokes a pain and scratching that sends him into a coughing fit. Rolling onto his side to double over, he winces against the hurtful sensation.

Call Phil

*Jess gives a nod at Carson reply.*

"I respect that Carson. See ya around I am sure."

*Jess stands and gives the window a little tap. Staggering up the walk way she disapears behind the apartment doors and heads into her bedroom flopping down on the bed. To drunk to care she falls asleep in her clothing and all.*

*As Rick enters the room Mitsy moves alittle but still stays close to Kyle. Over the last few weeks Misty had grown close to him. He's help her, and was slowing showing her new things. Than yesterday they had shaired something special. Kyle had made her feel differnt but good. Than it stricks Misty what if the Agency had been watching. What if they new Misty was getting close to Kyle and they acted on it. What happend to Kyle could of been her fault.

Sitting there with Kyle Misty hopes he will be ok. She softly talks to him letting him know she was there. As Kyle starts to get worse Misty jumps a little but stays close to Kyle not caring if she was becoming a mess with him or not.

Listing to Rick Misty gives a nod as she stands to get Kyle something more to put on.*

"The infermary for now. If we have to from there we will take him to the hospetal."

*Misty goes through Kyle's clothing and grabs a pare of baggy pants and a t-shirt than with Rick's help gets him out to Rick's car.*

"I'll come back for my car later Rick. I am riding with you."

*Jumping in the backseat with Kyle Misty keeps his head in her lap and her on hand on his chest as she hold her phone in the other hand.*

"Jason, its Misty. Call Phil for me. Its Kyle, we think the agency got to him with poison. Tell Phil to meet us as TJY we are on our way now."


Rick’s eyes widen at Misty’s information and acts as quickly as he can. Gathering everything he can think that they might need, including the antidote, he dashes down the hall, almost running into Laura on his way.

Skidding around the corner, he heads for the exit, then to his car. He kind of knew where the Mitts lived, and finds it easily, spotting Misty’s car. Getting out, he takes the stairs two at a time, finally getting into the apartment.

"Misty?" He calls to her, wandering the hallway until he finds the open bedroom. Seeing Kyle, his eyes widen. "Good land..."

Kneeling next to the bed, he gives Kyle a quick examination as Misty had, checking his eyes and pulse. "He's soaked - he had to have gotten hit with this hours ago. But you're right. It's progressed quickly."

Rick's face is solemn as he retrieves a syringe from his bag. Prepping the needle and Kyle's arm, he shakes his head. "He's not even with TJY...I don't understand it. Of all the low down...." He sighs and concentrates on his task, giving the shot in Kyle's arm.

Kyle barely flinches, so out of it that he's unaware someone else is even in the room.

Rick checks his watch and stands up, picking up his things. "We ought to see results in a couple minutes." Glancing around, he spies the glass on the floor. Picking it up, he shrugs, and takes a q-tip to scrape the inside before placing it in a bag. Couldn't hurt.

Pacing the room, Rick continues to check Kyle's vitals, waiting for a sign of the antidote to work. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes.

Rick's face is drawn with concern and he catches Misty's eye. He dared not think that what they had could no longer work.

Suddenly Kyle starts to shake even more, turning on his side and starting to vomit. Rick immediately checks his rapid pulse again, worry surging through him. "This isn't good, Misty." He looks at her with seriousness. "Either it's not working at all, or he's reacting to something in the antidote. We've got to get him out of here and either to the hospital or the infirmary."

His mind reels with possibilities and choices. "And get a hold of his brother. If this poison acts like it has before, it's going to hit Kyle's weakest or most strained point. Remember Con's ear? If we know what that is with Kyle, we might be able to head it off, at least with that."

Carson quirks an eyebrow at Jess' invitation, and shakes his head. "I better not, Jess. But thanks. Don't worry about me."

He puts his car in gear, prepared to drive away. "I'll probably see you around. Go sleep off that vodka and stay out of trouble."


*As Misty watches and listens to Kyle she feels helpless. No matter how many times she saw people hurt at TJY she couldent help but hate it more and feel more helpless than she did when it was a friend or loved one. It always hurt to see them in pain.

Trying to make out Kyle's words Misty looks to the little dresser by the bed. Could it have been in the water? or in Kyle's medicen? But how would they have gotten to that.

As Kyle begines to shake Misty instintly acts still holding his hand. Her heart races as she knows she has to act fast.

Pulling out her cell phone Misty dials Rick's number and waits still she hears his voice.*

"Rick it's Misty. I'm over at Kyle Mitts house. Something wrong with him Rick. I think its the agency poison. It's seemed to be acting faster with him. I need you to bring me over some of that antadote we made up as fast as you can. He's going down hill fast. Please hurry Rick."

*Misty keeps her one hand in Kyle's and her other runs through his head every once and a while whiping the sweat frow his brow. Trying to keep him as comefortable as she can till Rick gets there to help.*

*Jess wherls around as Carson comes up behind her with the offer of a ride. Standing still for a moment Jess thinks before replying. It was strange getting an offer for a ride home from someone besides, no one. With Peter it had been assumed. There was just something about Carson tha was differnt though.*

"I, wouldsh be fine to drive bu since your insisting I dont she why not. I'll come back later for my car."

*Jess makes her way to Carson's car with him and gets inside.*

"My address it 15 cherrywood st."

*Jess directs Carson what was to go and the streets to turn down. It dosent take long till they are outside her apartment building. It was kind of crummy looking but its where Jess called home. Turning back to Carson Jess smiles and gives a slightly drunkin nod.*

"Thanks for the ride Carson. Your an ok guy."

*Turning to get out of the car Jess stops for a moment and looks back to Carson before she gets out of the car. Leaning down she throws Carson a smile.*

"Would you like to come upstairs?"

*Jess thinkings for a moment as a smile curles on her lips and she shaks her had.*

"To sleep on my coutch. You look exsausted and could use some sleep so you can figuresh out what you are gonna do well rested."