

Rick’s eyes widen at Misty’s information and acts as quickly as he can. Gathering everything he can think that they might need, including the antidote, he dashes down the hall, almost running into Laura on his way.

Skidding around the corner, he heads for the exit, then to his car. He kind of knew where the Mitts lived, and finds it easily, spotting Misty’s car. Getting out, he takes the stairs two at a time, finally getting into the apartment.

"Misty?" He calls to her, wandering the hallway until he finds the open bedroom. Seeing Kyle, his eyes widen. "Good land..."

Kneeling next to the bed, he gives Kyle a quick examination as Misty had, checking his eyes and pulse. "He's soaked - he had to have gotten hit with this hours ago. But you're right. It's progressed quickly."

Rick's face is solemn as he retrieves a syringe from his bag. Prepping the needle and Kyle's arm, he shakes his head. "He's not even with TJY...I don't understand it. Of all the low down...." He sighs and concentrates on his task, giving the shot in Kyle's arm.

Kyle barely flinches, so out of it that he's unaware someone else is even in the room.

Rick checks his watch and stands up, picking up his things. "We ought to see results in a couple minutes." Glancing around, he spies the glass on the floor. Picking it up, he shrugs, and takes a q-tip to scrape the inside before placing it in a bag. Couldn't hurt.

Pacing the room, Rick continues to check Kyle's vitals, waiting for a sign of the antidote to work. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes.

Rick's face is drawn with concern and he catches Misty's eye. He dared not think that what they had could no longer work.

Suddenly Kyle starts to shake even more, turning on his side and starting to vomit. Rick immediately checks his rapid pulse again, worry surging through him. "This isn't good, Misty." He looks at her with seriousness. "Either it's not working at all, or he's reacting to something in the antidote. We've got to get him out of here and either to the hospital or the infirmary."

His mind reels with possibilities and choices. "And get a hold of his brother. If this poison acts like it has before, it's going to hit Kyle's weakest or most strained point. Remember Con's ear? If we know what that is with Kyle, we might be able to head it off, at least with that."

Carson quirks an eyebrow at Jess' invitation, and shakes his head. "I better not, Jess. But thanks. Don't worry about me."

He puts his car in gear, prepared to drive away. "I'll probably see you around. Go sleep off that vodka and stay out of trouble."

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