

Kyle smiles a little, seeing that Misty liked the words to the new song. His cheeks get a slight color in them from the compliment, and for just a moment, his eyes roam to the door, but quickly snap back again.

In answer to her question, he gestures with a number one over a two, indicating he writes about half the songs that JetStream performs. He then thumbs out of the infirmary and with a bit of trouble fingerspells Jason's name, ending with one-fourth.

Rolling his eyes Kyle doesn't know how to finish explaining about the last fourth of the songs, so instead, he reaches over to slap on the radio by the bed and points to it. The rest of their songs were done by other artists.

Sucking on a mouthful of ice cream, he grows thoughtful for a moment, almost as if he wants to say something, but either doesn't want to make the effort to get the point across, or simply decides he shouldn't say anything. His eyes show an odd struggle for a moment - one that his smile usually hides.

Quickly he turns back to Misty though, his grin back. Grabbing the book, he looks up a few signs and performs them so awkwardly at first that he makes himself laugh. He looks to the clock, showing that this was taking forever, but finally he manages to put enough signs together to convey, "Don't you have work to do today?"

Carson rolls his eyes at himself, but does as Herb tells him and runs his burned finger under cold water for several seconds before continuing with his work.

Jason enters Mom and Pop's behind Nate, hobbling on his crutches. He sees Aerith and gives her a friendly nod, and also grins at Mabel behind the counter. "Hey, good morning." He tilts his head a little, seeing into the back, and spying Carson's form. He glances to Mabel again. "Would you mind going and getting Carson for us? We need to talk to him...it shouldn't take long."

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