
Call Phil

*Jess gives a nod at Carson reply.*

"I respect that Carson. See ya around I am sure."

*Jess stands and gives the window a little tap. Staggering up the walk way she disapears behind the apartment doors and heads into her bedroom flopping down on the bed. To drunk to care she falls asleep in her clothing and all.*

*As Rick enters the room Mitsy moves alittle but still stays close to Kyle. Over the last few weeks Misty had grown close to him. He's help her, and was slowing showing her new things. Than yesterday they had shaired something special. Kyle had made her feel differnt but good. Than it stricks Misty what if the Agency had been watching. What if they new Misty was getting close to Kyle and they acted on it. What happend to Kyle could of been her fault.

Sitting there with Kyle Misty hopes he will be ok. She softly talks to him letting him know she was there. As Kyle starts to get worse Misty jumps a little but stays close to Kyle not caring if she was becoming a mess with him or not.

Listing to Rick Misty gives a nod as she stands to get Kyle something more to put on.*

"The infermary for now. If we have to from there we will take him to the hospetal."

*Misty goes through Kyle's clothing and grabs a pare of baggy pants and a t-shirt than with Rick's help gets him out to Rick's car.*

"I'll come back for my car later Rick. I am riding with you."

*Jumping in the backseat with Kyle Misty keeps his head in her lap and her on hand on his chest as she hold her phone in the other hand.*

"Jason, its Misty. Call Phil for me. Its Kyle, we think the agency got to him with poison. Tell Phil to meet us as TJY we are on our way now."

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