

Rick steps on the gas, driving as fast as he dared, back to TJY. He glances in the rearview mirror several times to check on things, but is desperate to race against time.

Kyle writhes in the backseat, no clue where he is or what's happening. Though his stomach is empty, the convulsions continue, his face getting paler.

Jason's eyes widen at Misty's voice. "Kyle? But..." He blinks, trying to process everything as fear strikes him. "Yeah, yeah, I'll call Phil. Hang tight."

Ending the call, he immediately dials Phil...

Phil dashes down the center aisle of the lumberyard, throwing off his vest and nametag.

"Yo, Phil!" Gary yells after him. "Where you going? You can't just leave this stuff here!"

"Family emergency!" Phil calls over his shoulder. By the time he reaches his car, his pulse is racing, but not because of the run, but rather from fear. Jason had told him what was going on... he knew what had happened to Con...Jason...Misty... What would it do to Kyle? What if it couldn't be stopped? And why would someone do this to him???

The door bursts open at TJY. Kyle is light enough that Rick can carry him with Misty's help, and they go quickly down the hall to the infirmary.

Seeing them go by, Jason grabs his crutches and follows after them, staying out of their way, but watching with worry.

It's only minutes later that Phil shows up, sprinting down the hall. He skids to a stop at Jason's motioning him, and enters the infirmary slowly, trying to catch his breath. Seeing his brother lying on the bed with Rick and Misty over him made his heart leap into his throat. He had a handful of people who were extremely important to him, and his little brother was one of them. He didn't dare call Jen yet.

Rick continues to move quickly, giving Kyle another smaller dose of antidote in a last attempt to kill the poison. Though discussing, brainstorming and trying to come up with other solutions, no one could think of anything else they could do. Phil had not had any information that would help. Prayers were the best thing.

It's evening. By now, Mike and Jen have joined a small group in the break room at TJY, keeping company with Jason, Scott and Katie as they wait. Kyle had finally settled down later that morning without further convulsions, though had not woken up, nor had his fever broken. No one knew how long it would be, or what turn things would take.

Rick enters the break room, and all eyes stare at him. He shakes his head slowly. Nothing had changed. He just needed something to drink.

Kyle's eyes open just as slits. Though the light was dim, it felt bright to his eyes and it takes several minutes to surpass the pain it makes.

Shifting his gaze to the right and left, he tries to figure out where on earth he is. He felt as if he were somewhere far away...in a fog...unbalanced...lost...

Swallowing, he cringes. Ouch. Shifting his weight a little, he feels the soaked bedsheets. But they aren't his own. He's not in his own bed...

He tries to pull himself up to sit, but all strength seems to have fled. What had happened? Where was he? Why did he feel like this?

A figure catches his eye that he recognizes. Misty. Realizing he wasn't alone and that something was familiar helps keep him from panicking. Opening his mouth, he tries to say something to get her attention, but as he tries to speak, it evokes a pain and scratching that sends him into a coughing fit. Rolling onto his side to double over, he winces against the hurtful sensation.

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