
My turn to help

*Herb watches Carson as he enters, keeping his eyes close on him. He was worried about his younger employee. Carson was down that rough and rocky road yet trying to grasp to all he could, he was missing the one thing he could hold onto that would set him free.

Giving a small shake Herb enters the kitchen and starts to work along side him. His face looked like he had been hit by a truck and Herb had noticed Carson had no car with him. Herb could only put two and two together.

Carson dident have to ask, or tell Herb anything one of his talents was being able to read people and knowing through there eyes what was there. Herb incredable understanding for people, and there needs helped out as well in times like this. Sometimes it back fired on him but if he dident try than he dident know if he could help or not.*

"If you need a place to crash tonight there is a little bedroom in the back of the store. For as long as you need it you can stay there if you want. Its not big, but its better than nothing."

*Herb turns and starts back on preping things for another busy day.*

*Misty renters the infermary with a grocery bad, and another cloth bag. A smile had formed on her face. As she enters she sets her purse down on her desk and than brings the other stuff over to Kyle.*

"Hey there, writing anything good?"

*Misty gives a small grin and streches her neck like she is trying to look at what he is writing but dosent actully see respecting his privet space.*

"How ya feeling? Crappy? Down in the dumps? Well I think I have something what will cheer you up."

*Misty reaches into the grocery bad and pulls out two indavidual serving of ice cream along with two plastic spoons.*

"Who can deny ice cream? Specialy when it feels good going down that scrathy throut of yours, and I couldent let you eat it in front of alone so I got some for myself too."

*Misty smiles hoping she was making Kyle feel better. He's helped her when she was down now it was time to repay him.

Next Misty reaches into the other bag and pulls out a few books holding them up for Kyle.*

"Next I have some sign language books. I dont know anything about it or even where to start but these are starter books and since you cant talk, and I will make sure of it so that voice of yours gets some rest. I thought we could lean. Than we can compunicat. You lean how to do it and I will learn how to read it."

*Misty beams with pride that she though of this on her own. She wanted to make Kyle feel better she wanted to be able to help him and this way the only way right now she new how.*

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