

*Katie smiles at Jason.* " Stop saying sorry all the time would ya. You dident do anything wrong. It's what I am here for. Its what friends do." *Katie streches and ruffles Jason's already mess of hair.* " Why dont you hope in the shower than we can head over to work. I have to get as much done as possable before lunch than I am going about geting a new car. We need to ride around in style you know." *Katie exits the room and ehads to the bathroom to freshin up. Moment later Katie is done and finishing puting her clothing into her dresser in her room waiting for Jason to finish up.*

*Groggy Wes makes his way to the mess hall. entering he grabs a cup of coffee and heads to the table Cindy is at. Giving her a kiss on the forhead Wes sits down.* "Morning Butifule. Whats planed for today?"


Jason can feel Katie’s arms around him…can feel her touch against his skin, bringing a comfort only she can give. Her soft voice is soothing as Jason’s mind races with thoughts of everything that’s happened the last few days, along with his past. The tears slowly begin to subside, until his eyes are dry and pure exhaustion has set in.
The sleep assumed is a strange rest, as if an invisible veil keeps the memories and images from invading, if only for a few short hours, allowing his mind to drift freely, empty of horror, safe in protective arms.

Dawn breaks. Small streaks of sunlight find their way around the curtains, casting light into the room. Jason stirs. Ever muscle in his body aches, and he doesn’t even want to move. But as alertness seeps into his consciousness, he begins to realize where his head is lying. Opening his eyes, he knows he’ll never admit that he’s never felt in a more comfortable position. But an element of embarrassment overshadows any relaxation. Jason’s not even sure what happened during the night. He knows he’d had one of the worst nightmares ever, and he vaguely remembers Katie coming to him. But after that it was a blank.
His face reddening just a little, he rights himself, rubbing his face wearily. “Aw, Katie,” he mumbles. Not able to remember everything, he just hoped he hadn’t said or done anything regrettable. At the very least, he’d put Katie in an awful position. He wasn’t even fully dressed. “I’m so sorry.”

Cindy sits in the mess hall with a coffee mug cradled between her hands. She’s one of the first ones up, and finds herself alone. The night had been long. She hadn’t gotten much rest…she’d thought of her son almost all night, and still wasn’t sure why. She’d thought of him…thought of her house being gone…thought of the future. What really was going to happen now?

Little Help

*Katie wraps her arms around Jason and holds him as he crys. Gently she runs his back and his head softly speaking.* " Its going to be ok Jason I promise. I'm here for you.* " Katie continues to rub Jason's back and comfort him.* "Let it out hun. I'm here." *Katie glances out the window and watches the clouds move away from the moon and the light shines in. Gent;y Katie rocks Jason humming to him.*


Jason holds Katie's hand in a cold vice grip, his eyes scrunched tight and wincing as the images fly in his direction. He hears a voice...the voice so soothing...the voice that has drawn him out of so many other nightmares...
Then it feel as if someone has taken a hold of him to yank him from one world into the next. His eyes fly open, his breathing still fast and shallow. He swallows hard, as none of his surroundings want to come into focus. He feels a hand in his and slowly loosens his grip. He's wet and cold, shivering and unable to control his racing heart. Emotionally, all he can feel is pain. He knows he's awake, and gradually realizes where he is and who he is with, but reality still feels just out of reach.
He's finally able to uncurl himself despite his muscle's resistance, and he manages to groggily prop himself up on an elbow, trying to look up and bring Katie's face into focus. He's unsure if it's the dark or poor vision that makes it difficult. Squinting, he makes out her features, and he sees the tears in her eyes.
Emotionally overwhelmed already, realizing her compassion shown through her eyes is like a title wave, roaring in to wipe out any barriers he has. Whether in a weak moment, or torn by his nightmare, Jason's wall crumbles in front of Katie. Like a disappearing fog, the forced expression of control vanishes, leaving his eyes open and vulnerable windows into the pain he's experiencing.
Before he can overcome it, the tears come. He chokes on a sob as the emotions spill forth. Without even thinking, he lets his arm give way, sending his head to rest in Katie's lap, his face buried against her. The tears flow...the emotions surge through him violently enough to make him shake, and he draws closer to Katie for protection, wanting only for the torture to end.

Wake from this dream

*As Jason toss and turns in bed Katie hops up off the floor and onto the edgh of the bed. Gently she puts her hand on Jason's arm.* "J, wake up come on..." *A tear rolls down Katie's face as Jason toss in his sleep. Katie remembers in church the pastor had talked about how God answers everyone who prays. Closing her eyes she says her own silent prayer.* {Dear lord please hellp Jason. Take these dreams from him once again and show him he can over come it. Please calm his sperit so that he will be torchered no more.} *Kaite continues to hold Jason's hand.* "J its ok...I'm here for you Jason. Fight aganst these nightmares, and over come them again. Remember what Adam said please." *Katie felt so lost when Reese asked Katie to be Jason's bodyguard she wondered if he new Jason needed to be saved from himself as well. Katie new being there helped Jason but helping him recoved when he dident want it was another story in itself. Katie watches her friend trying to wake him from his dream.*

Three o'clock

Jason numbly takes the rest of the candy bar and east half of it before putting the rest on the nightstand. He resists her help getting into bed at first, but finally relents, too tired to fight right now. Still shaky, he flops his head down on his pillow, resting on his side to face where Katie sits down. His body feels sick, his mind in torture. Exhaustion drags him in the direction of sleep, but fear keeps his eyes glued to the wall as he fights the memories that are trying to get in the door. But resistance is futile. His eyes slowly, slowly drift shut....

...Jason runs with all his might. His feet pound the sidewalk, but his destination does not near. He can hear footsteps behind him. They are ones he fears...they only walk, but gain on him. Panic shoots through his veins. He dodges down a dark alley and back out onto another street, just to end up back at the house he feared so much. Suddenly Alex is no longer behind him, but coming out of the house with anger in his eyes. "Get inside!" he orders.
Jason turns to flee, but his muscles don't want to work. He can't move. Alex's sinister voice reverberates in his ears. "You can't escape, Jason...I'll always find you..."

"No!" Jason writhes in bed, soaking the sheets with sweat, his pulse racing beyond control and his muscles beginning to tense to the point of shaking. He curls up in a tight ball on the corner of the bed, desperately trying to pull himself out of his dream as his breathing grows shallow and he's in danger of passing out from shock.


"Yep I should of just let you die right?" *Katie shakes her head* "Ya I dont think so J. You can fool everyone alse with your masks but me. I'm not as stupid as I look. Now finish eating this." *Katie hands the rest of the candybar to Jason. Even though Katie cant see Jason's eyes she can see his emotions. His pain, everything he has worked at with Adam was being tossed out the door. Katie wondered if Jason new he was harming himself more than anyone alse could. Standing in a squating postion Katie trys to help Jason up onto the bed.* " Jason you need yous strength. Get some sleep. I know you dont want to cuz of the nightmaires, but I also know you sleep better when I am here." *Katie slides down next to the bed and leans aganst it.* "So her I am. Dont bother arguing with me. It wont do any good so you might as well just do it."


As Katie comes and goes the first time, Jason isn't even sure what's happening. When she comes back, his eyes can just make out a form lowering down next to him with an outstretched hand toward him, the spoken words not quite registering.

Fear still clinging to him, he lashes out to grab Katie's wrist, his fingers in a locked hold, fighting her for just a moment. Bringing her face into focus through the dim nightlight though, he quickly lets go, dazed and confused. Sensing the candy being offered, something in his subconscious finally makes it through to signal himself that he needed it. The form was Katie, and she was helping him not hurting him. Taking a bite, he leans his head back against the bed, totally exhausted. But the sugar takes effect almost immediately, heightening his senses and bringing him further into a state of alertness. He tries to get up but gives up, simply stretching his legs out in front of him and staying beside the bed. A muttered statement slips out under his breath, more depressed than upset. "I told you not to come in here...you shoulda just left me alone." Daring to turn his head, he catches Katie's eye with a stare that is hollow...it lacks the life that was there just days before...there was no hope in his gaze, only a dark hole that was swallowing up his life.

He knows that his actions and words towards her have been less than what a friend should do, but he doesn't want to feel anymore pain....feeling numb is easier...it hurt less.
And yet...his heart cried out for help. He was trying to overcome all of these obstacles that were tumbling in front of him at once, and he was failing.

As he looks at Katie, the nightlight catches his attention and for a brief moment, he's sucked back into a world apart from reality, into that dark room with a small light his only comfort. Shuddering, Jason doesn't want to even admit how severely this problem has returned for even these little things to trigger those horrid memories. Fear and anger creep into his veins as the realization comes to light that it is worse than it was before.

His emotions start to slip. He'd worked hard all day at building up that wall and had succeeded with the final touches only hours before. But nothing affected him like these flashbacks and nightmares. They were like weapons of war that could destroy anything in its path, his heart and mind left vulnerable and open on the battle field. And nothing threatened his own barricade like Katie's presence did.

The raw emotions pool behind Jason's eyes, and he draws his legs up to his chest in an act of nervous security, half of him wanting Katie just to leave him be in his misery and half of him feeling as a child not wanting to be left alone in the dark. The night no longer held comforting rest...it loomed in front of him like a dark cave with unknown dangers lurking inside. If he slept, he would suffer.


*Katie sighs as Jason slams the door in her face. Trying not to let it bother her she heads to her bed to write an email.* {Dear Jade, How has everything been? I'm doing ok. So that guy I told you about Wyatt? Well we started seeing eachother now I think. lol. He's so sweet Jade. I was to bring him out sometime so you guys can meet him. How is everyone doing? I havent hurd from my aunt in so long. Well I better get to bed. Take care Jade. -Katie}

*Katie lays in bed for several hours not being able to sleep. Finally as sleep it knocking at Katie's door she shoots up from Bed JASON. Climbing out of bed she heads to the door. Stoping for a moment she hesatates. Katie new she had a job to do not to mention Jason was her friend she couldent leave him. Opening the door gun drawn she see Jason laying on the ground in the not normal nightmare position. Going over to him Katie tilts his head and looks into his eyes. Than checking his pluse she gets up and walks into her room grabing a candybar. Going back into her room she grabs a candybar. Going back to Jason she sits next to him and put the candybar to his lips.* " Eat this J your sugar is low."

The night

Wyatt gives Katie and encouraging smile. Her wanting him to meet her family made him feel good…wanted. “I’d love to meet your aunt sometime.”
After sitting for just a few minutes in quiet, Wyatt takes the initiative to move on. “If you want to come along, I’m going to go inside and start making some calls about where you two will stay tonight. I know Jason was going to do it, but I don’t want to put any more undo pressure on him.” He rises and offers Katie a hand up. “And might I suggest you packing a few things? You’ll be able to get back here okay, but you might want some extra things with you at the hotel.”

After a couple hours, Jason finally wakes from his foggy state, only to find his headache back. Hearing the others talking though, he rises, from the couch to join them in the kitchen. Laura is cooking supper for all of them, and Wyatt was on the phone.
Leaning on the doorway, Jason crosses his arms casually, listening to figure out that Wyatt is calling a hotel. For a moment he’s a little upset that he didn’t get to do it himself, but then realizes he really doesn’t care. As long as he’s got a bed to sleep in.
Supper doesn’t take long, and Wyatt keeps the conversation lively with banter back and forth with both Laura and Katie. Jason interacts some, though is fairly quiet, barely eating anything as his stomach churns with just the smell, even though he’s always liked Laura’s cooking.

By eight o’clock that night, Wyatt prompts both Katie and Jason to get ready to go. He offers them a lift, explaining which hotel they’re going to and what he set up with them.

The three head back to TJY to drop of Trooper for the night and pick up money for the hotel, then heads across town. A suite is reserved with two rooms and separate baths, sharing a living room area and small kitchenette.
After Wyatt leaves, Jason checks in and makes his way to the second floor with Katie. Entering the suite, he automatically heads to the room on the righthand side, tossing a borrowed bag on the floor with his clothes from Laura’s. He goes to the window to check out the view over the swimming pool, then draws the blinds to avoid any suspect seeing them move about.
Turning around, he sets his hands on his hips and eyes Katie warily. He’s hardly spoken to anyone all evening, but feeling as numb as he does, it doesn’t affect his decisions. He hasn’t even discussed any of this situation with Katie, avoiding it, knowing good and well that Katie can sense he’s not happy about it. “Well…I’m heading to bed. Hear anything suspicious, let me know.”
He heads to his room, but stops, turning once more. “And Katie…” He purses his lips in thought, studying her for just a moment, with his stare. Keeping his mind on track, he reminds himself of the seriousness here and the professionalism. “I can’t hide nightmares from you and I know it. I’m not expecting to have trouble tonight, but if I do, just let me ride it out. If anyone barges in here, it would be worse for both of us to be in that position.” He spins back around and enters his room, shutting his door quietly.

Eleven o’clock. Jason sits wide awake in a chair, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. He’d tried watching tv for a while, but nothing was of interest. He’d tried counting backwards from three hundred, but he’d made it to 1 twice without drifting to sleep. His mind didn’t seem to want to shut down as it raced behind his newly built walls.
Finally rising, he pulls off his shirt and flops into the soft bed, his jeans still on. If he was going to be any good at work tomorrow, he had to get some sleep.

One o’clock. Jason writhes in bed, desperately trying to pull himself out of his nightmare. He’s running, running….fighting…screaming….there’s police… Austin… his mother… his house on fire…Alex… and even Katie mixed into the vivid scenes, skewed by a torrent of horrific images. His subconscious yells at him to wake up, but it takes what seems like an eternity plus a passing car on the street below with a loud muffler to send him bolt upright in bed. He lets out a cry as pain shoots through his leg from his sudden move.
Not even thinking straight, he rolls himself out of bed, trying to rid his mind of the nightmare. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He couldn’t take this. How much longer must he suffer?
His whole body trembles from shock, the exhausting effects taking hold of his muscles once again. Stumbling to the bathroom he loses what little supper he had before making it back into his bedroom to grab the bottle of Advil for his head. His knee gives out on him and instead of getting to his bed, he sinks to the floor beside it, too weak to get up.

Close to you

*Katie lays her head on Wyatt* " Thank you Wy. You mean alot to me." *Kait was thankful for Wyatt as her heart opened to him.* " I know your not thrilled but thank you for working with me and trying to understand. I promise I will prove my trust to you. And yes Divieded rooms would work well. Maybe I should look into geting a car tomarrow." *Katie thinks for a long moment. Than than looks Wyatt in the eyes.* " When we have time, I'd like you to come out to Texas and meet my Aunt. I bet she would like you." *Katie smiles. Wyatt had helped her calm down. She felt so much better being close to him.*


Wyatt listens thoughtfully. He could sense Katie’s genuine hurt for a friend. And though feeling just a little awkward that it was Jason she was talking about, he couldn’t help but admire her depth of friendship and care.
“I knew when Jason got back here that he’d changed…I could tell he’d been through a lot and was more focused…maybe grown up more, though I hate to use that term.”
He shakes his head sadly. “I wish I could see what you do…I can’t, but I believe you. I wish I knew how to help him.”
Wyatt lets Katie talk again, sensing another serious subject arising. As he hears the news, he can feel his heart sink just a little, but he tries not to let it show. “Well, Katie…you’re the only one who can tell if you’re making the right decision or not… I suppose my own perspective is that you’ve got a job to do. Whether you’re protecting Jason, me or Scott… If…” He hesitates, but says it anyway. “If there are no personal feelings involved, then you just have to learn how to separate job from friendship. It’s possible.”
He glances at her, and reaches over to put an arm around her shoulders. “As far as you and I are concerned…you can’t expect me to be thrilled about this, but where you have to do a job, I have to accept that fact too. We’ll still find time to be together…whenever Jason’s with other people or at TJY, you’ll be free, and….” He cocks his head to see her eyes. “…And I’m just going to have to force myself to trust you.” He offers a little grin. “Take it as a compliment.”
Wyatt gives her a little squeeze. “It’ll all work out…I promise. And…if you want, I’ll even help get things set up for you, however this is going to work with him staying at a hotel for a while. We’ve used the one downtown before…it’s got a suite with divided rooms.” He shrugs, not necessarily liking this topic, but not able to avoid it. “How do you feel about that?”

Jason stretches out on Laura’s couch, feeling the Advil starting to kick in. It wasn’t doing much for his stomach since he hadn’t eaten anything, but it was making him drowsy. Maybe he’d be able to just get a short nap in…

Laura looks down on him thoughtfully as he drifts off. “Where are you, Jason?” she whispers. “Where are you hiding?” She goes back over to the pictures, smiling at Jason’s face. He and Con had always been there for her… but there was a part of Jason she’d never known. They had all been friends…good friends…but a part of Jason had always been kept at a distance. She’d caught a glimpse of it about a week ago… but today…it was gone again.